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Posts posted by willow

  1. Ive found the opposite with anxiety and herpes.

    ive always had anxiety issues my whole life. And of course with my diagnosis of herpes too..

    but in the past few months ive found myself to be more steady emotionally, more calm in desperate situations. Being diagnosed has made me more profound as a human being. I am able to think wiser and deeper with my surrounding situations.

  2. Maybe txt him and explain that you know of a website (this forum) that can explain to him all or any questions hes pondering.

    i think that maybe from what he knows of the stigma on herpes is probably holding him back.

    you cant force him to understand it, but maybe giving him the ehandouts from here is worth a try!

    Cuz from what uve posted so far.. i dont think hes willing to give up, i think hes just nervouse... more nervous than u even..

  3. Only 1 % of oral herpes is hsv2.

    .... one... per...cent...


    My bf and i also have oral (i have hsv2) and he and i have never ran into any problems.

    Your doctor is stuck on some mixed info...

    i mean.. ya if it were hsv1 and ur guy didnt have hsv1 i could see it beein a bit of an issue...


    I think maybe ur doctor is just personally not a fan of oral sex. Maybe ur doc doesnt think its a proper way to express sexualty and maybe thats why he/she said its never a good idea..?

  4. I went through something similar.. my symptons were differnt.. but ya.. good ol "aunt flow" had begun to trigger o.b.'s for me.

    im on suppresive therapy now. One 500 mg of valtrex daily.

    and when i have jad an o.b. with supressive... theyve been soooo minor. But right after my period..

    Im on birth controll and skip my period. (I just Keep taking the pills).

    so that way i dont get it every month.

    i know alot of girls on here might disagree with that tho. Its up to you and your body on how u feel about that...

  5. *update*


    Just thought id let everyone know my bf and i are still together. And herpes (as much as it is a part of my life) hasnt really ever been an issue between him and i.

    Weve been dating for 5 months now.

    im on supressive therapy. (No condoms as im allergic to latex)

    Im also on birth control too.

    with supressives ive had 2 very minor o.b.'s and sure it was frustrating not being able to have sex for a while during those times... but you kinda get over it. Cuz u know. In just a week or 2 your sexlife will be back on track.



    I wanted to post an update because i noticed a lot of new commers on the forum, and saw their worries about a future with sex and herpes and relationships.


    I think about h alot. But not negatively anymore. When i think about it, im more so thinking about my body, and if im keeping care of it enough. I think about the strangers i see throughout the day, and wonder if they have it too...


    Seeing as next month will be our 6 month, im going to see if hes intrested in getting tested, basically just to calm myself... because i worry about transmitting it to him sometimes. So ill let u guys know whenever that happens..


    Not every relationship is easy, and ya.. sometimes he and i get in little tiffs once and a while, but its never about herpes.

    He's still the super sweet redneck guy i remember when we first met.


    So anyone reading this who may still feel awkward and insecure.. just know..

    once you have worked thru ur own issues (not h related) you will be able to find that special someone. Its not the end of ur dating life!


    Thanks again to everyone who has helped me with my struggles!

  6. Dont be one of those girls. Dont stay with a wicked man.

    wicked men make false promises...

    dont define who you are by staying with him. You are stronger than this.

    and its only gonna get tougher when you do decide to leave... so stay strong, and keep your kid out of harms way.

    As for telling him about h... i really hate to say it.. but why bother at this point?

    Telling him will only allow more anger and ressentment, and then the "people pleaser" in you, wont have the guts to leave.


    And then maybe after the storm has calmed, you can work with your therapist or councelor or w/e about letting him know about h. But for now, dont let it trouble you. Just work on you and ur son, and life without this man..


    - and just for the record to the other readers, i am all about disclosing. But there is a far more important situation at hand here. please dont start another drama page..

  7. Remind me what type u have? Hsv1, or hsv2? .. and gennital im assuming...


    Fore play!? Hell ya!! Absolutely! The biggest concern with foreplay is if u have hsv1 and ur partner doesnt... as for hsv2.. it really really doesnt like the oral area.


    As for your condom question.. i cant help u there, because im allergic to latex.

    I have tried the latex free female condom (fc2), and it didnt work out for my bf and i.


    So here's what he and i do...

    Im on suppressive therapy. One 500mg valtrex daily. And we avoid sex if i think i feel a prodrome or something. Amd so far (5months dating..) he doesnt have any symptons!

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