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Posts posted by HerryTheHerp

  1. I've been smoking twice as much since I found out. For me, no impact whatsoever on outbreaks or prodomes. Everyone's triggers are different. You'll just have to find yours. For some, periods, stress, lack of sleep, diet, sex, exercise, etc. can all trigger outbreaks. You may find out that you don't have to change your lifestyle at all; you may find you have to modify it a little or a lot. Unfortunately, there is no standard set of rules for this virus.

  2. Unfortunately, the odds are good. 1 in 4 women in America have HSV2. More and more are contracting HSV1 genitally.


    Unless you are in a committed, permanent relationship, condoms should be used at all times, even while taking Valtrex.


    Viral shedding will not be affected at all by spermicide. Further, using spermicide combined with your HSV2 infection places you at even greater risk for contracting HIV. It's one of the reasons why condoms are no longer coated with nonoxynol 9 because it actually creates tiny tears within the vagina that make it easier to transmit viruses. Thus, if you are planning to engage in unprotected intercourse, it is imperative that you are absolutely, 100% sure your partner is HIV-.

  3. Hi Osolucky,


    Welcome to the forum and I hope you can begin the healing process. I truly do. Your story is sad on many levels and no one deserves to be made to feel worthless or less human because of this virus. Your ex is not the type of person that any man should aspire to be. As the child of an abusive marriage, your story resonates with me and many of us here.


    This is a place of healing and there are some amazing people here. We're all walking the same journey. Hopefully we can help make that journey a little bit easier for you.

  4. Welcome to the team! I think I did the same analysis you did. Can I change it? Nope. Am I mad as heck? Yep. Will that do me any good? Nope. What can I do about it...Look ahead.


    And, for future reference, start sleeping with garlic and a cross on your nightstand. Better safe than sorry. ;)

  5. Did you know that when you French kiss you can transfer between 500-600 different species of bacteria between you and your partner. Did you know there are close to 20 billion, that's right, 20 billion teeny tiny bacteria living in your mouth at any given moment?


    Of course, no sane person wants to give HSV to someone. No one wants to give someone a cold or flu, either. That's why you take steps to protect your partner. I think everyone in this forum would feel guilty if it happened, but in the end, if it happens within a committed relationship where disclosure, love, and compassion are in the equation, well, it's a part of life. I've gotten yeast infections from a girlfriend. It happens, but it didn't change the way I felt about her. Both are just skin conditions.


  6. Well, I'm in trouble. My parents were listening to Born to be Wild when I was conceived (One of those TMI disclosures you never want to know about) and Walk This Way when I was born.


    Of course, that could explain why I feel so good when I hear either song these days.


    The negative is all around. It infiltrates every aspect of our lives from the moment we wake to the moment our mind rests for the evening. But in those waking hours if we choose to focus on the good in life, then our lives suddenly become much brighter. That's right. Happiness is a choice, and doing the right thing is a choice that will always make you happy.


    It's a great article, and it has a great moral for life.



  7. While my emotional scars are starting to heal, a few of the physical ones my first OB left behind are not.


    I know the herps doesn't normally scar, but I've got some little spots that did because the location of the outbreak made scab formation difficult, and the scabs kept rubbing off in the boxers even though I left them slathered in aloe to stay moist and flexible. Needless to say, I'd like to take care of them for aesthetic and psychological reasons.


    Any recommendations on creams that are good at scar removal on our sensitive bits? The location of mine makes lasers and scalpels no-no. I'll do a lot of things to my wee willy winky, but giving him the Dr. Evil treatment just seems a bit extreme even though I'm angry at him right now for getting me into this predicament. He's in time-out for the time being, but before I go see the plastic surgeon and start threatening him with scalpels and laser beams, I'd like to try the gentle approach.

  8. Jaded is perfectly normal. I'm concerned about the stopping of Pritelivir, too. In my opinion, it's BS. I'm also new to the rodeo, so I'm still rooting for the cowboys down in the chutes wearing the lab coats and hoping their pocket protectors hold out through Phase III. I also know there's a few scientists out there that want to have places on the podium of history right next to Jonas Salk, and an HSV or HIV cure would do just that. We're positive, we gotta stay positive.


    I think there is a possibility for a social breakthrough when it comes to STD's. We're seeing some signs. More sexual openness, LGBT rights, the condom requirement in CA porn, etc. There's still a lot of obstacles, most notably the fact that Americans are lulling themselves into a sense of apathy via the porn industry and consumption of porn which promotes sex without consequences. It's a thin veil though and as more and more people with HSV2 and other STD's come out, that veil will disintegrate. In large part, we have people like Magic, Louganis, Ryan White, and others with HIV, HPV, Hep C such as Pam Anderson and Michael Douglas who have come forward for poking the first holes in that veil. Strategically, it makes sense to enlist people like them into the HSV2 battle and incorporate everything into a collaborative campaign. Doing so and tackling them all at the same time dilutes the stigma and makes it harder to wave at any single STD.

