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    Welcome to the Herpes Opportunity Support Forum! We are a supportive and positive group to help you discover and live your Opportunity. Together, we can shed the shame and embrace vulnerability and true connection. Because who you are is more important than what you have. Get your free e-book and handouts here: https://www.herpesopportunity.com/lp/ebook


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Hi everyone. So I'm currently experiencing my primary outbreak. Still waiting on results to confirm. I'm feeling over all better on day 12, but still have this pain in my bum and leg. Also I'm so itchy down below. Is this a sign of healing? I'm worried I'm going to break out in more sores again as it started off that way. Although the bum pain/pressure has been consistant. Just looking for everyone's experiences during the healing process of their outbreaks...wondering if I have a yeast infection on top of all this of what !!!


I was diagnosed in October. My initial outbreak lasted about 10 days. I too had pain in my lower back,  buttocks and upper thighs, making it impossible to sleep at night. At first I thought it was a side effect of Valtrex. After reading more about  herpes I realized it was a symptom. My doctor prescribed a pain reliever so I was able to sleep at night. Eventually the pain subsided. I also experienced itching, inability to urinate , and also numbness that lasted for several months. Eventually all of the symptoms ended. I take Valtrex daily and have only had 2 mild outbreaks. Occasionally I do have tingling and soreness which I believe are called prodomes. I've never been prone to yeast infections but have been prone to bacterial infections. However I haven't had any problems with infections since I was diagnosed with herpes. Most days I don't even feel like I have anything. I am lucky though that I'm older and no longer have periods. Also I have not been sexually active since being diagnosed, not dating anyone,  etc. so I really don't have any idea what my triggers might be. For some I understand it can be their periods, friction from intercourse, shaving, stress etc.  I hope you feel better soon. This forum has been a godsend in helping me get through the initial shock and heartbreak of losing the relationship with my "giver."

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