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Posts posted by Flowerteacher55

  1. Hello Friend ❤️ 

    I am so sorry that you are experiencing such stress and struggles. You are such a strong and beautiful warrior, and you are showing such grace and strength while facing these battles! ❤️ You are inspiring! 

    It is very very frustrating when medical professionals dismiss you. It is patronizing and overall disrespectful. It's YOUR body, YOU know what's going on! I am so sorry this is your experience. It is also not okay that your partner denies your HSV. Maybe he feels some type of guilt for passing it to you, so he denies it overall. Sometimes when people feel guilt, they deny (which doesn't make it right, but it can help us understand why they are behaving that way). Has he ever been tested for HSV or has had symptoms?

    Honestly, it sounds like you need IV antivirals, which seems like not an option in the UK. Is it possible to go to another country to receive treatment? Or, when you have your extreme blisters, would it be possible to show a doctor (maybe even on a telemed appointment on Zoom or Skype) or take a picture so they can see for themselves and then provide the antivirals? I know it can be so difficult to make it in time for a test, because oftentimes the sores disappear by the time we get in to see the doctor. I do not know if you've checked out this website, but maybe this organization in London could help? https://herpes.org.uk/

    I am praying for you ❤️ Stay strong and be kind to yourself. This is not your fault and you are doing great staying positive. 

    Reach out if you ever need a friend or support. We are here for you! ❤️🌻☀️ 





  2. Hello! 

    Please know that everything will be okay. Your lingering irritation and numbness is a common symptoms, especially after a difficult primary outbreak. 

    I am so sorry to hear of your experience! That sounds so painful 😞 You didn't deserve any of that!

    Thank you for your work in the hospital setting-- we appreciate you! ❤️ 

    After a primary outbreak, it can be common for the numbness and irritation to last and linger for a little while (such as a month). It is possible to have two conditions occurring simultaneously as well; such as an outbreak and a yeast infection or thrush as you described, or even a UTI which would align with the trouble passing urine. You mentioned irritation around the anus; did you have sores in that area?

    Stress (physical and emotional) can definitely trigger outbreaks. Friction from clothing can also cause irritation. Have you seen an OBGYN or other doctor to see what's going on?

    Stay strong and stay kind to yourself! You are not alone and we are here for you! ❤️ Reach out for questions or support any time! 🙂 

    Sending prayers and blessings of happiness and health your way ❤️🌻☀️ !!! 


    • Thanks 1
  3. Hello! 🙂 

    Here are the answers to your questions! 

    1. My husband is diabetic. He is insulin dependant. What if he catches it now? How is that going to effect his sugars.. healing bc diabetics take longer to heal. Anyone who Is a diabetic and has herpes I would love to hear your response 

    This is a wonderful question. Does he have type 1 or type 2?  Those with Type 2 Diabetes are more susceptible to infections in general. Read more here! https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7475801/#:~:text=Hyperglycemia in diabetes is thought,to more susceptible to infections. 

    Those with either Type 1 or 2 do typically take longer to heal wounds, so it may impact the healing speed of herpes sores. Also, if a person with diabetes has a wound already of some type orally or genitally or elsewhere on the body, they may be more susceptible to contracting HSV if they were to engage in relations with someone with HSV because there is an open channel into the skin tissue (and their immune system may already be impacted by their diabetes depending on the type they have and circumstances).

    2. so I got diagnosed april 15. It was aweful. The worst pain I have even entailed. Then had a sore on may 15 and then again on June 1st. But sores disappeared within 3 days of taking valtrex  2 pills 3 times a day for 7 days. So if I ever get comfortable to have sex again if I have no sores when is it safe to do so?

    I am so sorry that you had a terrible first outbreak 😞. It's great that the Valtrex helps you! Typically you are good to be intimate again if you are symptoms free for about eight days. If you are concerned about transmisson, you could always take suppressive therapy (so Valtrex daily in an effort to suppress the likelihood of having an outbreak or shedding). 

    3. These prodome symptoms confused me. I have burning/itching/tingling all the time in my genital area and my thighs? So how do I know if it’s safe to have Sex again. Every little mark I see I think it’s herpes. 
    4. I am really scared bc I have been reading on here and everything I read makes it sound like it gets worse with age. I am 36. I will say I am not the happy cheery person I use to be just bc I feel my life is gonna be lots of pain now 😞 my husband is so good. 

