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Everything posted by whymegirl

  1. I was unaware that I had it until a dr pointed it out during a pap test. No idea how long I had it before then.
  2. I thought I should share my happy story with you all since you were so helpful when I was in tears telling you all my shitty rejection experience. Very shortly after I met this amazing guy.. and I was horribly nervous because I knew all too well the possibility of rejection. So I waited about 2 weeks into things.. My mom suggested I get him to meet the family and everything before so he knows where I come from and that I come from a very loving family and all that. So I did.. after the 2nd date, poor guy. But he was 1) willing in the first place and 2) handled it like a champ. Anyways.. so about a week after that I decided to break the news. He took it really well and by the end of the evening I had basically forgot I had even told him. He didnt say much about it that night but I told him that when he does have questions not to hesitate to ask me. So the next day he had questions and I told him to take some time to think about it. Because from the first experience I had, I knew all too well that a good first reaction doesnt mean much. Its the following days that count. So I told him to take his time and think about it. Then after like 24 hours I was like ok I need to know now... So we got together that night and he told me that its ok and really doesnt seem too bothered by it? He said "If you can handle my busy work schedual and triathalon training then I can handle this" and I thought... well.... thats really not the same thing at all. But whatever. Ill take it! Anyways he's honestly the most amazing guys Ive ever met, so thoughtful, understanding, so goddamn handsome.. and not to mention probably the most physical relationship ive ever had. So I wanted to share this to give someone who is like me 1 month ago... feeling like no one will ever want me, im doomed and I might as well start my cat collection now. Not so! Theres hope. Im now sooo happy I got rejected by the other guy because it gave me the opportunity to find this AMAZING guy. And made me realise how true it is how ppl say its a gift because it shows you peoples true intentions. I dont want somebody that just wants to sleep with me but doesnt see long term... I don't wanna waste my time with those guys. Ii hope this helps somebody! And I apologize if I rambled haha ♡♡
  3. I started splitting mine in half and taking 1/2 in the am and 1/2 in the pm. After a poster mentioned thats what they do. Ive been outbreak free since doing this and it doesnt make me quite as thirsty as it did when I would take a full one once a day
  4. Haha I love it! Might think about going out dancing if there is a next time!
  5. You are so awesome! This has really made me feel a lot better. Id love a friend like you. :) @hope42morrow
  6. Youre so spot on! Exactly what I dont want to hear because (pathetic moment ahead) I still kind of hope he changes his mind. Ugh! @hope42morrow But I know the likelihood of that is pretty slim.
  7. @alex08 I have signed up for positive singles.com but I dont live near any big cities.. vancouver bc is about 4 hours away. So the options are pretty limited! I wasnt too impressed after browsing haha
  8. I agree with @amillionthings He needs to forgive and forget.. or at least not hold it against you and make you feel bad for the rest of your life.
  9. Thanks everyone. It helps to know im not alone! Especially thanks @hope42morrow that made me laugh out loud. Especially since thats exactly what I did today. Nada! And yeah I kind of just want to grab him, shake him, and say what are you thinking???? But.. I wont. Mentally smacking will have to suffice. Good luck with whatever it is you have going on right now @peachyogurtisawesome
  10. Told the guy I've been seeing before things got physical. He was really supportive and I was so relieved when I first told him. Then he had some time to think about it and I got the... "Lets just be friends." Crushing blow. Got home that night and was so upset. so while literally sobbing I told my mom, I hadn't even told her about having it before. "I basically got dumped and no one is ever going to want me. ever." is basically what I said in my dramatic little moment. So now I look forward to getting over this guy that I had really started to like and see something with and also the idea of this happening allll over again. How do I find the courage to try again?
  11. One thing im really looking forward to when im off them.. lol but eh, being a little thirsty beats an ob.
  12. I believe it works after you stop them too. My doctor has put me on a cycle for about 8 months I guess? Then ill stop. (And hope to god it keeps working) I have 2 months left and just the last little while is when ive noticed its been working. Up until then I was still getting frequent outbreaks. I thought I was doomed. But ive been ob free for a couple months now. One thing I notice with valtrex is how thirtsy it makes me. I always need water around! Anyone else have this side effect??
  13. @letsbefriends every case is different.. mine I didnt even know I had it until a doc pointed it out. My doctor told me the first year is usually the worst and youll get the most outbreaks then it will calm down. But I would recommend valtrex right away.
  14. Sounds similar to my experience. I found out about 3 years ago. I was in a relationship and we both found out we had it about a week apart. I was going to a walk-in clinic and the doctors were less than helpful.. didn't encourage me to take a suppressant for it or anything. Didn't really tell me that I had options.. Or maybe they did, it was sort of like in the movies... when someone gets a really terrible diagnosis and the room goes blurry and you can't even hear what the doctor is saying anymore. Yeah, it was like that. my life.. was over. I sobbed like a baby when I got home that night. Fast forward a year or so, I was back with my usual family doctor (and single) and she got me on Valtrex right away and I have about 2 months left and I rarely get outbreaks. She gave me lots of information about it because before that I was pretty much thinking nobody would ever want me again.. lol. Try not to play the blame game.. if you really love your bf. He didn't do this knowingly and he probably feels about as bad as you do. Forgive him and move forward.
  15. I'm glad you gave it another thought and aren't letting this control your happiness.. because he does sound like a really good guy. I recently started dating someone new.. First person I've needed to tell since finding out I have H. So I knew I would have to tell him but I wanted to choose the right time. I wanted him to get to know me and see what I have to offer before I told him so that his judgment wouldn't be clouded by what I have. ugh. And I also wanted to be sure he was a good guy and someone I could trust enough to tell (and be sure that I wanted to keep him around too!!). I've read other articles that say you should tell someone on the first date but... That's just not for me. Not that I'm a serial dater but I don't want to tell someone something that personal about myself if I hardly know them. Anyways, so Ive seen this guy about 4 maybe 5 times.. and I decided after we went out for dinner that I needed to tell him that night because I really like him and the physical attraction is undeniable. Anyways, I was so nervous. pretty much went silent on the drive home because that was all I could think about. "What are you thinking about?" "Ohhh nothing..." So I got back to his place and spilled the beans. I was so nervous.. pretty sure I was like shaking the whole time. But his response was amazing and so supportive. I let out a literal sigh of relief. I pretty much rehearsed what I was going to say about 100 times and included everything I thought was important and what I would want to hear.. I gave him all the info I could, about how I take Valtrex and what that does. I was all "I want you to have the choice because I wasn't given that option.." and he just said how it doesnt change the way he feels about me whatsoever and had questions. He made me feel so much better and I felt like this HUGE weight had been lifted. Up until then I really hadn't told anyone except my doctor.. so I told my bff afterwards too cause I felt like I needed to talk to someone about the situation. and she told me how bother her parents had it and it was no big deal to her... Then I felt EVEN better. I'm not as much of a freak as I thought ha. Anyways, my point is this guy that you're interested in sounds like a good guy who is very into you. So get to know him and get a bit more comfortable with him then open up to him. I hope my experience makes it a bit easier for you! If you want any tips on what to say when you do feel free to message me.. I can give you my schpeel. lol :)
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