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I'm so angry and upset

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I've been with my husband for 20 years, and at some point contracted HSV1 on my genitals. I'm currently experiencing my first outbreak which is on week 2 even with an increased dose of Valtrex. I can't get over the feelings of anger and resentment, and he's being less than supportive.... acting like it's no big deal and it's the same as a cold sore (never had one but I can't imagine them being this painful). I can't get comfortable and am basically in constant pain. I know my stress level over this isn't helping, and I just want it to stop. 

Anyway, I just needed to vent to some people who maybe understand since my husband clearly doesn't. 

Is there anything else that can help clear this up and manage the discomfort? 


Sorry to hear you are having a bad time.

One thing that may be good to hear is that getting hsv1 in genitals isn't all that bad as they say your outbreaks are only about once a year on average if that compared to if you had hsv2 like I have that is more prone to multiple outbreaks each year that do decrease in time generally.

Giving it time does help. 

I am guessing your husband has hsv1? 

Maybe he doesn't feel its a big deal as it doesn't bother him and prob has very few if any outbreaks.

For me I think a bit of table salt on the blister helped draw the stuff out and dry it out,helping it to heal faster.

After a bath or shower to use a hairdryer on a cool setting if its too painful to dry using a towel.

Try to air out as much as possible i.e no bottoms in bed to help get air to it to heal and cause less clothes friction.

If it burns when going for a wee,pour warm water down to lessen the pain, pain medication and herpes meds help.

Hope this helps x


I know a herpes outbreak is uncomfortable and can stress you out, but you should keep calm and find the way to deal with it. If your infection is very painful, you can use topical creams like Prosurx, Acyclovir to ease the pain. Alove vera gel, and ice compress are also helpful to ease pain. Then, ask your doctor about the antiviral medication you're taking. Do you take acyclovir pills? 

one more important thing is you should avoid stress. If you're stressed and become angry, your outbreak will get worse

On 4/10/2019 at 3:27 PM, Anonymous88 said:

Sorry to hear you are having a bad time.

One thing that may be good to hear is that getting hsv1 in genitals isn't all that bad as they say your outbreaks are only about once a year on average if that compared to if you had hsv2 like I have that is more prone to multiple outbreaks each year that do decrease in time generally.

Giving it time does help. 

I am guessing your husband has hsv1? 

Maybe he doesn't feel its a big deal as it doesn't bother him and prob has very few if any outbreaks.

For me I think a bit of table salt on the blister helped draw the stuff out and dry it out,helping it to heal faster.

After a bath or shower to use a hairdryer on a cool setting if its too painful to dry using a towel.

Try to air out as much as possible i.e no bottoms in bed to help get air to it to heal and cause less clothes friction.

If it burns when going for a wee,pour warm water down to lessen the pain, pain medication and herpes meds help.

Hope this helps x

He has it orally, and I'm guessing I'm insensitive, but 1 cold sore a year seems pretty mild compared to the countless I'm dealing with down there right now. They were almost healed and a whole new batch came, so I'm on week 3 of bleeding and pain.  

On 4/10/2019 at 10:45 PM, janeen said:

I know a herpes outbreak is uncomfortable and can stress you out, but you should keep calm and find the way to deal with it. If your infection is very painful, you can use topical creams like Prosurx, Acyclovir to ease the pain. Alove vera gel, and ice compress are also helpful to ease pain. Then, ask your doctor about the antiviral medication you're taking. Do you take acyclovir pills? 

one more important thing is you should avoid stress. If you're stressed and become angry, your outbreak will get worse

I'm on whatever the generic for Valtrex is. The thing that scares me is that 2 pills a day didn't control it when it first happened or when I tried to lessen.... I got a whole new OB. My doctor told me that is this is the last week I can be on the high dose, so I'm not sure what happens after this. 

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