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Questions on giving blood

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Before I contracted herpes which was about a year and a half ago I was a regular blood donor. I have refrained from donating blood because I know on their questionnaire they ask if you have any STD's. I keep my herpes status to myself. The only people that know about it are my boyfriend (who I got it from), a close friend, the pharmacist, and my Gyno. Is there any reason that I need to let American Red Cross know that I have herpes? Will they some how be able to see the medication I take when they test my blood? I don't want to lie but I miss donating blood and I literally don't personally know anyone that has herpes so I have no one to ask these questions to. Thank you in advance.

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The herpes simplex virus is not present in blood. Only antibodies are present. Also, a majority of adults have HSV, so a majority of blood donations will have HSV antibodies, but not the virus since that's not found in blood. Not sure what to tell you about the questionnaire but I'm certain HSV is not a disqualification for blood donation. Most adults carry at least 4 of the 8 herpes viruses that commonly infect humans.

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I know for a fact you can donate blood despite your HSV+ diagnosis.

I verified this with a blood donation screening nurse at a blood bank shortly after my diagnosis.

Because the virus remains on nerve pathways, and not in the blood, it is considered safe.

However, if you want to limit who you tell about it, that is totally understandable.

I'd advise against getting blood drawn when having symptoms anyway, as you need that blood and those antibodies to control the virus.

The usual caveat:

I'm not a doctor and have near zero medical knowledge. Always ask your doctor / pharmacist amd follow their recommendations exactly.

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