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Posts posted by victoriaxxx

  1. ((: I tell people who come to me about there herpes about this forum. I said that this place is a big support group for me and for other people I know. You guys mean so much to me and created a family I never thought I could have. A family full of H+ with great attitudes !!


    One step at a time !

  2. OrngPeelMafia is right ! I have lived my life mostly in stress. It lowers the immune system.. Not only can it cause you to have an outbreak it can also cause you to get sick. I know that I get sick a lot because of my stress levels ! The only thing you can really do is take the steps you need to so you can make it less painful and make it go away faster and stay calm !


    It is not as easy as it seems !

  3. So.. Here I go. At first I thought this bump on my eye was a stye, but it keeps coming. I think I might infected my eye.. I have this same bump that comes back multiple times on my bottom left eyelid.. It hurts, it looks like a little pimple. Woke up with it again this morning. I flushed my eye.. Feels a little better, but it hurts really bad. I feel so stupid, because I definitely did not intend to do this !


    UGH fml!

  4. I thought that HSV-2 was only like a 1% chance to get orally because of the fact that the chemistry of the mouth don't like each other ??


    Anyways.. You can get it orally, but it is very very rare. More likely to get HSV-1 orally..

    My boyfriend and I finally had a serious conversation and said he would give me oral after the year is up. (( Yay birthday oral for me ! )

  5. Ohh. I agree with my family doing a little more research.. Like she asked me about toilets, and clothes, and towels.. I told my grandma that I will wash my own towels and clothes if she is worried about it..


    Yes all my life my mother has been open about it.. Her story is A LOT different than mine on how we contracted it, but either way we both still got it.. I am glad that I have someone close also that has it.. But I don't really ask her questions about it. I have came out recently to a lot of people.. Because this is me, this is not something that I really want too hide.. I want to know who my true friends are and their true colors. I have had quite a few people come out to me telling me about their herpes also.. You would be suprised !

  6. Hello lovelucky,


    Welcome. (: I am glad that you have been around lurking far longer than I have been on here supporting others ! First off, I wanted to say that I really am glad to know that you have the mind set that you want to tell the people that you are with ! I know what you mean about not having casual sex so you wouldn't get anything..

    Well I have never really not had casual sex, and I got tested because I found a guy that I really want to settle down for. I was tired of the easy get it in.. I wanted to settle down. I really really really like this guy ! && I got tested and found out that I have HSV-2.. I am glad that I know now, because I was going to push it off until after I have already moved to him. I am so glad, because then I would have put him at risk ! Knowing what I nkow now and how the person didn't know/ didn't tell me.. I would never want to do that to anyone else. Ever ! That is just not me. I can't stand secrets for one.. && I don't want any one to go through the pain that I went through. I felt betrayed. I felt lied too, but the fact is they might not have even known themselves..


    I would not have gotten with anyone with an STI if I didn't know before, but now this is a changing mindset.. But before I just wanted to get it in.. Also knowing that my mother has had HSV-2 for over 25 years I would have been a little more understanding, but say that is not the risk I am willing too take, but apparently that was the risk I was willing too take. Not being careful and not actually reading their papers like I will do now !


    I just wanted to say thank you for posting.

  7. Hello and welcome,

    I am taking supressive treatment every day and I have been looking for other natural ways to go about this. Also my mother doesn't take any treatment. She doesn't even take natural treatment. She has her's so at bay that it only comes every 5 years. She said that I wouldn't have to take the medication if I didn't want too, but until I find more natural ways to go around it then I am going to use the supressive. I want to keep the person I am with as safe as possible.


    I also take 3 tablespoons of cold pressed organic coconut oil a day. It has natural anti viral properties in them... I have also heard of Olive Leaf and organic Black Licorice tea.. I think licorice is disgustin, but I have been drinking it also, because I heard there are also other anti viral properties in it also.. After a few years I would like to take myself off the treatment and let my body build up it's own immunity also using the natural therapy.

  8. Hello,

    Welcome to the forum.

    I want to say that using a condom is a must ! Even without having an outbreak you can still shed. HSV-1 and 2 both shed and you can pass it on without having an outbreak. Until you are with your partner for a long time like they said. && you are in a monogomous relationship.. I am pretty sure you can still have oral sex, but its more likely of a transmition than HSV-2.


    Of course you want to be open with anyone you have sex with, because it is likely to pass on due to the shedding. I am a big believer in condoms (( now)). Lol.


    You have HSV-1 down below, you can definitely pass it on to someone else.


    (: Plus on top of that like she said Herpes can become your friend. You can cancel out the people that want to use you.


    I am also 20 years old. Not in college or anything, but I am a sexually active girl.. Not right now, because I want to wait a while to make sure my boyfriend can be as safe as possible.. So I know how you feel. I have HSV-2.


    Just learn to take care of yourself and learn to listen to your body, it tends to tell you a lot of things that a lot of times we just don't listen to.

  9. I finally just read this post. This is amazing. Well sad. You had me moved.


    "Funny how the universe works.."

    I have a good feeling that you are going to beat it.. && sending positive vibes your way! It is just an annoying skin condition, and when you do come out. I want to hear it. I want all of us to hear it. You are meant to be loved. WE are all meant to be lovedd !

    && you will be. Everyone of us here also love our fellow H warriors !

  10. @Hll87 Welcome !


    I am so glad to hear your story. It seemed a lot like mine. Probably all of ours. When I got tested I was constantly looking up stories on the internet.. Looking at page after page.. Some of them scary ! But I knew inside me that I had herpes.. I just wanted it confirmed.. Even though I know. When she called me back and told me my real results, I made an appointment as soon as possible. The Medical assistant told me I didn't need any medication because it wasn't a visible outbreak, but when I talked to the doctor.. I told her I wanted to be on suppressant treatment, because I am sexually active. I was reading somewhere " The best way to not pass it is to stay abstinent." I thought to myself that was a bunch of bogus! I don't want to be abstinent. I told my doctor that I had no plan of being abstinent. Only in the first year do I want to be with my boyfriend.. (( even though he keeps hinting at me that he really doesn't want me to be abstinent.)) He is like " Well that is a risk I am willing to take, because I want to love you physically and mentally." It is amazing.


    Also my mom and dad have been together for 22 years. My mom is H+ and my dad is H-.. That also helped me out a lot. I was able to go to my mom for moral support.. && my dad told me any man would be honored to have me with or without herpes !

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