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Offically diagnosed 1/20/18

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I started with symptoms just 4 days after having sex with my boyfriend of over a year, serious for about 4 mos or so...4 days after feeling off i was unable to sit or go to the bathroom with noticeable ulcers. I called my GYN who started me on 2 grams of Valtrex for 10 days. It definitely got worse before it got better. Official viral culture of an ulcer came back a week later for HSV2. I've seen and or spoken to 4 different GYN providers who have all unanimously agreed that I was just exposed to the virus to have such extreme symptoms. My boyfriend said the last time hes been with someone else was 6 months ago and hes never had a symptom. He isnt completely denying hes given it to me but he also isnt accusing me of cheating either. But I was having full blown symptoms..swollen lymph nodes, leg and foot pain, buttock pain and overall sluggishness on top of the sores themselves. I couldnt sit for days! Currently i have no ulcers present but i still have achiness in buttocks and some achiness in my legs and feet. I just started my suppressive 500 mg Valtrex yesterday morning but by the afternoon I had such intense itching on vagina and rectum, so bad I could barely sit still. Its alittle better today but still very annoying. Ive read that this is common even with no ulcers present. I've been handling this fairly well since the start but I find myself to day not handling it so well and freaking the hell out so i decided to join this forum for help and support. Any advice or similar stories of their first? Thank you in advance!

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My first outbreak came 15 years into my monogamous relationship with my hubby. He has never had any symptoms, not even a cold sore, so you can imagine my shock. Since my outbreak was determined to have been a recent exposure the only possibility is that my husband was the culprit. He never went to get tested because neither of us really cared enough to see but the assumption is that he's an asymptomatic carrier and I finally got it after 15 years. But he's pretty awesome and I'd get herpes any day for that guy. Good luck!

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It really seems unreal for someone to carry for so long and never expose it to their partner until day, weeks, months and in your case years later. It’s hard for me to accept in general. But like i said i had 4 doctors tell me it was my first exposure so who am i to say otherwise.

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Last year around April I got a full on outbreak couldn't walk for 2 weeks, 2 days after sex w my ex so I fought it was him since it was so severe he came back negative the last person I was w. Was 4months a good if it was even him it took 4 months for this to happen I didn't even get a symptom of it before that

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Lifegoesonn..I’ve been trying to wrap my head around it. I’ve read on the CDC website that it takes 4-20 days after exposure ifnyour going to react. I had every symptoms possible..swollen lymph nodes and all. 4 docs told me i was just exposed...i was thinking of having blood test done but read they could be false. I don’t know what to think or do.

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Marcykatt, if you want to know if you were recently exposed, I would get the IgG blood test. If it is negative, then you know you were recently exposed. I believe this is important. If you are positive by the blood test, you were not recently exposed and you could possibility pass this to your boyfriend if he is negative. In addition, he needs to be tested.

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The most common Blood tests (Herpes select) measure IgG antibody production, which usually takes a few weeks to produce. If this is truly your first outbreak, after a recent infection, the IgG tests will be negative, as your body has not had time to produce enough IgG antibodies.

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I don't believe he has any desire to get tested, he slept with another girl several months ago and I think that he may have gotten it from her or he had gotten prior and has given it to me. He said hes never had any symptoms but idk if he wouldve recognize them, I wonder now because looking back id see him itch/scratch several times. Not knowing is killing me really, im on suppressive therapy and im terrified if he didn't give it to me that I may give it to him and if one day he wakes up with a symptom he will think I gave it to him. I don't know, CDC says 4-20 days after exposure if your going to develop symptoms and my outbreak was literally 5 days later and text book symptoms. 4 doctors telling me that I had just been exposed so its really difficult for m to wrap my head around...10 days of 2G Valtrex and now on suppressive 500mg daily.

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You should get a IgG herpes test stat. It should be negative with a recent outbreak. However, I am concerned that your boyfriend will not be tested. Though the majority of the people have HSV-1 (50-80%) orally, numbers are irrelevant to individuals. Would you mind catching HSV-1 genitally as well as HSV-2. For that matter, would you mind catching HPV, HIV, or other diseases from him. I think you should reconsider your relationship if he refuses to get tested. He clearly is not that concerned about your health.



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