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Posts posted by Flowerteacher55

  1. Hello,

    I am so sorry about the sudden block in your relationship. Good news is, I think you can work through it! 🥰

    It's great that you have both spent so much time together and have expressed how much you care about one another and want to spend your lives together. 

    Did you ask her what changed her mind or caused her to suddenly feel fearful? Maybe she read something online, talked to a doctor or family member or friend, or something else? 

    It's unusual that she randomly decided this; it's likely something occured that caused her to have this sudden fear and reaction. 

    Communication is such an essential tool for relationship health. Ask her if there is a time when you could talk on video chat and really unpack her worries and see if there's anything else that could be prompting her to want to break up. 

    I'm praying for you both! 


    • Like 1
  2. Hi! 

    It likely means that you've had HSV for a while. Hypothetically I'm sure the body could produce IgG antibodies at that level in 5.5 weeks, but it's unlikely. 

    Also, it is possible you are producing a false positive. Have you ever had shingles or the Epstein Barr Virus? Sometimes those viral antibodies can produce false positives for herpes tests! 



  3. Hello!! 🌻

    I am so sorry you had to experience all these tests! It is so amazing that you took charge of your health and got more reliable tests. Way to go! 😊

    In regards to your positive IgG test result...

    IgG antibodies typically take 12+ weeks to build up to detectable numbers. You said you were exposed 6 weeks ago, and your result still came back as positive, which makes me think you may have had HSV-1 prior to this recent exposure. HSV-1 is super common (2/3 of the world has it!). Perhaps you've had a cold sore and have never noticed it or mistook it for a pimple or other sore, or perhaps you have never had a cold sore and you are asymptomatic. 

    On the testing results sheet you received, did it show a range? I live in the US, and test results for an IgG test are x<0.90 (negative), x = 0.91 to 1.09 (equivocal, which basically means a retest is needed), and 1.10<x (positive). If the ranges are the same for the UK, and you tested at 9, that's a high positive.  However, I would figure out the ranges in the UK to be sure 😊!! 

    I hope this helps!! 

    Sending blessings and prayers of happiness your way 🌻💛



  4. Hello! 

    I hope you are well ❤️ 

    Having either HSV-1 or HSV-2 can help lessen the likelihood that you would contract it. Of course, this depends per person, and of course if the person has an autoimmune-related condition. I did some research and found a 2002 (sadly its 20 years old!) study that also cites other studies; here is a paragraph:

    Basically, it's saying that this particular study found that contracting the other type of HSV if you already had one type did not differ by gender, while another study found that women were more protected to contracting the other type. Remember, studies are based on the relative sample population utilized in the study. So, keep that in mind! 🙂 The paragraph also mentions other trials conducted; if you want to see the specific cross reference to the studies mentioned, click the citation number after the sentence on this link: https://academic.oup.com/jid/article/185/8/1019/814003

    Our study also found that neither the patterns of HSV-2 seroprevalence by HSV-1 serostatus nor the relative percentage of persons with HSV-2 antibody who were coinfected with HSV-1 differs by sex. Several studies, however, have suggested that prior HSV-1 infection may provide partial protection against acquisition of HSV-2 infection, although the protective effect may be limited to women. A prospective study by Mertz et al. [8] found that preexisting HSV-1 antibody was associated with a reduced risk of acquisition of HSV-2 infection in women, but that was a relatively small study based on a total of 11 HSV-2 seroconversions in women. In men, there were only 3 HSV-2 seroconversions, and no conclusions could be made. A protective effect conferred by prior HSV-1 infection in women was also suggested in a smaller prospective study by Bryson et al. [9] and in a cross-sectional study [7]. In contrast, a prospective study by Brown et al. [11] found that the acquisition rate of HSV-2 was similar in pregnant women with and without prior HSV-1 infection. To date, the best data concerning the possible protective effect of HSV-1 antibody on acquisition of HSV-2 infection are from a clinical trial [12] in which 1508 persons seropositive for HSV-1 and 885 persons seronegative for HSV-1 were followed prospectively. Similar to what we found in this analysis, the researchers of that clinical trial concluded that HSV-1 antibody had no effect on the rate of acquiring HSV-2 infection (the HSV-2 seroconversion rate was 5.1 vs. 5.2 per 100 person-years in those who did and did not have preexisting HSV-1 antibody).

