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Just got my results and I’m so confused... please help

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I have just got my test results back it’s come back positive for HSV-1. I’m a little confused as I have never had a sores round my mouth. My outbreak was around my genitals. Any information would be appreciated. Also what does this mean in the sense of oral sex, can I pass it on giving him oral or if he hasn’t got it can it passes on by him giving me oral? I’m really confused. Not just oral sex, normal sex if there is no oral involved; and he hasn’t got it can it be passed on that way?

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It sounds likey you have genital HSV1, which is quit common. I think almost half of genital HSV cases are type 1 but I'm not sure. Anyway, you will not pass on genital herpes (regardless of type) through your mouth. So you can kiss and/or perform oral sex without worrying about you passing it that way. You could pass your genital herpes type 1 to your partner's mouth if he is performing oral sex on you. You could also transmit it to his genitals through vaginal sex. Basically for you to pass on your HSV something needs to come into contact with your genitals.


Also has your partner been tested yet? HSV1 is so common he might already have it. In which case he has much less to worry about. If you are positive and he is negative there are way to significantly decrease the risk of transmission.

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I also have genital hsv-1.

You seem to not have gotten a lot of information from your doctor. so, if you have a primary care physician, I would recommend that you ask them to provide you with some solid answers ro your questions, and also ask for any additional advice they can give you.


Sorry to hear you have joined the club, but don't let it get you down too much!

There are many MANY people who are dealing or have delt with similar issues, and we here are happy to provide support and advice!


More information that you might need:

1. It is possible to spread the virus without symptoms. While it is unlikely, it has happened to people. Precautions you can take include using condoms, taking a suppression medicine (valacyclovir or equivalent), and paying attention to your body to gain understanding of what herpes symptoms feel like for you personally, versus something non-herpes related.


2. It is possible to spread the virus to other parts of your own body. This seems to be most likely to happen early on, before your immune system has a chance to develop into an effective fighter against herpes. Precautions you can take include washing you hands well after touching your genitals, especially if you touch sores directly, and also taking valacyclovir or equivalent. This is not something to have a panic attack over, but it is possible to spread the virus to eyes, mouth, hands, etc. Simply washing your hands with soap and water eliminates the risk.


3. Inform those you intend to have intercourse with of your condition, and help them to get answers to their questions. Consent is vital, and there is never a good reason to rob someone of their right to have consentual sex. There is nothing wrong with enjoying sex, just make sure your partner gets to enjoy it too.


4. Remember that herpes doesn't define you. You are the same great person you have always been, and you will continue to be just as great, always!


Finally, I am definitely not a doctor, and everything I state should be taken as a personal opinion. If you want real answers, seek advice from a real doctor. And expect that any doctor should be happy to take the time to explain things in a way that you understand, so that you are equipped with the tools you need to continue to live healthy, happy, and securely! If your doctor doesn't do this, seek a second opinion.

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