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Posts posted by victoriaxxx

  1. Today as took an emotional toll on I.. It made me relive those moments.. Being lied to, finding out. That wound is still there and that wound will always be there, but as a person with Herpes, I hold that high. That is apart of me. That is my secret, which is not really a secret any more. I still hold that smile on my face. I am still there for the people that I love and cherish.. Because I have herpes.


    All these things that I have gone through in life made me the person I am right now. I don't want anyone to go through the same things that I went through. At least not on my watch. I hold myself to that standard that if I can make that change, at least for myself and for the people around me then I am doing a lot more than I did the day before..


    This is me.

    A recovering addict.




    The black sheep.


    This is why I am still here today. Saying the things that I say. Being the person that I have always wanted to be. & Keep your head up always..

    For you will never know what tomorrow may bring you..


  2. I am already joking about it..


    && A girl i thought was my friend started spreading it around to everyone, and I started getting nasty messages saying " You are a nasty hoe. You are gross." Those people i thought were my friends, but something like this came up and they turned their backs on me.. How ?


    Well needless to say I dropped them.. Then there was those people that came to me.. "I have it also.." Or started asking me questions.. && those people who wanted to learn and who needed someone also I was there for.. (:

  3. It is better because in the end you are able to talk about if you feel like you are having a breakout coming on.. Instead of having no reason to explain why you don't want to get intimate. Trust, honestly, love... Because they have it knowing that was the risk that they wanted to take.. That is my honest opinion. I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing that I gave it to them but kept it a secret... Sex would not be pleasurable for me either.

  4. Not knowing that you have it and passed is a different story. Like she said it is not the same as being lied to.


    When I found out I had Herpes I told everyone I slept with in the past. I told them sorry for not knowing, and they if I would have known I would have taken the measure to keep them safe.. All of them thanked me, even though a lot of them were upset. They thanked me for telling them the truth.

  5. Honestly...

    I just feel like you want a rise out of us.


    Yeah the person who gave it to me KNEW and DID NOT tell me.. I don't talk to him any more. I was hurt.. && the person may hate you may not, but I am not calling any one a monster. I am saying if you have morals and values then you will disclose. My boyfriend is perfectly fine with it. My dad is perfectly fine with my moms herpes.. And there are so many other people out there that have H- partners...



  6. When I said Oral HSV-1 isn't a big deal, I meant the stigma behind it.. Oral HSV doesn't hold the same stigma as Genital HSV.. But when we talk about cold sores and Oral HSV.. We can let them know that it is something to be careful about just like Genital Herpes is something to be careful with.

    && I hope that in Dental offices and Dr's offices they can be more open about the transmition or oral and genital, because that is something that we need to definitely learn about.


    Sorry I should have explained that better !

  7. We are all here in this together. We are all fighting the stigma of this little sucker. This virus came into our life not because we wanted it too, but because it wanted us.. Now we got it. Now we are all victims, and we are all trying to look out for each other.


    @Stuckinarut We are all behind you 100% and we want you to be okay with your herpes. (: If you are okay with it then most others will be okay with it..

  8. I am getting the serenity prayer tattooed on my side.. It has actually help me look at everything with a different perspective, including this. Whether you are religious or not.. We all learned to accept the things we can not change. <3


    @Klopz You know I am behind you 100%

  9. @JustSmile (: I agree.. Don't come out like I did, balling and crying and being like " You won't want to be with me.."


    In the end its all about how you talk about it, and you can talk to him and tell him the statistics.. Tell him in a way " I have herpes, and 80% of people who have it don't know that they do." Be positive about your herpes, becasue 9 times out of 10 even if you do get rejection, they will be a lot happier with you..

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