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So I had my first herpes outbreak..well that's what my doctor was convinced it was but my swab came back negative. She is still confident that is what it is but won't be able to test again obviously until when/if I have another outbreak. 

My question, before my outbreak I noticed some pain/pressure on my left side buttocks and during the out break it was there and back of my thigh. I have recovered from the outbreak a couple weeks ago but still have this pressure it's not exactly painful but it comes and goes often i can feel this pressure or pain in the same spots and back of my thigh sometimes even in my calf all on the left side. Is this something anyone else has experienced with herpes? I want to say its part of it because it started at the time of the outbreak I would have just thought if would have gone away If I'm not having an outbreak.


This reoccurring symptom is called a prodrome and normally occurs before the onset of an outbreak. I contracted HSV-1 genitally just over a month ago and have had an outbreak weekly since then. I account this due to the stress I’ve been under and breaking up with my bf. I have noticed the pattern of an achy, dull pain in the backs of my arms before each outbreak I have had. I know for most people the symptom is in the back, buttocks, or legs.

You do not need to wait until the next outbreak to test for HSV. A simple blood test can detect the antibodies your body creates after coming into contact with the virus. The antibodies are different according to the type (HSV 1 & 2) so not only can they confirm if you do in fact have the virus, they can also detect the type. This blood test is not covered by OHIP unfortunately. In Canada the cost is $160. I hope this helps.


Thank you for your response ! I have not had an actual second outbreak, I just feel like the pain is always there now !!! I have read that can happen with your nerves so I guess I'm chalking it up to that. I will keep that in mind about the blood test. I'd like to know what I have !

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