    I hope this helps! ❤️ 

    If anyone can find a more up-to-date article that would be ideal, too! 

    Blessings to you! ❤️ 


    • Like 1
  5. Hi!!

    CONGRATULATIONS!! 💒 💍 🔔 💕!!

    You deserve to be so happy with your partner, and future family!! 🐥 🍼!!

    Although it may seem scary, please know so many people with GHSV-1 and GHSV-2 give birth to children without passing their HSV to them. Typically what happens is you can give vaginal birth unless you have an outbreak or feeling one coming on. If that happens, the baby is delivered via cesarian. Also, antivirals are safe to take during pregnancy (unless otherwise not recommended by your doctor). 

    Please know that it will be okay! Since you have GHSV-1 and the frequency of outbreaks for you seems to be very very low, it is unlikely that an outbreak would occur for you during the time of delivery. You could also talk to your OBGYN about taking suppressive medicine closer to the due date for extra precaution if you and your doctor think it would be a good idea. 

    I hope this helps! Congratulations again and Best Wishes to you and your partner!! 💕🔔🕊️!! 




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  6. Hi, Denise,

    I'm so sorry about the pain of your first outbreak. Primary outbreaks can be so severe and painful. 

    My mom is divorced (I'm 22) and she has expressed similar worried about finding someone. However, the 50s are the new 30s! You are established, your children are grown, and you have acquired so much knowledge and wisdom about the dating world. You are a badass! You will find the right person, and he will find you, too! 💛

    Don't worry that you are complaining or worrying too much. Your emotions and feelings are valid. Could things be worse? Of course (and thank God they aren't!) But that doesn't mean your feelings are not valid. It is great that you put everything in perspective and focus on the good in your life! 🌻 It is the glass half full mindset that keeps one strong and thriving. 

    Sending blessings of happiness and health your way 🌻💛 !!


  7. Hello,

    I am so sorry you have had to experience emotional and physical pain related to HSV. It can be very difficult when one person passes it to their partner and didn't know they had it. Did he know he had it or did he have a cold sore and didn't realize it could be passed? Has the issue been solved/addressed? I wish you both the best 💛

    In regards to taking the medicine daily, you can, however most people who choose daily suppression do so because they are with a long term partner and do not want to use protection, or they have very bad regular outbreaks (more common with HSV-2).

    If you feel physically unwell and keep getting outbreaks, you could take it daily. However, if you want to only take antivirals when you feel an outbreak starting (prodrome symptoms) that's okay, too. I have GHSV-1 and took Acyclovir for my first very terrible outbreak, and then for my next one, but for the third minor outbreak I did not use it (I didn't have access to it at the time). It's really up to you! 

    if you want to see what you outbreak pattern is like and what triggers your outbreaks, etc, you could choose not to use the suppressive medication so you can see how your body is handling things by itself. 

    regardless, the choice is up to you! ❤️ Typically outbreaks get less severe over time, too ❤️

    You WILL find love, I promise!! You are worthy of love and respect. You are not dirty or bad or unlovable. You are pure. You are good. You are lovable and worthy of so much love and kindness! ❤️🌻☀️🌈 Stay strong and remind yourself of those truths every day. 

    I am praying for you!! You are a warrior!! ❤️🌻




  8. Hello,

    Many folks have oral HSV-1, so you are not alone! What prompted you to get tested, and was the test a blood test?

    In terms of the bump you are wondering about, it could be HSV or an infected ingrown hair. Is there a black dot or line inside the white head? Also, is it itchy, tingling, or oozing? 

  9. Hello,

    Please please know that you are NOT a monster. You are a beautiful human being experiencing an uncommon outbreak of a very common virus. You aren't bad or dirty or unlovable. You are good. You are pure. You are worthy of love and respect. 

