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Valtrex not working depending on manufacturer??

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I was diagnosed with HSV-2 in January of 2017. Took 1G of Valtrex or Valcyclovir daily (blue bottle from Mylan Pharmaceuticals). Had 1 OB over the course of 7-8 months and sex had triggered it. Moved a couple months later and I'M JUST NOW CONNECTING THE DOTS!

I was taking the same amount but began taking Valcyclovir from a white bottle by Camber pharmaceuticals since I had moved. Never seemed to work as I was having issues once a month or just having prodome symptoms I hadn't had before..so I just quit taking it. I've been taking it episodically but I miss when I literally had NO issues.

I hate to take meds period but I'm willing to for this. Could it be the manufacturer change that wasn't working for me? Or did my body get immune to take Valcyclovir? 


I’ve heard in general from many that the antivirals do not work or that they contribute to more outbreaks. Personally, I’m not a western medicine fanatic. I go for the natural cures before suppressing my body with chemicals. 

With that said, i take daily vitamin c, Vitamin d3, l-lysine, & a multivitamin.

when i feel a trigger coming on, i add to the above, liquid chlorophyll & echinacea & goldenseal extract. 

I was diagnosed in may 2018, had 3 outbreaks last year & one this year (going through now due to stress & because i ran out of C & D3.) however, when i stay on schedule, i dont have outbreaks or prodrome symptoms and if i do, it only last for 3 days. 


However, to answer your question, yes different manufacturers = different products even if it’s the same medicine name, they mix and handle differently depending on lab creations. 

Just like with vitamins and supplements, some are stronger or more authentic depending on company. Always remember big businesses will cut corners and put out a cheap or less effective product to meet demand and take in more profit. 


Do you have HSV-1 or HSV-2? Where do you get the chlorophyll? 

I really do hate taking meds and like being naturaleeee..I'm willing do try different things for sure!


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