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Totally confused/kissing

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A while back, I was in a relationship and I had an STD panel done including and the results showed positive for HSV-2 (IgG). I've never had any lesions-but may have had some sub-clinical symptoms. My partner was also tested(IgG) and he didn't have it. I went to see an infectious disease specialist, and she said that given my history that my body was handling it O.K. and not to worry-even about viral shedding. She did not feel medication was needed at that time, but she did tell me to take precautions. I did get some acyclovir just in case. After the relationship was over, I went in for another STD panel and tested positive for HSV-1, again IgG.  I'm assuming this is oral. I spoke to my ex-partner a few days ago(he said he didn't know about the HSV-1) and he got tested, but his results were negative. I'm not sure what's going on, since I was not kissing anybody else when I was with him and due to health reasons I have not been with anybody else. I have had some kisses on the cheek from other people when I was with him but I don't think any of them had an active OB. I don't share drinks or make up with people. I'm wondering if I might have gotten this from the communion cup at church, but I don't sip-I dip. I also think that would be really rare. So I'm not sure what is going on. Any ideas? I'm now wondering if one of the tests might have been a false positive or in his case a false negative? All I know is that I didn't have it before we started dating.  Not blaming-just curious. I have had two possible OB's of HSV-1, but looking back I'm not sure. I did take the acyclovir and it helped in both cases. My doctors don't think I should be on any suppressive medication at this time. I am also going to start dating someone, so I'm wondering if it is O.K. to kiss them on the lips and possibily deep kissing if I do not have an active OB of HSV-1 (again- assuming oral)? Hope this post isn't too long. Thanks for any ideas/support.  


@Lostgirl12https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC266403/ this is a link that tells you about a study of HSV testing, but it will show you generally HSV-1 will be more likely to generate false negatives than HSV-2 (they know it is false because they found the HSV 1 through another test the Western Blot, which is more accurate but expensive 226$) 

If it is a recent exposure it is recommended to wait 16 weeks from the infection date to test for the antibodies so that they have time to develop.

You can get it through aymtomatic shedding, and kisses on the cheek are possible but I think the chances are unlikely but it could have happened.

I have learned a lot from this website forum:  https://westoverheights.com/forum/

They also have a handbook that is free and helpful 🙂 

also this new partner, do you know they don't have it too (have-1 oral) many people have it and they could without knowing it (estimated ~70% of people I believe) 

I would tell them so they know. Me and my partner didn't know he had HSV-1 until he got tested after I had an outbreak genitally (most likely from oral sex) (also it is a shame they don't test for HSV 1 in most full STD panels) He had no symptoms and never had symptoms. However I have yet to get it orally, but knowing all this know I would still make out with him, it won't stop me! So it is possible to spread it without symptoms but I think also women during oral sex could be more vulnerable to the hsv-1 asymtomatic shedding in the genitals. I'm no expert but I've been doing a lot of reading. 

but doctors are experts so if you can ask a doctor 😉 

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