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Posts posted by blurneworder

  1. 35 minutes ago, Ohhey143 said:

    Usually if you have it you test positive within a few months. Some people get tested using western blot which idk much about . If you search it on this site you can learn more about it through other discussions. I was negative with blood test but positive culture (tested a lesion) then about three months after tested positive in blood test. I had all the flu like symptoms during my outbreak. It was a nightmare. I would continue to be your own advocate and look into maybe getting tested again in a few more months.

    best of luck!

    I recently had flu-like symptoms, but no outbreak with sores that scab over.

    Did you flu-like symptoms include the sores?

  2. I’m having the same problem, but no sores and no crusting.

    constant itching around my groin with red bumps the pop up for maybe a day or two.

    no prescription creams have worked, anti itch cream does not work, and now I have unexplained tingling in my upper lip that also brought upon a bunch of white bumps.

    my primary care doctor and dermatologist think I’m crazy for suggesting herpes even though the igh results were negative 3 months in. My girlfriend also has the itching and lip tingle with bumps. Her appointment with primary care will be tomorrow.

    Hopefully I will be getting the Western Blot soon.

  3. I was told in May that the person I used to date might have HSV. Not too long after that, I started getting raised, itchy bumps on my thighs. Since then, I have a constant itch in my groin, random white heads down there, random raised flesh spots, and tiny pin prick-like sensations. Sometimes I can see a cluster or red spots beneath the skin, but they never come up to the surface. I also have a constant itch on my anus. My scrotum has been red (and sometimes itchy) for months now. Through all of this, no ulcers or open sores with scabbing areoccurring.

    I do not have pain when I pee nor do I have discharge.

     The girl I’m currently seeing  and I both had colds, and our lips starting tingling, and we developed white bumps beneath the skin of the top lip. However, through all of this, no sores have ever appeared, but my lips are constantly tingling/numb. The Dermatologist said it's Fordyce spots, but could not explain why my lips tingle and my girlfriend contracted the exact same thing at the exact same time. This girl also has constant itching at the entrance to her vagina after sleeping with me.

    I've showed my Primary Care doctor and Dermatologist photos tracking the symptoms, and they are not convinced it's HSV. My blood work has come back negative, and the doctors can't explain why the girl I'm seeing is experiencing the same lip symptoms as I am.

    Everyone is telling me it’s in my head. How could all three of these things be happening in place where HSV lives, and I don’t have it.

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