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Posts posted by HerryTheHerp

  1. Hey Stamatia,


    You should relax. 1, you have HSV1 genitally. That means that you'll shed about 1% of the time. When HSV1 and HSV2 are "out of their element" they tend to be rather quiet. 2, HSV1 is very, very, very common. The likelihood is that whomever you war intimate with will already have it orally. That means that it will be impossible to transfer it to them genitally. The only exception to that is if they are recently infected with HSV1 and haven't built up the antibodies to it yet.


    Unless you're one of the unlucky few that HSV1 causes problems for genitally, I don't think many doctors would recommend you go on supressive therapy.

  2. Hi Stamatia,


    It doesn't matter whether it's contracted during asymptomatic viral shedding or during an active outbreak. Those are all factors of host's immune system. Men and women shed at different rates, and we all shed differently. While not on suppressives, you can shed between 5-25% of the time. More so during the first couple of years of infection, and it gradually tapers off after that. It's tricky to track, and hard to detect, so scientists don't really know how much we virally enhanced folks are shedding.


    If an H- person contracts it, their immune system is what matters and determines whether there will be an OB or not. In some, it sleeps forever and they never know. In fact, 80% of people who have H don't know because they have no outward symptoms, or symptoms that are not easily recognized as being H specific and so mild that they're brushed off as other conditions.


    Yes, the immune system being low can cause an OB. And, there are no stupid questions on this forum. We're all here to learn and grow.



  3. Just going to point this out before New England gets their butts kicked. Of the 73,000 people cheering in the stands of Mile High Stadium right now, statistics show that at the low end 13,000 of them have HSV2, and roughly 50,000 have HSV1.


    Some food for thought for you guys as you watch the greatest football team in the history of the sport advance towards the Super Bowl. For you New England fans, you might want to pop a Valtrex 'cause it's going to be a long afternoon for ya'.

  4. It's a little known fact that diamonds are not a girl's best friend. In fact, scientists have discovered that unicorns are. It has something to do with them always being hard and horny.


    Your ex is the kind of guy I'd like to see go fishing with Sonny Corleone. People like him give decent men a bad name. And, I meant it, you sound like a strong woman who is going to kick the snot out of this pesky li'l blood disorder. That's right, I have no doubt that you're going to tell it to kiss your herpetic ass. Come to think of it, call your ex up and tell him the same thing. :)


    Pop in anytime and say hello. Prodome or prognosis, we got you covered. Well, covered better than one of those hospital gowns at least.



  5. No, it's not safe to say the herpes brought on any of those conditions. In fact, the herpes has nothing to do with those other conditions. Those conditions are caused by stress and anxiety. Reduce your stress and anxiety and they'll go away. Treating those conditions will not bring on an HSV outbreak. In fact, treating the causes (stress and anxiety) of those conditions will actually reduce the possibility of an HSV outbreak considerably.


    Talk with someone special didn't go well. She decided herpes was a dealbreaker. Still think she's an incredible woman and I wish her well. She's a wonderful woman and she'll find a good guy, it's just not going to be me. Thanks for asking.

  6. Did you ask your doctor to explain these results to you?


    You have HSV2. You already know that. You do not have HSV1, but you already know that, too.


    Bacterial Vaginosis is a very common condition. It can be caused by everything from douching or using antibiotics to having multiple partners. In layman's terms, it's a bacterial infection caused by an inbalance of bacteria within your vajajay. It's treated by altering your diet, including probiotics in your meals, and if necessary, antibiotics and a chastity belt.


    Lichen simplex chronious is simply another skin condition often caused by anxiety, being extremely nervous, and depression. It's often made worse by frequent self-exams, scratching, itching, etc. It's easily treated by laughter, not worrying, and not touching the area. In other words, stop worrying and stressing and it will go away on its own.




  7. Ashley,


    I'm a man of many words but after reading this I'm at a loss for them. You've gotten kicked, but you're far from licked. There's so much fight in you and I can feel it in everything you wrote. You have a tough road ahead of you, but know that whether it's herpes or cancer, every member of this forum is right here ready to back you up if you need it. You're not just a survivor; it's pretty clear you're a warrior.


