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Dating someone with weaker immune system and worried

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I've started dating someone who I really like, but they have told me that they have a condition called Crohn's Disease which is a disease that affects your intensines. 

From what I've researched, people with this condition can have weaker immune systems due to the disease/medication they take. 

I was always planning to disclose but I feel that it's even more important now as he has this condition. I have had GHSV1 for just over a year now, and I worry that this will put him at risk. 

I was hoping someone on here might have some advice/experience with this? Or perhaps an idea of someone specialist I could reach out to for some answers? 

Thanks in advance! 


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I have a weakened immune system from gut issues. Even people with strong immune systems are susceptible to acquiring hsv1 or 2. You can’t really gauge the risk from person to person. If you are intimate with a HSV negative person they are always at risk no matter what. It’s definitey something you should disclose before hand and your significant other should know the risks involved and make a decision for themselves. What specific answers are you looking for? Like rate of infection or percentage of risk? 

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Hi Elle27, 

Thanks for your reply. The thing I'm most worried about is that if we do become intimate and he catches HSV1 from me, that because of his weaker immune system it will affect him really badly. 

I guess what I'm asking is if it is too dangerous for him to be with me because of my GHSV1. I know herpes isn't usually more than an annoying rash but I just worry I will make him really unwell if he catches it. 

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6 hours ago, BlueBerry08 said:

Hi Elle27, 

Thanks for your reply. The thing I'm most worried about is that if we do become intimate and he catches HSV1 from me, that because of his weaker immune system it will affect him really badly. 

I guess what I'm asking is if it is too dangerous for him to be with me because of my GHSV1. I know herpes isn't usually more than an annoying rash but I just worry I will make him really unwell if he catches it. 

There really isn’t any way to know how it would effect him, all you can do is tell him the facts and he has to be aware of th risk that it poses. His outbreaks could be bad if he contracted it, but you won’t know for sure. Be honest, and take precautions if you decide to move forward. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a low immune system and my bf didn’t know he had it so after we became intimate I got it and even though he has never felt symptoms or outbreaks I know just two days after that something was wrong and in my first month of having it I had two severe outbreaks. I say tell him let him do research and let him make the decision whether to risk it to be without.

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