    Say this to yourself (even if you may not believe it yet): "Even though I am experiencing facial outbreaks, I choose to complete and unconditionally love and accept myself". Your thoughts and words impact your subconscious and conscious SO much, and while we can't control so much in life, we CAN control our words and thoughts 💛

    I'm sorry you didn't get to meet with that girl. I'm sure if you explained it to her she would understand. If it's meant to be you'll meet with her one day 💛

    Advocate for yourself tomorrow at the appointment and don't let them dismiss you. Your health matters! You matter! ☀️🌈 Let us know how it goes.

    Also, something that may help with healing is Epsom salts. You could dissolve them in warm water and soak a washcloth with it, and lay it on the impacted area. 

    I am praying for you! ☀️🌻



  10. Also!...

    It sounds like you may need IV antivirals to help your body get back to a state of non inflammatory response. It is obvious the oral antiviral medicines are not working for you, and it isn't good to take dangerous levels of them! Recommend the need for IV/injection of Acyclovir  to the virologist and dermatologist when you go to see them 💛 

    Hang in there! You can do this! 

    • Like 1
  11. Hello,

    I am so sorry that you've been experiencing this emotional and physical pain. Please know that there is hope, and we are here to support you 💛 You are not alone! 

    It sounds like you may need to go to a virologist or dermatologist. I'm so sorry your doctors have been ignorant and dismissive. You do not deserve that!! 

    Advocate for a referral to a virologist. You deserve to get treatment! 💛

    I am praying for you! 🌈




    • Like 1
  12. Hello!

    It's unlikely autoinoculation is to blame, especially because you've had cold sores for so long, and typically autoinoculation occurs during the early stages of HSV prior to when your body builds up antibodies. So this means you would have autoinoculated yourself in childhood, and you probably would have noticed sores down there at some point during your life.  

    It's possible they could be ingrown hairs. When is the last time you shaved? Also, do the bumps have anything in the center of them (tiny black dot or line, or a dimple?)

    Rest assured this will get figured out! 💛



  13. Hello,

    I am so sorry for th physical and emotional stress you've been through and are going through! You don't deserve this at all. Please know you are not alone, that there IS hope, and we are all here to support you however you need! 💛☀️🌻

    First, it sounds like the sickness it January triggered the outbreaks, since viruses and illness (which put stress on the body) can trigger outbreaks. An upper respiratory infection stresses the upper parts of the body, where your hsv-1 causes outbreaks (mouth). However, it does not make sense that it would last four months. Perhaps your body is having a hard time getting back to normal. Perhaps an IV injection of antivirals at the site of infection would help reboot the body back to a sense of calm and equilibrium. Maybe a dentist would be able to offer this, or ask your primary doctor or the doctor who swabbed the sores about possibly needing IV antivirals. 

    Feel better!! I'm praying for you!! 💛☀️🌻


  14. Hypothetically, it could be herpes, but it would be odd to be symptomatic but NOT have sores. Usually if people are symptomatic, they have sores during outbreaks and may also have symptoms like itching, burning, tingling, etc. Asymptomatic people do not have any symptoms at all. So, it would be unlikely for this to be HSV since sores never appeared but you have skin irritations. Maybe the urologist could take a skin sample and see what's going on, or swab the area for yeast and/or HSV viral culture? 

    I hope this helps!! ☀️

    Hang in there!! 🌻


    • Like 1
  15. Hello,

    I am so sorry that you are stressed and have had these lingering symptoms. 

    The cream seemed to offer some relief. Did the relief end after you stopped using the cream/has it come back?Did you follow up with the doctor that initially prescribed the cream and told them it did not cure the issue(s)? If so, what did they say?

    It's great you are seeing a urologist. Keep us updated! 

    Urine passing over the area can cause pain because urine is highly acidic and can cause burning, and of course friction can cause irritation as well. A primary herpes outbreak can cause skin discomfort for up to a few weeks after the sores go away, but you never had any sores. 

    If this is indeed balanitis, it could be lingering because it is bacterial and you need antibiotics. I did some research and balanitis can be caused by bacteria (yeast bacteria, for example, is common to cause balanitis). 