    The next time you're making trade-offs with "I'd rather have's..." involved, might I suggest you say something along the lines of "I'd rather have a pony" instead. I'm not a superstitious man, but better safe than sorry, eh?


    As far as your ex goes, well, just reading this and we all know what an amazing woman he lost. You shouldn't give him another thought because off on the horizon is a real man who is going to see what he didn't, and when that happens just make sure to send us all invites so we can mark the date.


    Keep smiling, keep laughing, and whatever you do, don't eat the jello. That jello they give out in hospitals is laced with all sorts of things you don't want to know about. ;)

  8. Here's another recorded broadcast straight from the frontlines of Herpieville.


    From the bedroom to the belt loop it's a glorious Saturday here in Herpieville. The sun is shining and there's not a prodome in the sky. The birds are singing, lovers are loving, and 2,500 more people in America alone will be joining our herpily enhanced community today. Why, the only thing that's growing faster in America these days is Michael Moore's waistline.


    Not in the mood? Boyfriend or husband hasn't taken a shower in a week? Nothing to fear and no more need to pull out the ole' "I have a headache" or "It's that time of the month" ever again. Simply roll over in bed and say, "Honey, not tonight. I have herpes and the kids have soccer in the morning."


    Today we have Dr. Ruth Westheimer joining us. Dr. Ruth, what advice would you give for virally enhanced women who are tired of getting hit on by jerks in bars who can't seem take a hint?


    No vurries. Simply vrap your arms around ze horny li'l leipshen and visper sexily in hiz ear, "You can haf me and do vhatever you vant to me just as soon as my five children go to sleep. You should also know zat I have a raging case of herpes I'd love to share vit you bekaus I haven't done ze pokey pokey sinse my ex vent to prison last year and I'm all out of batteries for ze 12" Thunder Lover 2000." Vorks every time.


    Oh, look everyone. Billy Idol has joined us in the studio.


    Billy, how'd you contract genital herpes?


    "Well, I can tell you this. I wasn't dancing with myself."


    And, how did you feel when you got the diagnosis?


    "I was moaning, moaning, moaning."


    Any advice for our listeners on how to handle a breakout?


    "Yeah, let out a rebel yell. Scares the buggery blisters away every time."


    There you have it ladies and gentleman. You were screaming and moaning when you got herpes, and you can scream and moan to scare 'em away, too.


    Are you a guy with herpes? Have the blisters and rashes got your li'l soldier feeling down? Well, worry no more. Herry's Mimple Remover is here to help. Simply apply Mimple Remover to your private bits and your little soldier will be standing back at attention in no time at all. Herry's special formula of aloe, motor oil, lysine, and bacon grease is just what the witch doctor ordered to help you remove the hert from herpes.


    Six degrees of Kevin Bacon? It's true, and you just might have a little bit of someone famous inside of you, too. After years of careful analysis it's been determined that no fewer than 1/2 of all genital herpes cases in America can be traced to Derek Jeter and Paris Hilton. The other half all came straight from Mr. Robin Williams himself. So the next time someone shows you their autograph collection, simply whip out your wanger or your who ha and say, "Oh yeah, look what I got from my best friend's, ex-girlfriend's, sister's cousin after he spent a night in Paris."


    Out on a hot date with a gal you don't know? Be careful eating off her plate. You never know how sensitive she's gonna get if you touch herpes.


    Ever notice that Lindsay Lohan is a lot like herpes? She's a public embarrassment, vanishes for months at a time, shows up whenever she wants, is really irritating, and responds well to drug therapy.


    This just in. The American Medical Association is suing the folks from DeBeers. Apparently, after researching the slogan for many years, they've come to the conclusion that while a Diamond may last a long, long time, only herpes lasts forever.


    Ain't that a kick in the balls? Rumor has it that soccer legend David Beckham contracted herpes before he married Posh Spice. Makes you wonder whether the ref threw a flag on the play before he scored, doesn't it?


    Thinking about dating a basketball player? Be careful whose balls you play with. Rumors spreading from locker rooms in LA & Boston seem to confirm that Kobe Bryant, Kris Humphries, and Dennis Rodman are happily giving herpes to their groupies.


