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Posts posted by willow

  1. Aww girl! So sorry to hear about ur breakup, its a tough thing to go through when uve put ur heart outhere

    I know the feeling, being diagnosed with h can be a a very dramatic and traumatising experience. First u need to know everything will be alright. A bit of self love amd education on h and youll feel 100% again. And thats a promise!!


    So its very possible this man gave u the virus without even knowing he had it. 80% of people with herpes dont know they have it due to they are asymptonmatic.


    How were u diagnosed? Swab culture? Blood? Visual?

    Are u taking valtrex episodically or suppressivly?


    Hang in there, a new beautifull turn in ur life is happening.. its kinda like wathing a cattipillar turn into a butterfly, weird and awkward and even sad at times, then BAM. Beauty.

  2. I could always speak to ur doctor or a naturalpath about vit supplments like vit b6, and magnesium.. and theres a few more i forget the names of that help with stress and deppression. But u deff gotta find something to helpbu out.. meds, vitamins, therapy, anything

  3. Heya stranger, i can understand the depression. Ive gone through it myself when i was diagnosed in january this year. It wasnt untill april and may that i started feeling better about myself. I personally dont believe in anti depressants, but thats because i had a bad time with them years ago. The best thing is to think about what truly makes u smile and go with the flow. Paint, colour, read, play an instrument, video games, movies, sports, card games, sewing or crafts, hiking/walking, tanning, build a snowman! yoga... anything. U can choose something so simple, and yet it could make all the difference on how ur emotions turn out.


    As for the itch... i have used lydocain jelly 2%. Just a lil dab works for about 4 hrs. The itch should dissapear soon. Are u sure its an "h" itch? Or is ur mind playing tricks? U can also do epson salt baths... soooo relaxing!!

  4. @hdiari3s ... ur therapist sounds like an idiot. 1 do u even knoe if u get lessions on cervix? And 2 so what if u do... u can still have kids...

    @catapillarmonarch .. so sorry to hear what an ass ur doc was, happens all the time to me. Iv had to educate more doctors about different things, and they still give me that jedgment glare like "how dare u! Im the proffesional"... pffftt my ass they are!

  5. Havent heard of it. But if this cure worked dont u think the entire medicall industry would be crazy about it? Pharmasists would be begging managers to cary it in their store. It would be all over the news. And mr @Adrial probably would have mentioned something, as hes always researching new info to share wish us!


    U could deffinatly try it, and see if your symptons go away!! Theres no hurt intrying!

    ... but it wont take the virus away. To manage symptons is easier than managing the virus itself...


    -Virus particles (known as virions) consist of two or three parts: i) the genetic material made from either DNAor RNA, long molecules that carry genetic information; ii) a protein coat that protects these genes; and in some cases iii) an envelope of lipids that surrounds the protein coat when they are outside a cell.



    ... so if im understanding this right, we need something that is able to break the protien barrier, and then we can attack the genetic material.


    Viruses dont go away. The common cold, warts (hands and toes), hiv, hsv, hpv,..

    Unfotunatly, we are stuck with the virus untill someone can break down the protiens, and gennetic material.

  6. Ive had prodrome feelings after sex, but no o.b.

    if u wanted tho, i suppose u could pop an extra antiviral cple hrs befor having sex, might help...

    Thats what im going to have to do for my time of the month.....

    but im sure itll die down soon... your body is still so new to this. Should stop bring a problem after a couple months..

  7. Hey lasko, sorry to hear about ur frustrations!!

    i take them daily as of june, so nowadays i just get a lil pinch feeling or itchy.


    When i was just taking the pills epidosodically, it didnt make everything go away, just a lil less sever...


    Best way to take them is when u feel prodromes. The pills will help it back yo darmancy. But once the o.b. has occured, the meds can only help shoten the time, and lessen the pain.

  8. I agreewith @WCSDancer2010, dont panic yet! Im sure with a lil time and some soothing epsom salt baths, itll calm down a bit!


    @Sil88, 4 week cough! My goodness!i have a cough too. On week 3 now, doc put me on a tiny dose of codien (pill form) to suppess the cough, ask ur doc bout it maybe? Cuz a cough shouldnt last longer than a week!!

  9. Hey dbop, sorry u are experiencing so much pain right now! Must be drustrating as all hell!!

    I would agree with the doc, ive Never heard of hsv in the brain or head...

    not saying its impossible.. im not a scientist or a doctor..


    *** I think you should ask your doctor for a head scan/x-ray.


    it could be stress related, and some of this could be the effect of too much stress.

    Dont stop fighting. This is Your body, and you cant give up on it!

  10. I think what u felt might have been just prodromal symptons. Prodromes are what u feel right befor an o.b. and not always does an o.b. occure. So i think ur body is doing a great job at trying to keep it at bay!

    Its quite possible this pain u feel is a prodrome and seeing as u doubled the meds when it happened and not o.b. occured, kinda proves that theory.


    So basically from my understanding.... the virus has entered Through the skin. It then follows a or a couple nerves and then hides in the base of the spine. Then once and a while sometimes no reason, sometimes a trigger will upset it and it folloes through that save nerve in entered from back up. This is when u feel prodromes. And then a possible o.b. .... so if ur able to attavk the virus via meds, or lysine or w/e works for u, while u feel a prodrome, chances are the o.b. wont occure.

    But when having prodromes, the virus is more easily transmittable just like with an o.b.

    So just avoid sxy time when u feel prodromes!



  11. @hope29 ,

    Deffinatly find a new therapist!!!! That is so disgusting how she judged u like that!! Therapists/councelors should be the ones to help u through it, not make u feel worse!!!

    Emotionally you will get stronger, learn as much as u can, ask, vent often here. Soon youll be ok with the diagnosis and one day the "cringe" feeling will disapear. I promise u that, just gotta learn lots and stay strong!!!

    I wrote a post a while back about joking and such, hope it helps..


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