  9. I think there will be a cure. Society is changing, and society is demanding cures, not treatments. It's a side effect of the technological revolution and our desire for instant solutions and microwave meals. People are fed up with big pharma, and they're starting to show their disgust by the increasing use of homeopathic/natural treatments. Big pharma can't hold out forever, and the governments can't keep protecting them forever. A lot of politicians are going to lose bad in November in part because of their support of big pharma. It's about to get ugly, and it's going to shake Wall Street and DC's support of pharma.


    I agree there are plenty of alternatives with wonderful results. I just worry at how much easier the internet has made peddling the snake oil.


    I disagree with the HIV sucking the funds out, though. We need to stop looking at HSV/HIV as two different realms. They are terrifyingly related. While I know HIV has consumed the lion's share of funding since the 80's, a lot of HIV research is now being used to support theories and research into HSV and other viruses. Most notably the fact that both HSV/HIV hide out within the nervous system before coming out to play, and that's been one of the biggest challenges towards curing both. There is now HIV research showing promise on waking up these silent cells and getting them out in the open where they can be knocked off. It's one more clue that will lead to an HSV breakthrough.


    As far as the FDA, well, you can bet your gosh darned bottom dollar they've been influenced. Just look at the ACA and the provisions that were included and stripped by Congress. Big pharma got a lot of concessions and changes, most notably the restriction on drug imports. There's no question they're pulling levers in DC. But, there's also no question that with 60% of Americans pissed of at the status of the law and healthcare in America that they're going to have to take note and change things.


    Scary times, but I think the outcomes will be positive. Americans aren't being silent, and whether it's HIV, HSV, MS, Cancer, etc., we're speaking up. The HSV community is just remaining silent in the discussion, but will ultimately benefit from the discussions that are taking place. That said, if we were to join the fight openly, with 60 million of us affected with HSV2 alone, it could be the straw that cripples the camel.


  10. Ever notice that Google, Facebook, and Yahoo are just breeding grounds for all sorts of stupidity? It's like "Idiocracy" coming to fruition and it's rather scary. If it's any indication of where society is headin' folks, we're in serious trouble. In fact, letting the monkeys take over might not be such a bad idea contrary to what Charlton Heston said. Wait a second. We did. We elected them to public office, but I digress.


    Why do I mention this? Well, it's because I've noticed that there are a number of "cures" out there for HSV1 and 2. Everything from colloidal silver to ground up ant testicles blessed by Magi are being promoted as "cures" for HSV1 and 2. For only $19.99, you too can free yourself from the shackles of the blisters and prodomes. Just send the money to our PO Box in the Bahamas.


    Well, we have a word for this where I come from. I'm from the West and we generally equate these types of claims as being nothing more than snake oil. 99% of the time, that's exactly what they are. Now, if you're the kind of person who likes to buy snake oil, please, send me a message because I have oceanfront in Tucson that I'll sell you for a great price.


    But, but, but, you say it's proven. It works and you know it works because some guy with a Dr. by his name says it works and Jolene from Terre Haute, IN wrote a testimonial and put it online. I casually point out that guys with Dr's by their name said Radium was "proven" to work as was Mercury, Heroin, Lobotomies (see Congress), Bloodletting (April 15th is coming up), and yes, even your beloved vibrator. All of these were "proven" to cure something or other, and the only one that worked only cured hysteria because it meant that women no longer needed to frantically give directions to the clitoris and were thus far less stressed and frustrated with their husbands. The other therapies actually killed a large number of people or led to lifelong health problems that were far worse than what they had been applied to treat.


    Bottom line: If it sounds too good to be true, it is. Yes, there are plenty of natural, homeopathic ways to treat herpes. I use several including Aloe, Lysine, healthy diet, exercise, sleep, meditation, Zinc cream, and a few others that I've carefully researched, cross referenced, and talked to actual people who have seen a benefit from using the therapies I'm considering and can back it up with solid evidence that it works and isn't harmful. These are "safe" therapies. In fact, the only one that's questionable is Lysine which may only provide a placebo effect depending on which scientific study and Dr. you believe; either way, these are no harm, no foul therapies.