    Similar to above, you could always take suppressive therapy to help ease your worries and possibly reduce the risk of transmission to your husband. I completely understand the fear of every little mark being herpes. I would go to the clinic every time I saw a rash or a bump or a dot and ask "IS THIS HERPES?!". Every time... the answer was no 😂. It actually taught me how to decipher outbreaks from non-outbreaks, though, and that is very helpful! 🙂.

    Herpes actually can get better with age (like a yummy aged cheese ❤️). Over time, some folks explain their outbreak frequency and severity decreases, which is great. For some it get worse, others it gets better, and others see no change. Don't spend time worrying about the future. You'll cross that bridge if and when you come to it! ❤️ 

    You mentioned that you have burning and itching and tingling in the genital and thigh region often; have you had this prior to your outbreak or has it been since your outbreak? Of course, it is normal to be itchy down there often (especially if you shave that area!). However, tingles or numbness constantly means you perhaps should get checked out by an OBGYN or doctor. If you have had the tingling since the outbreak, that is normal, as it can take a little bit before the first outbreak impacts to fully heal. 

    It's normal that you have been feeling sad and not like your usual positive self. Take the time you need to cry or be angry or sad, and release all those feelings and channel it into something positive and healthy. Fight the negative thoughts and lies ("I'll never be happy again" "I am unattractive" "My husband deserves better" etc) and remind yourself of the truth, that you WILL heal from this emotional pain, you ARE beautiful, and your husband and you belong together and that H cannot get in the way of your love! ❤️ 

    5. i know to use condoms but I need to do everything I can not to let my husband get it. If he fingers me (and no sores) will he get it on his fingers? He normally has cuts on his fingers from his job. I don’t know if I would feel comfortable letting him go down on me now. I think this is also where I am having a hard time bc we were the type of ppl that would have sex everyday. But it’s been 2 months and i have so much guilt for having this. 

    Condoms do help reduce the likelihood of transmission! Also remember that you can use internal or external condoms, too! If he touches you down there when no sores are present, he should be good. Typically HSV likes mist mucous membrane areas (mouth and genitals) and doesn't like tough skin like the hands. People live completely happy sex lives with GHSV-2, and the same is possible for you! Talk to your husband about things you are comfortable trying and what you aren't comfortable trying, and he can share his thoughts as well. You can also talk to your doctor about it and he could ask his endocrinologist about how contracting HSV-2 could impact his diabetes and how his diabetes could impact his HSV-2. 

    Let go of your guilt. You have no reason to be ashamed or feel guilty. It is not your fault, and you are not defined by this at all. You are still the beautiful person your husband fell in love with, and that won't change! ❤️ If it helps, ask your husband to offer reassurance that he still finds you attractive, that he still loves you even though you haven't been as intimate lately, etc. A partnership means being there no matter the weather (sunshine or rain), and you have one another to get through this with! ❤️ 

    We are here for you! Please reach out with any questions or if you need support or a friend ❤️ 

    Sending blessings and prayers your way🌻☀️❤️ !!! 


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  4. Hi, @Sno_cat22!! 💛

    I hope you are doing okay. I am so sorry for the late reply. I read your post and I have said some prayers for you ❤️. Please know everything will be okay!! We are here to support you however you need. You are not alone 💛.

    I am actually out right now but I will home on my computer shortly, and I will answer all of your questions indepth ASAP!! 

    Please know you are not alone and that you can still live a happy and healthy fulfilling life with your husband -- H doesn't have the power to get in the way of love!! 🌈🌻❤️

    Sending blessings and prayers your way!! 🌈🌻💛


  5. Hello, Beautiful Humans! ❤️❤️❤️ 

    I hope you are all doing well, following your path, and staying kind to yourself and others. If you are struggling right now, please know You are not alone. You are loved. You are strong. You are a warrior. You've got this and we are here for you! ❤️ 

    I was speaking with my therapist about fears, and how I still have a fear of disclosing because it emotionally hurts, even though I have disclosed many many times. After reflecting on it, I've come to realize that I always disclosed ASAP as a form of self-sabotage to avoid relationships; it's like I would hope the person would be turned away by my H so I wouldn't have to handle the stress of relationships. I lost hope and really didn't feel I was enough for a relationship. That pattern is just not respectful to me and my spirit; disclosing should be a healthy (although it might feel a lil scary!) experience.

