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    Welcome to the Herpes Opportunity Support Forum! We are a supportive and positive group to help you discover and live your Opportunity. Together, we can shed the shame and embrace vulnerability and true connection. Because who you are is more important than what you have. Get your free e-book and handouts here: https://www.herpesopportunity.com/lp/ebook

Almost 2 months!

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Hi all,

It’s been 2 months having been diagnosed with genital hsv1. I’ve been having a really difficult time dealing with the news. My bf I’ve been dating for almost a year gave it to me by oral sex and he didn’t even know he had hsv1. The first outbreak was absolutely horrific and I hope to never experience that pain ever again! It came with flu like symptoms, low grade fever and was very very tired! Now that my outbreak is healed I’m still feeling flu like symptoms just without the fever! I have headaches off and on, burny and dry eyes and just feeling very depressed, my dr blames it on allergies. I was reading on lysine and vitamin c and was wondering how well that works?! I feel like I just need some positivity and only my close family and bf knows. I have major anxiety in general and the diagnoses is making it worse!

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You should ask your doctor about suppression medicine like valacyclovir. It will help you fight the virus.

I know the kind of depression you are going through.

The loss of identity, the shame, the fear about the future.

It's really a good thing that you have people close to you to talk to. Keep doing that.

Try to make plans to do something exciting soon. It will give you something to look forward to, and begin to feel better about the future.

Find ways to help people close to you. Their genuine gratitude and appreciation will help you to remember that you are valuable and desirable.

Know that herpes hasn't changed you a bit. You are still good at the things you were good at 2 months ago.

Keep doing the things you used to enjoy. Keep doing the things you used to be good at. You'll see that you are still good at those things, and that the sense of accomplishment you gain from those things will help you to realize that your goals and your dreams are still just as much within reach!

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Hi there,


I’ve been recently diagnosed so I completely empathize with how you’re feeling. The main thing I’ve been telling myself that seems to help is that there are ways to make this diagnosis a positive.


The uncomfortable conversations and stigmas force us to be better communicators and more open with our feelings. In addition, it allows us to empathize and understand things on a deeper level with those we care about. I hope that as the dust settles we can begin to embrace the positives and move forward from the negatives.


When your anxiety is flairing up it may be worth checking out some deep breathing excercises or meditation apps (like headspace). They can help when things are tough..


Feel free to message me if you need any more positivity! We can use all the support we can get.

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