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can you stop your first outbreak?

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hey everyone, i'm not sure if i have oral herpes or not. for months i have been feeling stinging in different areas of my lips, like it'll be on the right side of the bottom for a few weeks, and then of the left for a few days, then back to the right side, stuff like that. i also have dry lips but am not sure if its the dryness (since they get real chapped and might be splitting) or what, but every time i feel a sting or tingle i always put on apple cinder vinegar or hydrogen peroxide and then go to sleep, sometimes i also take lysine. when i wake up the tingling is gone and it doesnt come back till the next day and repeat.

i believe i could have been infected a few months ago, so this would be my first outbreak. i want to know if there was anyway i could be stopping a sore for popping up for the first time because this stinging has been continuous for weeks and weeks but nothing has surfaced. and i havent felt any flu like symptoms, like fever or swollen and tender lymph nodes (maybe a little since im always poking at them tho) or sore throat, and i hear that the first outbreak is usually the worst so????? help lol

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The prevention of a first outbreak all depends on the state of the immune system. You may contract herpes and not have signs or symptoms until many years later. Stinging of lips can be due to many reasons. If you have dry lips and you are putting vinegar on them, your lips will for sure sting. I would stop treating lips with vinegar and hydrogen peroxide. Let the lips heal and see a doctor if you really need peace of mind. 

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Could be chapped lips. Personally I wouldn’t put vinegar on it’s pretty acidic so could make it worse in your case I’d get some cold sore cream from chemist if you suspects hsv1 avoid kissing if you have marks 80% of people world wide have hsv1 so it’s likely people you meet will already have it. Try not to worry too much 

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