    Then, there are the medical cures. The vaccines. The holy grails of research. They are promising. They are always promising. Medical science is advancing by leaps and bounds. We're learning more about the human body, scientists are collaborating on a global scale, researchers and doctors are learning how ABC disease research applies to XYZ disease research and cross-applying what they know. We're already seeing genuine medical miracles that even 5 years ago were thought impossible. And, I am confident we will see a therapeutic cure/vaccine for HSV1 and 2 in my lifetime. At the rate it's going, it's going to happen. For you "long timers" who said the same thing 30 years ago and disagree, remember you can't compare the research in the 70's, 80's, and 90's to that which is taking place today. Doing so is like comparing black and white TV to the latest flat screen, the Edsel to the Prius, or Doogie Howser to House.


    And when they find a true, safe, and reliable cure or therapy, it'll be front page news around the world. It'll be bigger than The Beatles and you can bet every gynecologist and urologist from Jakarta to Seattle will be booked solid with appointments because there are 540 million of us eagerly awaiting that day. It will come, but it's not coming from a PO Box or Jolene in Terre Haute's kitchen.


    In the meantime, be careful and watch out for the snake oil. Some of it works, a lot of it is dangerous. These people selling this stuff know you're vulnerable and hurting. They are playing a psychological game with you and your wallet. They know you're desperate, hopeful, curious, and willing to part with $59.99 to try their pill out each month. Don't fall into the trap. Don't buy anything that isn't backed up, proven to work, and proven to be safe by both medical science and people who have actually tried and seen a positive, proven benefit to the therapy you're considering. Not doing so might actually lead to far worse problems than having herpes.




  11. Of course not. That's probably because the Seahawks have never won a Super Bowl. Heck, the one time the team got there they got their butts kicked. ;)


    Now, the Broncos on the other hand, well, this is our 7th time going, and the 3rd time we're going to walk away with the trophy. You might want to send some of your Valtrex to the Seahawks changing room where they'll be nursing their wounds. Got a feeling there's gonna be a few breakouts on the field they'll need some extra help stopping. ;)

  12. Hey Butterfly,


    Take a breath. Take a deep breath. It's going to be ok. Did you know 1 in 4 women in America have HSV2? Did you also know that 80% of them didn't know just like you didn't? You're far from alone, and it's going to be ok.


    It'd be a great idea for you to read through the blog and this forum for tips on disclosing your status. There's an enormous amount of information here that Adrial and others have put together to help people in your exact situation. That's for later.


    For now, I'd wait a while until you tell your beau. Get to know him real well, and let him get to know you real well. You just found out yourself and we all know it's a hard pill to swallow. You need to give yourself a little time to digest the diagnosis and learn everything you can about HSV2 and how it's going to affect your life. In reality, it's not going to affect it all that much. The more you research and the more you learn, the easier it will become. And right now you're thinking to yourself "I'm a grad student! I don't have time for more research!"


    Fortunately, it doesn't sound like you get serious outbreaks. That's great news, so be happy about that. There's a lot of people on this forum who are reading that and envying you.


    Between school, the diagnosis, and your new beau, you have a lot going on. Whenever I find myself in a similar situation I put the brakes on and slow things down as much as I can. If I were you, I'd tackle this is small, bite sized pieces. There's no need to tackle it all today. There's also no need to rush into a relationship if you don't want to. One step at a time. One day at a time.


    Also, and not to add one more thing to your plate, but it's kind of important. If you are still on speaking terms with your ex-fiance, you might want to send him a message and simply tell him to get tested. If you didn't know, there's a possibility he doesn't know.


  13. So I've decided to keep up with the herpes jokes. I figure until someone tosses a flaming bottle of Valtrex through my window I'm going to keep writing them.


    Gooooood Moooornnninng Herpievillle!


    Today in San Francisco, George Lucas and Ron Jeremy announced that they will be collaborating on a much anticipated spin-off of one of the 1980's most popular movies. Filming for "Indiana Bones and the Titer of Blisters" is scheduled to start filming in the San Fernando Valley where it's estimated that 80% of the adult performers won't need to wear make-up to make their herpetic characters appear realistic.


    Did you know that Mrs. Manners wrote a best selling book for women living with both genital herpes and serious speech impediments? By the time its print run ended, "How the Modern Lady Can Remember Herpes and Q's" had sold well over a million copies.


    Apparently Joe Francis has decided to stop handing out "Girls Gone Wild" t-shirts in a bid to complete his community service requirements and avoid going to hell. Now, he'll be walking up and down Miami Beach handing out shirts that say "I went on Spring Break and all I got was genital herpes." Word on the sand has it that the number of shirts being handed out to girls from ASU alone has at least 3 factories in Beijing working double shifts just to keep up with demand.


    Add another to the list of famous celebrities with herpes. Turns out the Jolly Green Giant hasn't always been such a happy fella. When asked how he acquired it, he said simply "I was dating the farmer's daughter back in high school. One day she was playing with my beanstalk & coyly asked if I wanted to head into the barn and see what herpes looked like."


