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Acyclovir and fatigue?

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I have been taking 500mg acyclovir to prevent outbreaks for over seven years. Recently, every time I take it I have the most extreme fatigue I’ve ever experienced. I can’t get out of bed, I can barely open my eyes. Has this happened to anyone else on this drug before? It’s affecting my quality of life to the point that I can no longer take it and just have to deal with outbreaks. This has been going on for the last six months. 

Thanks in advance for any answers or advice


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I’m taking a generic form of Valtrex 500 msg a day for 3 mths and I stopped taking it because it was causing me headaches and my skin is extremely dry it’s causing me to be really dehydrated. Plus I was getting a sore throat. I figured I would see what happens if I stopped taking it and just continue with my herbal supplements and vitamins and hopefully they will help me without taking any medication

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