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Have herpes... and it looks like I have HPV too. Yay me.

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About 2 months ago during the semester the lesions popped up on my coochie and upon going to the doctor she took one look at them and said I most likely have herpes. Over the following weeks the amount of tears and self loathing I felt was unfathomable but I somewhat fake to terms with it and even told my boyfriend who fully supports and loves me. Now I’m home for the holidays and these growths have popped up that, after countless hours of Google mania, look like genital warts. I feel like I can’t take this. I know I need to go to the doctor and get properly tested but with limited funds and strict parents I’m gonna have to wait until I’m back in varsity next year. How do I tell my partner this now? I’ve only just barely come to terms with my herpes diagnosis and with this I feel like I can’t handle it. I’m a person with already low self esteem and this just makes me feel even more disgusting then I’ve ever felt in my life. Can anyone offer any wise words to help me through this? I can’t seem to get myself out of this black hole of self pity and self hatred and it’s showing on the outside. Much appreciated x

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Welcome, @Amiable_Flower. Perhaps the campus health center or a Planned Parenthood can help you with an official diagnosis for a lower cost and less hassle than dealing with your parents? A local public health clinic might also offer services at a reduced rate or on a sliding scale. Might be worth a call. I’m not familiar enough with HPV to offer practical advice about your symptoms, but chatting with a doctor will be a big help to discuss your specific case.


Adrial has said that something like HSV has a way of bringing all of your shit (emotional baggage) to the surface. I know that was certainly true for me. Do you have access to see a counselor? Many health insurance plans will allow a certain number of visits for a small copay, and many large employers offer an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) which lets you or a family member see a counselor at no cost for a handful of sessions (6-8/year is common). I completely understand not wanting to get into specifics with your parents, but it won’t hurt anything to tell them something vague like you’re feeling a lot of pressure from school and an advisor or a friend suggested talking it out with someone to help manage the stress.


Meanwhile, learning as much as you can about HPV and being kind to yourself with some self care (enough sleep, eating better, exercise, activities you enjoy, talking to yourself like you’d talk to a friend, etc.) can make a *world* of difference with how we handle things mentally and emotionally. Put one foot in front of the other....you got past the initial shell-shock of HSV and you can absolutely do it again with HPV. {{hugs}}





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