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Partner doesn't have outbreaks

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How "normal" it is that my partner H+ (known bc we had an ob at the same time but haven't get tested) doesn't have recurrent outbreaks and I do? What does it mean? That his body has the virus under control and mine doesn't maybe bc it's a new infection? Does that mean that he has hsv1? I know that the only way to tell the strain it's to get tested but I'm very confussed 😟

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Hey TequilaGirl

It just means we are all different & our bodies all react differently to certain things.

Some people have Herpes so bad but most have milder symptoms & some have no symptoms at all.

Over time your body will adjust to it & you will have less n less OB's

Good luck!

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Thank you so much Armando!

Seriously it will get better? I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel... having (milder than the first one) OB's kinda frecuently (at least each month when period comes) it's like non ending cycle 😢 like some day's I'm up but when I feel an ob coming everything goes down again... I can't remember the last day that I felt normal 😞 And I hate that my partner looks nonchalant bc he doesn't have outbreaks i'm jealous 😫

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