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What’s up community!! 

I found out I have genital hsv2 7 months ago via IGG with numbers I think at 10..I guess I had a slight initial outbreak with 2 little “lesions” on shaft of penis but they did not ooze or anything like that nor did i have pain. I haven’t had any lesions or blisters show back up  or any prodome symptoms. I also have oral HSV 1 since I was very youg...Should I jump on antivirals to prevent transmission or would you say I’m not that “contagious” and in dormancy? I’m just looking into options if I get into a relationship, obviously condoms are gunna be used but later on in the relationship we all know condoms aren’t being used..has anyone not passed the virus without taking antivirals or condom  use? 

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According to the research I've been doing, I'm pretty sure it can be transmitted at any time, even if you're on antivirals.  I believe it makes it less likely to transmit if you're not having an outbreak and on antivirals, but still possible.  You should ask a doctor to be sure.  

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13 minutes ago, Gina99 said:

The only way not to transmit ... is by not having sex haha. There’s always a chance! 

Haha!.. I know that, I’m just wondering has anyone not used antivirals or condoms and know they have not passed it on

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Hey Jaymes.  

Im happy your taking this well and educating yourself on all the precautions. 

Sadly theres always a chance to spread it. But supression therapy is a great way to ensure your covered with the add on of using a condom.  

Id still go talk to the doctor and ask about your options.  Its always the best bet. 

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1 hour ago, kinator said:

Hey Jaymes.  

Im happy your taking this well and educating yourself on all the precautions. 

Sadly theres always a chance to spread it. But supression therapy is a great way to ensure your covered with the add on of using a condom.  

Id still go talk to the doctor and ask about your options.  Its always the best bet. 

@kinator Yeah I don’t have any symptoms or breakouts. So sometimes I forget I have it but it does cross my mind at times and I wanna be as safe ass possible. 

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