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I think I got a false positive herpes test

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I recently found a new love interest and wanted to get tested. I was tested a year ago and everything came back clean. Throughout the year I didn’t have unprotected sex even once, but when I got my results back from mylabbox seeing positive next to hsv2 immediately made my heart sink into my chest with instant tears. I was so shocked how could I have it ? I have no symptoms, I used protection! So I did my research and found out all about hsv indexes. I emailed the support line affiliated with mylabbox and asked for my index value where they then told me it was only a 0.60. doesn’t this mean it’s negative!? I swear I thought 1.1-3 something was a low positive and anything higher was a high positive. Why would mine say positive with such a low number? I’m too traumatized to retake the test.

  • 2 weeks later...

There are different index values for different test. You need to see what a positive value is for this specific test. Low positive can be a false positive. You can do a western blot to confirm a negative or positive. Also you can get hsv2 even with wearing a condom every single time. 

  • mr_hopp changed the title to I think I got a false positive herpes test

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