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Just got test results back - questions!!!!

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Hi All,

I’m writing this confused out of my mind. I did a recent STD checkup which included tests for both HSV1 and 2. I’ve had HSV1 since I wasn’t little, so no surprises there. However, this time HSV2 came back positive on the Igg scale at 23! They say anything over 1 or so is positive. I’ve never in life had symptoms, a breakout, etc. Could this High reading be from anything else? My doctor said to live life and come back if I ever have lesions or a visible breakout (he said it’s quite possible I never will). I feel like a contagious human walking right now. I was told that I lived life fine w the occasional cold sore as I didn’t tell everyone I get them, merely avoid kissing when an outbreak is present. He suggested the same w HSV2. Symptoms may never present themselves, and to continue to live life. I need help, thoughts, feedback, please. Thank you in advance!!

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God, can I ever relate. I had an STD panel done after my divorce, and was floored to find out I also have HSV1 and HSV2. When my ex-husband later tested negative for both, it meant I’d been carrying the viruses for 18-25 years with absolutely no idea (I probably had HSV1 for even longer). In hindsight, I believe the frequent itching and rare sensitivity I had were actually symptoms of herpes (they went away when I tried antivirals). The nurse practitioner who gave me the news gave me similar advice....”if you have an outbreak, just have him use a condom.”


The IgG is very accurate for HSV2 (it sometimes gives false negatives for HSV1).


Welcome—you’re not alone and the shock does wear off. :) {{{hugs}}}


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I got genital hsv 2 from someone who wasnt showing symptoms. When he got the blood test his results were positive. It is totally possible to have it and not showing symptoms. However if you want to repeat the test or have a hard time believing it, you can get the Western blot.

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Your stats of being contagious will likely be much lower as you have never presented with symptoms - BUT viral shedding is still likely to occur (read the handouts on here-they are very informative).


You may become more aware of your body now and feel things that before you didn't pay attention to (signs of virus at surface - tingling, itching etc). This is a good thing - you will be able to listen to what your body is telling you and take necessary precautions.


But please, please, ALWAYS disclose your status if you're wanting to have sex with someone. In your case, you will just be able to explain that you went in for a routine test and was surprised to learn you're a carrier. Many people are and don't realise. Certainly go forward and live your life as before, but I don't suggest hiding it from a sexual partner. The guilt you will feel is not worth it and you run the risk of infecting someone without their consent/knowledge, which I can imagine would be an awful thing to go through.


The worst thing about my acquisition of the virus (and I am sure many will attest to this), is that I was not informed of his status. I was not given a choice; and had I have been, I would not have taken it (purely because it was a one-night stand with someone I had very little interest in - oh how much I have changed since then!)

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