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Constant Burning Help!!

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Hello forum I made a post recently about the constant discomfort I've been experiencing since my initial GHSV1 OB 6 weeks ago and I didnt get much helpful information so I'm making another post outlining my symptoms to see if anyone can please help me! Almost daily I've been feeling some sort of discomfort and what feels like what people describe prodrome symptoms. It's mostly a burning feeling on my vulva and sometimes sharp pains and occasionally it burns when I pee. Its mostly in the evening and I have no idea how to control it. I'm on 500 mg of Valtrex and im  wondering if maybe that could be part of it? Maybe I should consider switching medications? I'm honestly so sick of this and just want my body to feel normal its also impossible to not think about hepres constantly when I'm always experiencing symptoms. I dont know if this means im shedding or still contagious? But I've had no visible lesions and my vagina looks totally normal. I've found little to no information thats helped my online other than "wait it out" But Im so frustrated and just want this to stop!!! Ive also met someone I like and want to have sex with and I want to tell him about my HSV1 but I don't know how to tell him when I'm still having these symptoms. I don't know if im comfortable having sex with someone while this is still happening!! I just want to move on with my life I want to accept myself and i REALLY just want to feel confident! Im so scared of my body and feel out of control!! please someone help me!! 

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