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Posts posted by seeker

  1. ok, im gonna ask, have you been unusually stressed lately? maybe something triggered it?

    as far as your BF is concerned, im a guy, take my word for it. if you do something, anything that gives him a " happy ending" he will be good with that. have fun, be creative, let out your wild side. we are not only naked ( in that we are hairless) apes but we are sexy apes as well and have the most varied sex life of all creatures on our planet, that variety is part of the pair bond, it helps hold us in a pair. so, buy a kama sutra

  2. well all diseases will have some level of immunity in a population. no sense killing off the host. and in days gone by they wouldn't have made the connection that this is a lifelong thing, once the shaman did his deal they were good to go.


    I know someone who had/has shingles ( fun fact, ive never had chicken pox, yay) {yay was sarcasm, I run whenever a kid gets a red dot on them} it was horrible for them. the heat really did them in. I do find it odd how such similar viruses can be dealt with differently. I know some of it is the deadliness of it and some is the profitability. ie shingles. till recently I never heard of a vaccines, never heard of someone getting it but with the boomers getting old, yes your old get over yourselves, there is a market. chicken pox, hell people have pox parties and get their kids sick on purpose. mono, you get that one your whole life AND can spread it w/o symptoms ( sound familiar?) then we come to H1 and H2 those scandalous little bastards, h1 is so common no one cares , h2 which is 99% the same critter is a big bad bugaboo. wth?

  3. I understand completely. I think about it sometimes also. worst part for me, I had decided that I wanted to find someone and stop with all the running around and then HELLO. funny thing is, I feel the opposite, you being young have more time in front of you so you will have to adjust, there may be a cure before your life is past. ive lived 48.99999 of my 49 years on this earth w/o herpes and have what 30 more? if dating isn't really on your radar then why even worry about that aspect? get yourself in a better general place first. id suggest finding a trusted person to disclose to, I did and my friend told me 2 things A im not the only person he knows with H2, even within our circle and B get over myself. see he has dealt with cancer 2x and has a bad heart condition. funny thing is, ive known him 25 years and he is in better shape now than when I met him. and the cancer was in the last 10 years. there are FAR worse things in life, this is a rash, having a friend who could literally drop dead at any second puts that into perspective. now assuming your at least 21, go have a jagerbomb or a chocolate pretzel or Washington apple or whatever the shot du jour is amongst your generation, relax. hmm I wrote this and forgot to click post, lol

  4. first off a disclaimer. its no use to worry about a vaccine, it may or may never come for various economic/political reasons. that being said, there is a phase 2 trial going on for a therapeutic vaccine for herpes. it has show to lower the viral load to the point of non transference. it wont get rid of the virus but instead makes it so you cant give it to someone else. it may not pan out. it could be years or decades before it reaches market. and when it does the pharm companies will have to make up for all those antivirals they sell so it will probably be very very expensive. I understand the driving force behind this research is its connection to HIV transmittal and that guy who owns Microsoft.

  5. first off, breathe. and by the way its not dangerous its basically a rash. an inconvenient one yes but a rash. im less than 1 month since my diagnosis and my attitude now compared to then is well maybe not 180 degrees different but at least 120. my main issue now is figuring out what the myriad number of failings this old body has is possibly an OB. let me ask you this. maybe if you date someone who had H you aren't settling, maybe that's who you were suppose to be with and all those others were settling. after all that great guy with H would have never been on your radar before you obtained it would he? I have H and I consider myself to be quite the catch by the way. and as far as the asshat who wont get back to you. tell him to F himself. don't let him or the one you broke up with play you. its your life!


    and just a note,H can be somewhat freeing, at least for an older male like me. I now flirt far more than I did before. I figure I have a higher chance of rejection so why not have fun??? I would tell some stories but it would sound like im tooting my own horn .


    don't give up on life. more people have this than you think and speaking on behalf of us guys with H ( I know the forum seems to be primarily female) we aint chop liver. you could do far worse. as far as karma, if that were true id be in far worse shape than having H, just look at some of the rat fink bastards in the world who are rich, famous and powerful ( im looking at dick cheney) if anyone should have boils erupting from their faces and snakes pouring from their ears its them. your human you make mistakes.