    Ever hear of the herpetic herpetologist? He's the guy who plays with snakes in the grass while having a pain in his ass.


    As you head out into the world today, remember, sometimes having genital herpes is a laughing matter. To all you herpetic warriors, if you open your eyes and free your minds, herpes won't kill you but it can and will make you stronger.





  9. Everything Dancer said and more. I swear she and I have this weird mind meld thing going on.


    What a jerk. It's guys like that who I wish would get their wee willy winky's caught in their zippers. Reminds me of the 21 year old gal who gave me HSV2 who said it was "my fault." It's enough to make you hide in the bathroom and cry for hours on end, isn't it?


    Whatever you do, don't reach for the scissors to go cut his balls off, because I can tell you right now that any guy who doesn't respect a woman and her feelings doesn't have balls big enough to cut off in the first place.


    You shouldn't get too down about your vajajay. Did you know that at any given moment there are over 20 species of bacteria that live inside there? All of which can be transferred and shared. I learned that the first time I got a yeast infection. Boy, was that fun but it never stopped me from wanting to go back. So, you've got 20 + a harmless little virus that you will most likely never, ever see again. Big deal.


    As an "old guy" let me tell you that what Dancer said about guys is spot on. Real men don't care what you look like on the outside, and they don't care about the baggage you carry or the wounds that you have on your skin. A real man looks inside a woman and falls in love with what he finds there. Her confidence, her caring, her compassion, her dreams, interests, goals, values, etc. are what really sets a man's eyes alight. Like I always say, the boobs, butts, and beauty may get the motor started, but they don't keep it going for very long.


    You need to put this dud in the rearview mirror and I'm going to yield the soapbox to Mrs. Gloria Gaynor who's got some words of wisdom that you need to memorize and take to heart.





  10. Blood tests are effective and a PCR can tell the difference between the two. The caveat is that you need to wait at least 4 months post-exposure for an accurate result. A Western Blot is the best, but it is best used for a confirmation test if an inconclusive IGG/IGM, or PCR test has been received. Speaking of, stay away from the IGG. I've heard of lots of false positives on that one.

  11. Cindy, there are a few things in life I'm willing to risk my life for. A great adventure, a fabulous experience, and true love being the top 3. Love is always worth great risks. It's worth challenging yourself to do something scary even though you know the odds are against you. Now, I've done a lot of things in my life that have been scary, but I've always done them safely and methodically. The same is true with falling in love. Show your heart, but don't wear it on your sleeve.


    Let this man fall in love with you. Let him get to know you. As he does that, the herpes diagnosis will fade into the back of his mind and be overshadowed by your personality, your sense of humor, your integrity, your mutual interests/desires, and the size of your heart. Those are the qualities a man our age (I'm 36) really falls in love with. Those are the things that build lasting relationships. If this man is the man you think he is, that's exactly what he's going to do.


    Give this a chance and see where it leads. It may work out, it may not. It's a risk. Just know that you can, and will pick yourself up again if you fall. And, we'll be right here to help you do that if you need it. But, I'm willing to bet that in a few months time, you'll be coming on here and saying "You know what? We worked through it. It's not an issue anymore and we've fallen in love."

  12. My pleasure. Hypothetically, assuming you can find a man who likes having sex, and we all know those are hard to come by, here's what you should know:


    If he's H-, yes, disclose. Remember to include in that disclosure that HSV1 Genitally (and HSV2 Orally for anyone reading this) shed far less in their non-traditional places. This means the risk of your beau acquiring HSV1 orally by tickling the kitty with the tongue or poking at it with the trouser thumper is very low. I've seen some estimates that these can shed as infrequently as 1% of the time when their locations are reversed.


    So, as far as protection? It's your call. If he's H-, try dental dams for the oral action. I've seen some adopt strategies similar to what you're suggesting. I've also seen some thinking, well, let's get it in the non-traditional place, let the antibodies build up being extra safe in the interim, then neither of us will really have to worry about it ever again. But, the statistical likelihood is that you'll end up marrying some guy named Peter Longtongue who already has it orally and you'll live a very happy and long life never having to worry about it.