    So, I have decided not to disclose until I establish a relationship with the person; to build trust and then disclose, instead of sharing that personal information first and then trying to build a foundation of trust. Trust and respect are required before opening up to another. I shouldn't have to feel the need to share as if I am confessing something bad; I have no reason to be ashamed, and neither do you! ❤️ 

    If you have felt like this or are going through a similar pattern, please know that you can disclose as soon or as late as you'd like (of course, prior to intimacy and enough time before it to allow for questions and thought and such!). You deserve to be happy. H doesn't have the power to get in the way of your joy and life's purpose unless you give it power! 

    Feel free to reach out any time to talk. I pray for you all each day ❤️!

    Sending blessings and prayers your way! Stay kind to yourself and see yourself as the beautiful person you truly are 🙂🌻


  6. Hi! 

    Great questions! 

    So, your viral load shed can decrease over time, which decreases the likelihood of potentially passing it to a partner. Many folks have found that their symptoms and frequency of outbreaks reduce as time passes.

    Although the symptoms are mild for you, it doesn't mean that the virus would necessarily produce mild symptoms in someone whom receives the virus. 

    I hope this helps! 

    Blessings to you ☘️☮️🌈!



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  7. Hello, @xLiV217!

    I hope you are well. 

    Sorry for the delay, and thank you for your patience! 

    Because our bodies make antibodies and they are composed of proteins, the level at which we have them can fluctuate. You are not alone in having your numbers fluctuate! 

    According to Terri Warren (the magically wonderful H nurse practitioner ❤️), there is something that rarely occurs called seroconversion, where someone moves from a positive to negative state when tested. However, that is rare with an IgG test. 

    It's kind of absurd that the doctor could not answer your question about why the numbers decreased. Perhaps you could call the lab where you had your blood work done, or call another trusted doctor and ask them their thoughts. 

    I hope this helps! 

    Blessings 🌈☮️☘️,


  8. Hello,

    Thanks for the additional information! 

    Sometimes people get false negatives with blood work tests due to difference in antibody buildup by the body. Read this helpful guide by the American Sexual Health Association that talks about testing! https://www.ashasexualhealth.org/herpes-testing/

    Herpes sores are not typically dark like the ones in the picture. They do usually look like the lighter colored ones towards the top of the public area. 

    I did some research and the dark spots resemble angiokeratoma. Look it up and see if the photos match what you observed. Also, here is a website regarding angiokeratoma of the Fordyce, which typically impacts scrotal area. 


    The white raised blisters could be from HSV, or possibly a heat rash. Heat rashes can cause fluid filled bumps to appear. 

    I am in no way a doctor, but it seems you had two different types of outbreaks of something going on. Did you show this picture to the doctors you saw?

    Also, before the first outbreak, were you sexually intimate? 

    The itchiness you feel may be an indicator that you are virally shedding (if you do have HSV). Or, it can be caused from many things (hair growing back in from shaving, wearing a bathing suit, heat rash, etc). 

    Stress definitely can cause outbreaks, because HSV is neurological. 

    Monitor your symptoms and take notice if anything changes! 

    I hope this helps! 

    Be kind to yourself. Everything will be okay! ☀️






  9. 10 hours ago, xiscocaioss said:



    Mulloscum contagiosum looks literally just like the early stages of herpes sores, so it is possible you had that! When I had my first outbreak, I thought it was molloscum, but my swab came back positive for GHSV-1.

    It is so odd that the doctors did not take a skin sample or swab of the area. 

    You mentioned that you have a tingling feeling each month and a rash of sorts; do you notice a pattern, like does it happen the same time each month or does it occur after you do the same activity (for example, biking). Or, do you notice it after eating certain things? Also, have you ever had a yeast infection or a fungal infection or jock itch down there? Sometimes those can cause tingling, itching, and discomfort. 

    Did the dermatologist have any explanation as to what the rash could be? Or did they just say "you're fine" and send you on your way? 

