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Help! When did I contract herpes?

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Hi All,


I contracted genital herpes just over a year ago. During the first initial outbreak, I initially thought I was suffering from chronic fatigue, also with sneezing and flu-like symptoms. So classic pro dome. About two weeks after I discovered a blister which was painful and itchy. Since then my symptoms have been fairly consistent and unfortunately constant - itching at night time, feeling rundown and swollen glands. The symptoms are far worse around my monthly cycle, which has always been dreadful - both emotionally and physically. The constant nature of my symptoms (in particular, feeling like ants are crawling under my skin) have caused me to very depressed and shattered my self esteem. I have just resigned from my incredibly stressful job to see if I can try and get my life back on track. I am also doing everything health and diet-wise to keep my symptoms at bay.


My question relates to when I contracted this virus. I had been in a monogamous relationship with my current partner for a year prior to my first outbreak and my last sexual partner of 10 years was over 3 years prior to that. How likely is it that my herpes 2 could have been dormant in my system from years ago, or is it likely to have come from my current partner, given how constant my symptoms are? I am in my mid forties. My partner is learning to be more supportive, but he is equally baffled at where this has come from. He has never had any outbreaks and his blood test came back negative when I was diagnosed a year ago. He can also count the number of his sexual partners on one hand. I appreciate is it not possible to provide a definitive answers for a virus of this nature, however any thoughts or advice given the symptoms I have experienced over the last year would be very much appreciated. It has put a great deal of pressure on our relationship.


Many thanks in advance.




I too am trying to learn about why one person can have it and another won't. I'd like to find out from any resources and medical websites as to why this disease lays dormant and the nature of this


This does not sound like herpes to me. You may have contracted herpes a year ago, but you also likely contracted something else as well. What have you been tested for other an for herpes.

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