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  1. Don't under estimate the love, understanding and TOLERANCE from someone who is in love with you! I was scared to death to tell my partner..i feared she would leave me..but instead she responded with love and said that its no big deal, its a skin condition and it doesn't bother her. If she gets it, we deal with it then. Love conquers all..dont fear. Maybe its a good test too, if you're with the right one he/she will accept you with your "weaknesses" including this silly skin condition, if not - well, they can show themselves out! :)
  2. Hey Strawberrygirl! I understand how you are feeling right now, you are looking for some concrete examples of success from people in your situation. You are right, the "success stories" seem to be older people who are ready to marry and just need to find their true one love, or people (like me) already in a loving relationship (and after 30). What about college kids that wants do date, have a few sexual adventures and be free? Well, I'm here to tell you that i think you can sleep around and date all you want a long as you stay safe. This skin condition isn't exactly an uncommon one nor is it dangerous. Ive got HSV-1 in my genital area, thats the same one 80% of the population carries and what gives a lot of people cold sores. Would you ask someone if they have it before you kiss them? No, you just don't kiss them if they have a big sore on their lip and you don't have sex if you have an outbreak. Simple as that. I got genital warts in college and knew it was a permanent thing, so i just used condoms and when i got into a more serious relationship i told her about it before she got on the pill. Her reaction: whatever, most people have that, don't they? Also, this might be something to hold you back from doing things that will make you feel bad. I could live without most of the drunken one night stands I've had in my life, what matters are the people I've connected with on a spiritual level and those people won't let herpes or any other common and non-lethal skin condition come between you, and it if does, well so what, they can find someone else to sleep with. Most importantly, take some time to let this sink in and come to terms with your new reality. You will find its not as bad as you think. I felt like SHIT 3 days ago and now i already feel better, my mind is healing as quick as my sores. This is not going to define me. Since i got my diagnose i amuse myself with wondering how many of the people at a work meeting has herpes, and who is having an outbreak right now. Statistically, most likely one or two! Take care of yourself and hugs!
  3. Just got the test results - i have HSV-1. The doctor told me this is good news, since HSV-2 is apparently more aggressive. Its starting to heal up nicely now and hopefully life will be back to normal soon. Thank you guys so much for your answers and to however started this amazing forum - a big thanks to you too!
  4. Hey guys, I just had my first OB a few days ago and am still healing plus taking anti-viral medication. I have developed some sore of secondary symptom. It started with the skin inside my left thigh being extra sensitive to touch, it hurts just by gently stroking it. Now it has spread all-around my waistline, ass, lower back - but not my right leg. It actually hurts just feeling the fabric of my clothes against my skin.. What is this? Is it related to the outbreak or the medicine? Anyone had this? Thanks so much for any input!
  5. I feel you Sobersally. Imagine having a penis and then hanging a glowing red horse shoe over it, nicely pressed against the skin. Thats what I'm feeling right now. Anyway, hang in there like I'm trying to do and as you will find out, everyone goes through this and it gets better. Lets mentally hold hands and ride this one out together, you're not alone. Love, E.
  6. Thanks guys! On day 4 of the outbreak now. The pain is unbearable, just spent the whole day looking at my computer at work. Really struggling to stay positive. I just can't wait for this to be over!
  7. Thank you so much for your kind and very informative answer! My guess is that we are looking at 10% risk if "keeping things as they are". This is something we will need to discuss. I will be sure to educate myself on prodome (had to google that word lol) symptoms too. I feel better now just after reading your reply. I need to get all the facts straight in order to adjust to this new situation!
  8. Hi guys, A male 36 here. I just had my first major outbreak and im struggling with the emotions and spend too much time googling Herpes and all that comes with it. My outbreak started like a shaving rash in the pubes area and then got worse, turned into big sores. It stinged and was not like any type of irritation ive had down there before. I also got flu like symptoms for a couple of days and went to the doc who had a look and said: ”Thats herpes!”. She took a test (will get result in a week) but was so sure of it so she put me on medecine and gave me a pain killing gel (life saver at work). I was very promiscuous in my younger years and I guess now its time to pay. Im with a girl since a year who I love so much and know shes ”the one” for me. I feared how she would react to this but when I told her she was 100% supportive. She said we are family and this changes nothing between us. I almost cried and my love for her went even deeper. She said that we should continue as normal, we dont use protection and we both enjoy sex a lot. She said we should just avoid sex when i have an outbreak and if she catches it we will deal with it then. She just had a friend die from cancer and reminded me there are bigger issues in life than the occational "cold sore on the genitals" as she put it. That gave me some perspective but I still feel like crap. I feel (am!) infected and the last thing i want is to give this to my girlfriend but I also dont want things to change between us. I wonder how big the risk is for her to catch it if we continue as usual but avoid sex during outbreaks. Im also afraid that I will get regular outbreaks. I read some people only have one and i hope im one of them.. Is there any point in her getting tested? She hasn't had any symptoms and given her past compared to mine I'm pretty sure I'm the one who brought this into the relationship. Can one get tested without symptoms? Sorry for the rant but it needed to reach out to someone who are in a similar situation with these thoughts. Im sitting here with my sores hurting and I feel like my whole life just changed and not for the better. Much love, E.
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