    I am sending you prayers of happiness and healing! 🙂 


  10. Hello @xiscocaioss!

    Great question. 

    Hypothetically, yes, you could, but you would really have to try. As a social worker once explained it to me... "You'd have to like, rub your hand all over down there [on your sores] and then lick your hand."

    And obviously, we wouldn't do that anyway! 

    Obviously, if you have an open sore or an outbreak, wash your hands with soap and water after touching them. Good hygiene always lowers possible risks of transmission! 

    You are more likely to pass it to yourself within the first 12 weeks of your first outbreak (as on average it takes 12+ weeks for your body to produce sufficient antibodies). 

    Furthermore, those with autoimmune illnesses or those who take immunosupresent medications are more likely to pass it to themselves post the antibody buildup mark.

    I hope this helps! 🙂 



  11. @xiscocaioss Hello!

    I hope you are well.

    I am so sorry about your situation. Please know you are not alone and we are here to support you! ❤️ 

    It sounds like the blood results keep coming back negative. Have you ever had a swab test of the skin/blisters done before? 

    How frequent are your outbreaks? When the first one happened, what were your symptoms like?

    Sending blessings your way 🙂 !


  12. Hi Again! 

    I'm so sorry about you stress. Please know it will all be okay. 

    Did the doctor suggest any other diagnoses? If not HSV, what does the doctor think it could be? 

    How are your symptoms? Any changes? 

    The fact that your IgGs dropped is odd. Have you had any other illnesses recently (Epstein Barr Virus, mononucleosis, or other viruses)?

    Stay hopeful!! 

    I am praying for you 🌻🦋



  13. GHSV typically presents itself as sores that are either solo or in clusters. However, the rawness can be associated with the sores and the skin irritation, and when the sores open they can definitely feel/become raw due to clothing friction. 

    Also, another common symptoms is having swollen glands in the groin area, a fever, chills, aches, fatigue, and general illness. Did you have any of these when you started noticing the rash?

  14. Hi, Kristy! 

    I hope you are well. You have asked such amazing questions, thank you for bringing up such essential topics!

    To answer your two questions above...

    2. My boyfriend rarely has a breakout and can feel one coming on if it happens…so if he doesn’t have any signs or symptoms and is taking antivirals, what are the chances of me catching it if we have unprotected sex?  (Still confused with this and the whole % thing of contracting it).

    The chances of you catching HSV-2 if he is taking antivirals and he does not have symptoms is 5%. The chance of transmission from H+ males to H- females with the use of condoms OR medication is 5%. The risk with unprotected sex (no medicine or no condom) is 10%. The risk with condoms AND medicine is 2.5%. Basically, with each protective measure he takes, transmission typically is reduced by half 🙂

    3. I’m still confused with the oral sex part…so from what you’re saying, I could potentially get hsv2 orally, even though I already have hsv1 orally, am I reading that correctly?  What would be the difference? (Symptoms) How does anyone know the difference between hsv1 oral and hsv2 oral? 

    Great question! Yes, you can still contract oral HSV-2 despite having oral HSV-1. Interestingly enough, studies have found that people who contract a second strain of H after already having a strain typically will not have intense primary outbreak symptoms (perhaps because the body already has antibodies for a similar strain of the same virus family). Although you can't tell HSV-1 from HSV-2 just by looking at the sores, you can see the type of HSV it is by getting a viral culture swab sample or blood test. Basically, you can't tell the two apart just by a basic examination with the eyes. However, it is typically assumed that more intense outbreaks (more blisters, more frequent painful outbreaks, etc) are caused by HSV-2. Basically, you would have to get a sore swabbed/blood test to see for sure! 🙂 

    I hope this helps! ❤️

    Thank you  @DeMar for your support and guidance on the site! ❤️ 

    Blessings to you both! 🙂❤️ 


  15. Hello! Sorry for the late reply. 

    Please know everything will be okay! You are not alone. We are here to support you! 

    The itching and tingling does align with HSV. Have you had any new sexual partners prior to the symptoms beginning? 

    Did the pimple you notice happen to go through stages of healing, such as oozing fluid and then crusting over? You'll likely want to avoid the colloidal silver since it can be over-absorbed by the body and have detrimental effects to organs and the brain (and it really offers no health benefits anyways!). The cortisone can help with the itch and irritation. 

