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Everything posted by Neverwouldathought

  1. Well, congrats on the results! I hope you figure out what’s going on soon and find some relief. I’d almost like to go back to last week when I had no idea 😞
  2. Do not invest too much stock in the “expertise” of an average doctor. They are not gods and they are no different than you or I. They do a job day in and day out and most of them are not really concerned about you. It’s just another day in the office. I had a swab and blood test done one week ago. I could not wait for the results so I was able to login online in and view my own chart. blood test - no aids, no gonorrhea, no hepatitis... but where’s the HSV results? Swab was positive for HSV but did not specify if it was one or two. I had to call my doctor and instruct him to resubmit the blood because HSV was not tested. next day, received negative blood for hsv 1 and 2. <0.09 both this is important because although I did test positive on the swab the fact that my blood came back negative for HSV means that I most likely just contracted this. No antibodies detected in my blood. I called again today to ask to have the swab retested to determine whether it is one or two because it didn’t specify. Just said “HSV isolated”. I was told that the swabs are discarded 48 hours after testing. Now I have to wait 3 to 6 months at least for a blood test to determine if it’s 1 or 2. (I assume HSV2 but I NEED to know this stuff!!!) my doctor is standard at best. Probably not the worst but I had to tell this guy what’s up during our conversation today. He basically said I could come back in a few weeks for another blood test and I had to educate him to let him know it would take 3 to 6 months before it was even worth testing. It’s our hard earned money that pays for their nice cars and luxury vacation homes. They work for us. Don’t get me wrong, I am sure there are some great caring talented doctors out there but they are probably few and far between and not one of them is perfect. Most are just going through the motions. Just make sure unless you really know and trust your doctor that you do not take their word as gospel. This is not a time for mistakes and they made two already. Do your own due diligence and do not rely on them solely. at least I was smart enough to call them and instruct them last week to test the blood for HSV. Now I know that at least there’s extremely strong chance that I had just recently contracted this. No antibodies in the blood. Rant over. I hope this helps someone.
  3. I am new to all this but it does not sound like HSV. If you got a swab and blood test done, and they came out negative, I would believe that at this point. It sounds complicated but I think you need to find a new doctor. Maybe someone who specializes In what you’re going through. I would just be happy with those negative results though if I was you.
  4. Thank you so much. I finally had my telehealth visit with my PCP so he could “give me the results”. I already knew what was going on because I checked my chart online last week. I pretty much had to tell him what the situation was. As difficult as it is for me to say, it is official. Thanks again for the support.
  5. We all say ignorant things. We don’t think about who it might hurt. Try not to judge their character too much and focus on the people that are truly there for you. Screw the trash talkers. I’m sure they have their flaws and secrets too. It’s insecurity that drives ignorant comments and actions. You should accept that and try not to take others lose lipped comments to heart so much. Good luck and keep your chin up.
  6. I’m pretty shaken up. backstory: I’ve only been in 3 long term relationships. 1 was my high school sweetheart (16y) the next was a girlfriend of 5 years and now I’m with my new girlfriend of almost a year. (I’m 40yo) in each relationship, the conversations were had (have you ever had an std...), the answer was always “no”. Current girlfriend gets checked regularly out of good habit and routine) little did we know, hsv is not in the standard testing... you all know the drill. 1 week ago today I noticed two odd pimples on my shaft. Jokingly, I showed my girlfriend and assumed it was poison ivy as I had been working in the yard the day before. Within two days, inflammation and clusters of blisters and ulcers blew up. Straight to pcp. Got swabbed and igg blood work. Thursday the results came back. <0.09 on blood (negative) and “isolated” on swab (aka positive) I never thought this could happen to me. Too safe, never a one night stand, only with 3 girls sexually in my entire life. I believe, via the blood test coming back negative that I have recently contracted it (within the past few weeks) and have no antibodies in my blood yet. At least that somewhat helps narrow things down. current girlfriend never had an outbreak. Her last boyfriend was a narcissistic Liar and a cheat. We are pretty confident it came from him and she just didn’t know. I have tons of questions, have been doing 10+ hours of research a day and the waves of grief, fear and emotional roller coaster is got me exhausted and it’s tough hanging on. there was no chance this was ever gonna happen to me in my lifetime. World flipped upside down. dr perscibed valtrex. 2 tabs a day for 10 days and physical I’m doing very well right now. Almost all healed up. Odd sunburn sensations on my thigh and odd hard to explain sensation in my belly button that is so subtle it almost feels like it’s just all in my head but I know it’s some effect of the virus. I know I’ll learn to cope and I’m praying for minimal reactions from hear on out but I am terrified of what could come. Everyone seems to have different reactions and experiences with this. I know things could be worse and it’s “not the end of the world” but this is majorly catastrophic for me. I have so much I want to say here (and I will) but my brain is shot. I just want to thank all of you for this community and any support that comes from it. this is a devastating time in my life. first question though, blood work was negative. Swab was positive (“isolated”) for “HSV” but did not specify 1 or 2. I assume it’s 2 but need/want to know for sure if it’s one or 2. Any insight appreciated.
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