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I am so scared right now

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Someone please help me. I need to talk about this now as I cannot get to the doctor until tomorrow. I had unprotected sex in the army hours of Sunday morning 2/24/19 with a guy I do know, not extremely well but not someone I just met.. I was drunk. I asked him if he had any diseases and he said no.. well I left his house around 6am and came home and around 2pm that day woke up with an intense headache that I assumed was a hangover. It’s now been several days and the headache won’t fully go away, I have been nauseous and also peeing frequently but it doesn’t hurt to pee. Now I’m getting this shooting pain in the inner thigh part of my leg where my leg and groin come together. After googling the symptoms im almost positive that I have herpes. I told him and he swears he doesn’t have anything but what could be making me feel this way?? I feel very tired and drained. Has anybody had this same experience when they first contracted the virus?? 


I don't know if I have it either just that come to think of it I also have had a few feelings like that. Maybe it's best to just get tested. I know its very scary as I am just as scared but better to know than to just sit there wondering what's Going on with you. If you can find a close friend to accompany you that would atleast be of some help and you wouldn't feel so alone. It's aweful that you are going through this and I'm really sorry for it. I ended up with and sti and sitting and googling myself to death into early hours of the morning thinking I could have everything possible. It will not be easy doing all these tests but like I said better to do it as your health comes first. Strongs gf... I pray all goes well for you. Stay positive. 


What is the outcome of test? As well as it doesn’t sound like it to me! I’ve never heard of someone with nausea and a migraine before... the best way is if you get tested or you have blisters appear. If blisters appear it’s most likely herpes 


Also it takes longer for the virus to attack your system. You be never heard of symptoms appearing less than 24 hours after. In some cases it’s up to like 2 to 3 weeks if im not mistaken. 

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