    It hypothetically could be jock itch, but jock itch is caused by fungus and usually appears as a red patch and sometimes blister-looking bumps. The Lomotrin Ultra box says to use for up to two weeks (which is pretty long, and honestly I am not sure the average healing time for jock itch) and I know you said it didn't help after four days of use. 

    Herpes can occur anywhere in the lower region, including the anus, perineum, genitals, thighs, lower back, and/or buttocks. 

    It would be best to see a doctor or even dermatologist. Explain your symptoms and what you tried to help ease symptoms. You can show the pictures too if it helps. 

    Keep us updated with what happens! 

    I am praying for you! ☀️



  16. Hi! Sorry for the late reply. 

    First, I am so sorry for the emotional stress you've been under. Please know that everything will work out okay. You are not alone! 

    In regards to your situation, it sounds like you could have HSV 1 and 2.  

    Just to clarify, this was an IgG blood test, right?

    If this was an IgG test, it seems your HSV-1 result of 15.0 indicates you've had it for a while. Two-thirds of the world has HSV-1, so fear not! Typically people get cold sores/fever blisters, and many people develop these in childhood. Do you have a history of cold sores/fever blisters? 

    In regards to the low positive HSV-2 result: since it takes 12+ weeks for an IgG test to typically come back positive (because it takes that long for the IgG antibodies to build up to detectable numbers) it's possible the low positive is due to the fact it had only been about a month since the encounter. 

    When you had symptoms, did you ever get sores or blisters? The tingling sounds like HSV. It is possible to have HSV and jock itch at the same time. 

    Your blood results came back positive while the swab came back negative, which can be frustrating. However, if the doctor did not gather enough viral culture on the q-tip, then it can produce a false negative. Or, if you weren't shedding enough of the virus in the spot swabbed or enough of the virus in general, that can also produce false negatives. Swabs are really only reliable in the first 2-3 days of sores appearing. 

    Did your friend go to get blood work done? 

    I'm sorry that the doctor just said you have H and then hung up 😑 not very helpful or sympathetic!! You can always call the office back and speak to the nurse on call to ask questions to regarding your results. 

    I hope all this helps!! Stay strong 🌻

    Sending blessings and prayers your way!! ☀️


  17. Hi! 

    That is a negative test result. Anything less than .91 means negative. So, hooray! 

    If you are still worried you can get retested. Also, if you have any questions about the test results you can call your doctor or the place that took your blood and you can ask them to interpret the results for you! 🌻

    Blessings to you! 🦋



    • Thanks 1
  18. Hello! 

    This is a GREAT question! 

    Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) is a member of the herpes virus family, and is very common. EBV causes mononucleosis, which usually infects people of older teen to mid twenties ranges (I got mono when I was 20!).

    According the US Center for Disease Control (CDC): 

    "Many people become infected with EBV in childhood. EBV infections in children usually do not cause symptoms, or the symptoms are not distinguishable from other mild, brief childhood illnesses. People who get symptoms from EBV infection, usually teenagers or adults, get better in two to four weeks. However, some people may feel fatigued for several weeks or even months.

    After you get an EBV infection, the virus becomes latent (inactive) in your body. In some cases, the virus may reactivate. This does not always cause symptoms, but people with weakened immune systems are more likely to develop symptoms if EBV reactivates."

    So, it is possible that you contracted EBV and did not know it, and it has been dormant in your body all these years. There are several ways to test for EBV, click here to read about them and which test your test results contained: https://www.cdc.gov/epstein-barr/laboratory-testing.html

    The link above also says: "The presence of antibodies to both VCA and EBNA suggests past infection (from several months to years earlier). Since over 90% of adults have been infected with EBV, most adults will show antibodies to EBV from infection years earlier. High or elevated antibody levels may be present for years and are not diagnostic of recent infection."

    While I was researching, I came across a scientific article that explained the false positives that can occur when examining HSV and EPV antibodies, but the scientific jargon used was so advanced I honestly had no idea how to interpret the data and overall takeaways! However, here is a link to the article! https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2725526/

    I hope this helps! 🙂 



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