    I hope this helps! ❤️ 


    • Like 1
  16. @tiredgirl Hello!

    I am SO sorry! I never answered 😞!!!

      I hope you have been doing well and things have been better for you ❤️ You are in my thoughts and prayers. Feel free to reach out to talk anytime!

    I think that of course a little worry is okay, but you are being proactive about it and getting blood testing, so you are doing something with that worry! 

    Sending love and light your way ❤️!! 

  17. Hello! 

    I hope you are well. These are great questions! 

    1. Yes, you can get a sore/outbreak anywhere in the region where you have HSV. For example, if you have oral herpes you may get an outbreak in the same spot, such as the lip, or possibly inside the mouth (or even nose). Similarly, those with genital herpes may have the same recurring spot, or potentially their genitals, buttocks, lower back, anus, or thigh area. 

    2. Yes, but it's unlikely, since your body builds up antibodies to it (so it's very unlikely to get it elsewhere). People who have the same type in two regions may have contracted both at the same time. Or, it is possible to give yourself H if you accidentally pass it to yourself before you reach th antibody build up period (12+ weeks). Also, you could get it from another or yourself even past the 12+ week stage of antibody production. But, it's unlikely (but more likely if you are on immunosuppressant medication or are immunocompromised)

    I hope this helps!!

    Blessings!! ☀️🌻

  18. @34south Hello, and Welcome to the Forum! 

    I hope you are well. Thank you for sharing your experiences. It is always nice to hear of someone who can validate the symptoms others may be experiencing.

    Caffeine (which is in chocolate!) can definitely be a trigger. Thank you for bringing that up!

    Sending happiness and health your way! 🙂 



  19. Hello,

    The pain can come from skin lesions or from nerve cells firing. Herpes lives in the bundle of nerves at the base of the spine, which is why people experience tingling or pain before or with their outbreaks, or even after the sores are gone. 

    That looks like a rash or a hive or sorts. I tried seeing if I could find any pictures online that matched yours, but I did not find any. The only thing I was thinking was maybe dermatitis or balanitis. 

    Have you considered going to the doctor for an exam? 

    Also, is the skin warm to the touch?

    Hang in there! ☀️

  20. Hello,

    I'm so sorry for the issues you are experiencing. The constipation could be due to sores if you had them internally inside the anus/rectum. Also, sometimes when we are under pain and stress, we can get constipated (or poop too much!) Stress and pain impacts us all differently. Try to stay hydrated!

    I'm sure it is possible that the nerve inflammation and pain could have influenced constipation. Nerves are interesting things. They can be damaged, and adult nerve cells in the spinal column do not regrow. So, nerve cells in general do not regrow.

    It's possible that things are just inflamed. Try heat packs or ice packs to soothe your back, and also heat packs can help alleviate constipation. 

    I'm sending you happy healing vibes!

    Blessings ❤️ 

  21. Hello,

    I hope you're doing okay ☀️

    It will be okay. You don't necessarily need to take antivirals, but they do help with reducing viral load and decreasing the severity of an outbreak. It also helps increase healing time (since it stops the virus from replicating). It doesn't work the same for everyone (some folks not at all, especially depending on the type of antiviral they are taking; there are 3 types).

    I'm sorry that people in your small community would find out and not be kind. We all deserve medical privacy! Hypothetically, you could go to a clinic in a nearby community and get a prescription filled there, too. 

    Remember, just because people are judgemental doesn't mean they are right or you have any reason to feel ashamed. The way people treat us is a reflection of them, NOT of you! 💛

    Reach out if you need anything. I am praying for you!! ☀️🌻



  22. Hi, 

    I'm so sorry. It is very scary to be in the unknown. Have faith everything will be okay. If any sores appear, get them swabbed. 

    Also, did the condom you use have any type of flavor or lubricant you're possibly allergic to? That can cause irritation sometimes, but I don't know if that would cause symptoms lasting a month. 

    Stay strong! You'll make it through this ☀️!!


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