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H on my arm

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Hi! I have HSV2 (confirmed with western blot) I don’t know when I got it because I’ve never had a genital break out. In my 20’s I had something on my arm twice and then never again (until today) knowing what I know now I believe it was herpes. Fast forward to now I’m 43 and have an outbreak on the back of my arm as of today. I didn’t even know it was there, no pain or itching but it’s definitely blisters. Was in a 16 year relationship and did not pass HSV2 to my partner no doctor can explain this. What are your thoughts? Why my arm? How could it be I never passed this to a partner..... if I don’t get it in my genital area is it still possible to spread it through intercourse?


I had assumed until this post that mucus membrane was the way to transmit. However, I have had an incredibly itchy rash with little dots on my hand and arm and face at the same time as an outbreak, and it went away as I began valtrex. I sort of assumed it was shingles? I would probably go to the doctor for this one.


Unfortunately I think many doctors are not very educated in this area..... I was shocked to see this outbreak on my arm since it’s been 20 plus years since I’ve had one....


@Pinky, have you ever had the spot on your arm swabbed to see if it’s really herpes?


To answer you other question, yes, you can transmit HSV even if you have no symptoms. It’s called asymptomatic sheddding...when the virus exits your body without producing noticeable symptoms. (Better explained in this handbook: https://westoverheights.com/herpes/the-updated-herpes-handbook/)


I’m close to your age and am also surprised I never gave HSV1 or HSV2 to my ex-husband when we were together for 16 years (my surprise diagnosis came after we were divorced). As for why he didn’t get it, there are lots of possible explanations, but no way to know for sure. Maybe he had a fabulous immune system. Maybe my body doesn’t shed the virus very often. Maybe our timing was just really, really lucky and we never had sex while I was shedding. It’s true that many doctors are not very well educated about HSV.

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