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Are there any legit dating sites for HSV positive singles out there?

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Hello All,

I am new to the site. Really short rundown on how I got here...my ex-boyfriend lied when we got together and I asked the all important question, "have you been tested since your last partner and what were your results?". He is asymptomatic so just assumed he didn't have anything. About 6 months later, wham, I got hit with the news that he had given me HSV-2 (luckily that was all he gave me). So I've been trying to come to terms with it for about two and a half years now. I take meds so as to reduce chances of transmission, but getting back out into the dating world is still really hard for me. I usually just stop texting before I even get to the first date. The first time I actually came to that point where it was time to bring it up before things got intimate, I was brutally rejected. So I am wondering if anyone here knows of any dating sites that are for HSV positive singles? Legit dating sites. I tried joining one and it was a mess. Thanks for any info you might have.




Hi Roz and welcome!


Have you read this article yet?



In short, herpes-only dating is a form of pre-rejection, self-segregation and overall it lowers your odds of meeting someone that's right for you. Open your horizons and date as if you were a normal human being (psst, because you are). To help you disclose, I created a quick e-book to help get you into the mindset of this being an opportunity. Here it is: https://herpeslife.com/opportunity/free-ebook-signup.html

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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