    Today in the studio we're joined by Robert Van Winkle and Mr. Bobby McFerrin.


    Robert, what do you use to treat your herpes when they flair up?


    "Ice, ice, baby. Rock those bumps like a vandal."


    And, Mr. McFerrin, what would you say to someone suffering from genital herpes?


    "Don't worry, be herpe. Girlfriend kicked you out of bed? Don't worry. Be herpe."


    Random House announced that Monica Lewinsky is about to release her new tell all book in an effort to rekindle her 15 minutes of fame. "My Time Blowin' Bill's Blisters" is set to hit shelves this summer. When asked for her thoughts on the book, Hillary Clinton simply replied 'Blisters, boneheads, bimbos, Benghazi, and Boehner. God, I hate the letter B."


    Transcripts from one of the last interviews of his life have just been released. When asked what the difference between herpes and a lawyer was, mobster John Gotti simply responded "Easy, you can get rid of a lawyer."


    Ever date a blonde with amnesia? I have. I was dating this woman for a few months when she asked me if I had herpes. I told her no and imagine my surprise when she rolled over and said "Thank God, I don't wanna get that ever again."


    Scientists were shocked to discover that there is a virus sweeping America that is far more dangerous and humiliating than herpes. When asked who they were gonna vote for in November, a large number of Americans appeared to be exhibiting severe signs of Gonharealectum. Symptoms of the infection are cloudy judgment, foggy memories, and a burning sensation while pissing your freedoms away.


    What do walking a tightrope and giving oral sex to someone who has herpes have in common? According to Nik Wallenda's agent, you don't want to look down when you're doing either.


    Forget the avian flu and Mitt Romney, word from Sesame Street is that Big Bird got his feathery wings clipped last year. It seems to make ends meet during a recent furlough he worked as a high priced Hollywood escort and contracted Chirpes. When asked how he was doing, his long time friend Tweety innocently stated "How many times have I told him not to put strange things in his mouth? Especially me."


    Turns out Selena Gomez doesn't just have bad taste in boys. Turns out she's also bad at math. Following Justin Bieber's recent trip to South America she was overheard saying, "I know how many a million fans are, but how much are a Brazilian hookers?"


    In other news from Hollywood, it appears it's Splitsville for Mrs. Piggy and Kermit the Frog. According to celebrity legal expert John Blisteralatte, Kermit had been spending a little too much time on the Disney backlot with Ariel of Little Mermaid fame. While knowledge of their affair was widespread throughout Hollywood, Mrs. Piggy decided she'd had enough of Kermit's fish tales after Ariel sent him home with crabs this fall.


    What's the difference between herpes and a clitoris? Scientists say 1 in 6 men have actually discovered herpes.


    And, that's today's news everyone. As you head off into Herpieville remember that 20% of the women in Switzerland have genital herpes. Turns out the Swiss Miss is using more than just hot cocoa to keep the fellas warm in the Alps this winter. They'd like to remind you that it's your life, live it the way you want to live it.


  14. Well, you might want to get your boys some airline tickets. They might be able to fly to the Super Bowl, but they're gonna get their wings clipped when they get there. In fact, you might want to call 911 right now because the Broncos are going to beat them up so badly they're gonna wanna file a police report before the coin toss is over.


    And let the trash talking commence! Herpes or no herpes, until your team has been vanquished on the gridiron weeza stop bein' friends!

  15. No, you're misunderstanding. If you have HSV1, it's harder to transfer anywhere on a partner's body who also has HSV1. That can only happen if your partner's infection is recent and they don't have the antibodies built up yet.


    Now, say your partner has HSV1, and you have HSV2. Can you transmit HSV2 to them? Yes, absolutely. HSV1 and HSV2 can be located below the waist, and HSV1 and HSV2 can be located in the mouth. There is some anecdotal evidence that having HSV1 provides some protection from acquiring HSV2, but as someone with both, I don't buy that theory.


    That said, HSV1 is normally in the mouth, and HSV2 is normally below the waist. When HSV1 is below the waist, it's out of it's "zone" and tends to be rather quiet. The same with HSV2 when it's in the mouth. If you have HSV1 in the genital area, or HSV2 in the mouth, it's estimated these shed about 1% of the time. If you have HSV2 in the genitals, or HSV1 in the mouth, it's estimated at 5-25% of the time. So, there's a big difference.


    Suppressive therapy does reduce the risk of transmission considerably for both HSV1 and 2. However, I have not met a doctor yet that prescribes suppressive therapy for HSV1 unless it is acting abnormally and causing frequent and severe outbreaks. It's just not something doctors are terribly concerned with as almost 70% of America has HSV1.


    Side effects vary. Some people have none, others have everything from fatigue to stomach cramps.


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