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I have a question!

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So I think I had my first outbreak 2 weeks ago. It’s questionable... my test came back negative, and it was in a weird spot. Like inside of my vagina, which I heard is a weird place for an outbreak. I had white dots but the disappeared in a day and then it felt like a really really bad yeast infection. 

I slept with the guy two weeks prior. He did not go down on me. We only had sex. He stuck the tip of his penis in me thinking I wouldn’t notice he didn’t have a condom on. 

Anyway, he got tested.. and he tested positive for hsv1. Said he’s never had a cold sore and never had an outbreak. 

He was <39.00.. 

what are the chances he has ghsv1 and gave it to me? Like how likely is that? 

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11 minutes ago, My_dog_is_hungry said:

Yeast infection can cause white dots.i wouldn't worry about it if it can back negative.

Yes, I know. But the gyno looked at it and on visual inspection said it was herpes... she only ran blood test.. igg and igm.. both came back negative. But at that point, only 2 weeks went by, so if I had antibodies to would be to soon to read... right? 

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