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Rejection after the talk

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I am new to this site. I recently met someone and things were going great. He was a really great guy and we were compatible on all levels. After 2 dates I decided to have "the talk" with him. I am an honest person and felt like I needed to tell him. He was nice about it and would like to be friends. He said I was a great person. But I have not heard from him but it's only been a day but we were talking every day. This is my first time of rejection and I am having a hard time dealing with it. How are you supposed to be friends after being rejected? I can't imagine going thru this again.

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Awww I’m sorry you’re going thru this. I have only known about my HSV2 diagnosis almost 5 months so I haven’t disclosed yet. It’s really nerve wracking just thinking about it! Maybe he’s doing some research on his own and may come around. You should encourage him to get tested..he may already have it!! Hugs!

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I myself just came home from a first date. I already knew I wasn't into the guy after about the first 10 minutes but decided not to judge too quickly and see where it would go. At the end of our date he told me he had gone out with a woman the week before and the she was telling him how she had herpes. His words "I couldn't run away fast enough".

I wanted to chime in and tell him that I also had herpes but sitting across from him listening to those words hurt. He spoke so ignorantly about the subject that it wasn't even worth the air in my lungs to explain how stupid he sounded. Again, I knew it wasn't going well from the get go and that pretty much sealed the deal. How do we educated those who won't even listen?

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Thank you for the responses. This site has helped me. It's just hard knowing that he rejected me for the herpes. But from what people say on here I guess I found out his true colors. You tell somebody and they can't even be honest. They say we can be friends yet you don't hear from them. I haven't told many people so it's hard not having someone to talk to about it.

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KindCaring - it has only been one day. I have spent a lot of time researching herpes. Prior to my diagnosis, if someone disclosed to me, I would have taken more than one day to make a decision. He treated you kindly when you disclosed. I think that is all we can ask for. It hurts, even if he doesn't contact you, it just means it isn't right for him. Doesn't mean he is a bad person.


I know you need a friend right now, but regardless of whether you move forward in a romantic relationship with this guy, he is probably not the person to confide all the gory details of H.

Some of the posts I have read, people don't even announce "I'm having an Outbreak!" They simply say "We can do other things!" I like that!! It doesn't kill the moment. Keeps it sexy with your partner.


You will find many friends and a lot of support on this site. Hang in there!! Keep us updated, good luck!

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