    Oh, and if you do find a man who enjoys having sex, please post a note to this forum so all the ladies can read it. They're always complaining that they can't find men who like to dance between the sheets and I'm all out of suggestions as to where they can find them.


  13. Hey, I'm a writer. I drink like a fish and smoke so much the EPA sends me warning letters and invites me to participate in their carbon offset programs. Don't sweat it.


    Yeah, I understand the safety net and emotional shield (see above). It's a lot to deal with emotionally and you want to take steps to protect yourself. I get that 110%. I honestly don't think you'd have another outbreak. In fact, your mind is an amazing weapon against this virus, and so is your immune system. Trust the Force. Trust the Force, Luke. Like I said, i have HSV1 Orally and haven't had a cold sore in 20 years, never took a single pill for it.


    Remember, fear is a powerful force. It can wreak havoc in your body. Bury your fears by ignoring them and you'll discover just how powerful joy and courage are. They'll change your life.


    As far as the possibility of giving someone with HSV1 another site infection, it's not going to happen. The only exception to that is if their infection was recent within the past few months and they didn't have the antibodies built up, and even then it's very unlikely.


    And, to conclude, a little Jack Handy 'cause gosh darnit you're smart, beautiful, kind, and people like you. Tell yourself that every day as you get ready to head out into the world and pretty soon you won't need the safety nets, your fears will subside, and HSV1 is going to rest quietly in your trunk as you speed through life.


  14. Valtrex can affect the central nervous system and the kidneys. That could be manifesting itself via the shaking and the exhaustion you are feeling. 3 margaritas, stress, and lack of sleep can also do that.


    I'd talk to your doctor about it. Also, you have HSV1 and are not in a relationship. Personally, if it were me I wouldn't even bother with suppressive therapy unless you were having unbearable and frequent OB's. Keep the pills if you need them, but let your body get it under control naturally and I think your long-term outlook is that you'll never see another OB again. I have HSV1 orally and haven't had a cold sore since early High School 20 years ago.

  15. You haven't upset anyone, Ra. It's an interesting discussion and we're all interested in HSV1 & 2 research. Trust us, we all look into it from time to time.


    That said, you need to get out of the dark tunnel and focus on your marriage and your relationship with your wife. Again, Dancer's suggestion that you and your spouse head into marriage counseling is still the cure that you need to be focused on, and there isn't a pill anywhere in the world that can help with that.

  16. Cindy, I'm going to suggest that you reverse your position. Yeah, it's going to be hard for you to hang out with him, and talk with him, and get to know each other. You're going to expose your heart doing so, and that's always risky.


    Let him get to know you, let him get to fall in love with you. As he does that, the herpes will fade into the background of his mind. It's not a guarantee that it will change anything, but it's a worth a shot if you truly have feelings for this man, and he truly has feelings for you.


    Yes, the herpes may remain a sticking point. It might, and you need to put that thought in the back of your mind, but take the risk. Take it. Love is worth taking the greatest risks to find. As he falls in love with you, the chances of him letting a skin condition stop him from holding onto you will gradually diminish.


  17. There was some talk a few weeks ago about this drug trial and the promise it held for reducing outbreaks and viral shedding. I came across this article just today that sheds some more light on the trial, the observed effect on shedding, and where it stands with the FDA right now.


    It's an interesting read, and while not a cure, it does look like it might be an effective tool towards helping us protect our H- partners in the future.



  18. My mistake, he's going into II, you're right. It's late, no sleep, too many different things on my mind.


    Also, let's not discount ASP2151 or Pritelivir. While not cures, are potential game changers towards a cure. I know part of these trials is to determine if once weekly dosage of something like 400mg would be as effective as daily dosage with Acylovir for reducing shedding. And, unlike the others on the market now, I know they're claiming ASP2151 can reduce the OB to a single day when they occur.


    Pritelivir was showing really good results, then the FDA paused it because of toxicity concerns at 20 times dosage. They were worried it could build up in the liver and kidneys, cause rashes, etc. That was last May, then there was no news whatsoever. Just a few days ago this release came out so share it with anyone who was curious as to what was going on there because there really wasn't much information until just this week.





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