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Reoccurring constantly

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Hi I’m a carrier with hsv2 this has literally ruined me ruined my self esteem I’m so tired of taking medicine and nothing is really helping I’m so ready to give up sometimes I ask myself why I was given this I would give anything to be normal again to feel normal idk how to get it so I’m barely having any outbreaks and I’m just so overwhelmed open to advice this is so hard to deal with 😫

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If you're reoccurring constantly and you are tolerating valtrex 500 mg, I would suggest talking to your doctor about increasing to 1,000 mg daily. 500 mg/day didn't work for me, but with 1,000 mg/day I never have symptoms.

On 6/4/2019 at 5:03 AM, Iamme15 said:

Hi I’m a carrier with hsv2 this has literally ruined me ruined my self esteem I’m so tired of taking medicine and nothing is really helping I’m so ready to give up sometimes I ask myself why I was given this I would give anything to be normal again to feel normal idk how to get it so I’m barely having any outbreaks and I’m just so overwhelmed open to advice this is so hard to deal with 😫

which kind of virus you have? 1 or 2? I have 2... don't understand if my symptoms are normal and means I have little outbreaks or not. Do you think is normal (after more than 1 year) have more tinglings and tiny dots on thighs than where I noticed hsv2 for the first time? (glans)




I have 2 and I’m not sure but it could be normal I’ve noticed a lot of changes in my body I have had it for 2 years and have gotten it once on my inner thigh but I tend to get 3 or 4 outbreaks at once which sucks that may be something to talk to your doctor about I used oregeno oil and coconut oil for a while the orgeno oil helps it to go away faster but you have to dilute it I wasn’t on meds for a while but wanted to try it but I’m thinking I’ll go back to no meds and using oregeno 

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