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Can you still make SOME (IGG) antibodies on Valtrax?


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I really hope someone responds to this message and has some knowledge on blood tests.

I can't seem to find any information regarding this question.

The only information that I found, was to stop taking Valtrax (a while) before having blood tests.

While, I understand IGM is unreliable, I have had it come back positive twice. I haven't had any external sores. I've only had "Inflamed Cervix" per my doctor. I also had other symptoms (Burning/discharge).


First test 7/19/17. - NO VALTRAX


HSV1- .07

HSV2- .08

Postive Igm 1.11


7/31/17 VALTRAX 1GM was taken before test


HSV1- Less than .01

HSV2 .06

Postive IGM 1.26


9/1/17 - 500 MG. valtrax daily. (8 weeks post exposure)

HSV1- Less than .01

HSV2- .06

IGM - Negative .78


Even though I've been taking Valtrax daily, should I still be seeing the IGG values rising (even slightly)?

Or does the valtrax just stop ALL signs of IGG production?


Per my doctors recommendation, she said stop the Valtrax immediately. Thoughts?




12 weeks following infection, IgG tests will recognize 70% of HSV1 infections and 95% of HSV2 infections. If antivirals have been taken during that time, it can take longer for antibodies to build, but I don't know how much longer. You may want to ask Terri Warren or search her Westover Heights online Q&A forum as I'd guess this question has been asked before.


Here's what the CDC has to say about IgM testing: "IgM testing for HSV-1 or HSV-2 is not useful, because IgM tests are not type-specific and might be positive during recurrent genital or oral episodes of herpes." https://www.cdc.gov/std/herpes/stdfact-herpes-detailed.htm



@Optimist ,


I know it takes longer for them to build on valtrax. I want to know if it gives a complete hault to the IGG numbers? I guess I'm curious to know if the values should rise even a small amount.


I've scoured the internet looking for this answer (even Terri Warrens website).

Maybe it's there and I'm just not finding it. Again, I only find that is slows the production of antibodies (as you mentioned)


It was my doctors recommendation to come back and 4 weeks later (9/1/17) from the previous test. In addition, she said that she saw no further need to retest since i was negative and haven't had a outbreak. She went from a pretty strong " you have this" on the first results to maybe you're getting a false negative on the IGM. She even said my insurance wouldn't cover anymore test, now that it showed negative. That didn't really make sense to me.


Maybe I should find another doctor to do testing?


I assume the Valtrax could be preventing me from getting symptoms or and OB.

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