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We both have Been HSV2 positive for over 15+ years

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New relationship, both positive for hsv2 for over 15 years. This is my first relationship with another positive which has me curious.... if we have unprotected sex during an outbreak can we inoculate ourselves orally with hsv2? I’m just curious how far we can go in this relationship, I don’t specifically plan on having sex during an outbreak and neither does he, just curious of the answer or if anyone knows.


I have noticed oral HSV1 can cause out breaks when one person has one shares a drink, or gets physical with another person who didn't already have an out break. Not personal experience, just have seen it happen a few times in the past.

Personally, I choose to abstain while having an out break just to avoid triggering symptoms for my girlfriend (as we both have ghsv1). It may well be 'extra cautious', but much like sharing the flu, I'd rather not possibly spend a month exchanging symptoms. An occasional out break is more than plenty in my mind.

That said, I will point out that this is not based on any real science, and your question is probably best answered by a doctor.


Once you have the virus you can't get it again. As for passing it orally, having it genitally offers some immunity to contracting it elsewhere. Furthermore HSV2 doesn't like the mouth so even if you did contract it orally it is extremely unlikely to have subsequent oral outbreaks with HSV2. So if you feel like having sex have it.

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