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If I have herpes why I didn't get any medication

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I was diagnosed with herpes but didn't received/ prescribed any medication why is that? If I apparently had a break out. I went for a bump that was located in the pubis mons*pubic hair area.. It was just there no itching no burning no tingling or any of that.. so after being diagnosed I decided to Burst the bump. It bleed then disappear in the next hour or so.. like it never existed. I could've been misdiagnosed 


You were not officially diagnosed, then.  Until a swab test is done or a blood test is done, it's speculation.  There must have been something for the doctor to base that decision on.  Were you knowingly exposed?  And your body will eventually fight the virus and calm it down….meds aren't always necessary, especially if it's mild.  But from what you've provided, there's no way to know whether you have it or not.  You need to be tested.


During that time I had gotten bloodwork done. At that time a bump was present she said It could've been a ingrown hair.. then like weeks later I gotten worried bc I haven't heard anything so I had to keep calling.  She finally reached out to me on patient portal saying everything came out negative with the expectation of herpes simplex virus and she goes on to say if you need to contact me on patient portal and that was that. I haven't gotten any update so I went the same day I gotten my results to someone else the bump is still present. Haven't gotten any bigger this time I got a swab culture after the cultureI burst the bump still no pain no osing it bleed a little went back to check on it and it disappeared 

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