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So almost 10 years ago, I was 18 and damn confused about what was going on down below. It was painful and I couldn’t urinate without having a shower. Went to the doctor, she plopped me up on her table and said “yep, it’s herpes”, gave me a little booklet about it and ushered me out of the door.

That all happened in (what felt like) 5 minutes. I had no idea what the hell just happened and I almost passed out when I rushed to my mum in the waiting room. From what I had believed I was just giving a death sentence to my dating and sex life. I was completely destroyed. I remember going home and getting a little mirror to check it out myself and cried myself to sleep with nightmares of what I’d just seen.


Present day, I’ve learnt to deal with it and have had helpful and accepting partners in the past. But my concern is, I was never told if I had GHSV1 or GHSV2. I wasn’t even lab tested!? I’ve had that one horrible outbreak at the beginning, and 2 other very minor ones in the first few years. Now all I get is that tingling and/or itching sensation if I’m sick, stressed or just thinking about H too much.


Is there a way for me to find out which of the two it is? Or is it too late? I’m just frustrated at the fact I’ve been telling my past partners it’s GHSV2, because I always assumed that’s the only one it could be.


Anyone else had a similar experience?

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Maybe call your OBGYN and see if they can blood test you. I don’t realky know much (close to nothing honestly) about being H+, but I do know when I went to my doctor and had blood drawn my tests came back telling me I’m HSV1. I’ve never had an outbreak or any signs of even having herpes, so I was completely taken back by the news. I still have never had an out break, 3 mths into knowing, but ever since finding out I’m H+ I get constant tingling, pin prickling, itching pain.


Good luck!!

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