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Scared and unclear I have herpes?? HELP

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Back in January 2018, I noticed a tiny bump on my buttcheek (Attached image). It was slightly pink, flat and didn’t hurt at all if I tugged, squeezed or picked at it. It got worst around July 10th, 2018, (the bump annoyed me so I picked the sh*t out of it and kept apple cider vinegar cotton balls that were duct taped to it 25/7)  so I decided to go to the dermatologist. They concluded that it was herpes, so I did a blood test (IGG). For HSV-1 my results were 28.4 (above 1.09 is positive) and for HSV-2 it was 1.23. I understand it’s possible I had a high test for Simplex 1 because I occasionally get cold sores here and there, but I’m beyond confused about the HSV-2. I have never had any lesions in my genital area, and never had any other symptoms of Simplex 2. And If that bump was herpes, is it possible to have a bump for 6+ months like I did? I plan on getting retested in 3 months but I can’t stop freaking out about my results and really need some help! I need advice on if I should wait on my retest to see fully if I have HSV-2?? 



The only definitive way to tell if an outbreak is either HSV-1 or HSV-2 is to get it cultured/swab tested.

When you went in to see the derm, they only did a blood test instead of swabbing the actual spot itself? 

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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Yeah, this is the elusive thing about herpes. 😕 Even though your blood tests came back positive, you won’t know exactly if that was a herpes outbreak or not without a swab. (In some cases it’s a no-brainer that it’s a heroes outbreak, but in cases like these, it’s more of a grey area that can’t be visually diagnosed.

In the future it’s always a good idea to treat those types of things as a outbreaks just in case, but definitely get it swabbed if it comes back. Better to get the swab near the beginning when its fully formed so enough tissue can be collected. 

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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I didn’t know I had herpes until I got a blood test recently, which is why I didn’t even think of this as an outbreak. I’m hoping to do the Western Blot test to narrow down if I really do have HSV 2. Weird thing is both my gyno and dermatologist didn’t prescribe any medication for if I do have an outbreak. 

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