  6. that's great. I was curious if there had been any " im ok with YOU having it, just not with everyone else knowing" aka guilt by association. which would probably read more as " im afraid people might think I have it"


    im telling you this getting comfortable with this virus is a pain in the tuckus. im really not liking the shedding thing, that makes me paranoid. a sore I can avoid or I know to not touch and wash up after. its the idea that virus is sneaking out of me. ie I had an eye itch last night I rubbed with my finger and I know I had touched myself, no sores, antivirals last 2 days because of possible OB ( itchiness is gone) and I freaked. ran into the bathroom washed my hands and splashed water in my eye. im weird in that im ok with almost any scarring on my body and damage to it except my face ( I already don't have much to work with in that dept ) my eyes and my spine. but my eyes esp. I like seeing the beauty in our world, keeps me on a better note and quite honestly, I think woman are the most incredible thing God put on this or any planet, I just love admiring their beauty and all its manifestations. but not in a creepy way, lol.

  7. hey there. I lose track of where ive posted so I hadn't responded. YOU ARE NOT DAMAGED!!!!!!!!! and if he see you that way to hell with him. there are plenty of guys out there who would be willing to be with you. open your eyes he is there, if not now then at some future time.


    if you had the vaccine howd you get hpv ( all these alphabetical abbreviations make my eyes sweat)?

  8. hey all thanks. funny I was less worried about it when it happened than the next morning. (it was pre coffee tho) dancer I think ive read that, back when I first discovered this site. ive read your blog a bit here and there. I enjoy the camaraderie here, the support and the fact that its me and broken surrounded by a bunch of hot women, woot.


    dancer, I do have an odd question id like to ask. I know you have been living with H for quite some time, I know you have " come out of the closet" so to speak. I know you have had rejection for having H. my question is, have you been rejected not for having H but for being out about it? im always impressed by your courage about this, I couldn't do it personally. I hope im not stepping over some boundary here, if so just tell me to bugger off.

  9. bah, I hate this virus and how it makes me worry. so, last night my son stayed over. one of our fav things is ill lay with him and we talk at bedtime. well I used the facilities and layed with him. I touched his back and then I thought, " crap did I was my hands?" now ive no open sores, but a fair amount of itching. I did take antivirals yesterday. I know the chances are infinitesimal that I A. got shed virus on my hand, B didn't wash my hands ( its so innocuous that I couldn't remember but at a minimum pre H id rinse them) C. took almost a minute to lay down D touched his back, a fairly non mucous membrane an area as they come. heck I woke more worried about it than I did last night. no way no how correct? shed virus HAS to be "worked" into the skin or a cut and for a fair amount of time also. I know in my mind its no way no how, or freakin everybody would have it, literally.

  10. I broke down and took 1 this morning. the back pain didn't feel normal, more inside than musculature. I had my first and worst a year ago. I had 1 about 4 weeks ago and it was a few blisters, 1 at the base of my testes and 1 @ 3 inches below my navel. the navel one has acted weird. popped on its own, as did the other but the other just went away, the navel one discolored and has been that way since. it is healed up though. id rather be on episodic than suppressive unless in a relationship. it just seems odd because she gave me 30 pills but told me they only give 2 episodes worth for episodic. 1 pill for 5 days x 2 = 10 pills. im not complaining though, 30 pills for 17 sawbones aint bad.

  11. so. your saying at the first sign of anything to start taking the episodic. my issue you are aware of, lol is im not entirely sure what constitutes an OB yet. right now my lower right back has some tightness in it, has for 2 days now. is that an OB? add to it some occasional itchiness and a little headache. im prone to think it is but im also somewhat curious to let it go ( tho I don't really want to deal with an ob) so I can figure it out somewhat better. its been @ 3 weeks since my last one and this seems quick as I don't really recall any others than the last one and my first one almost a year ago, also the headache responded to decongestants as last time I had it I was having allergy attacks also. BUT its similar to the headache I had during my initial OB a weird random throb in the back of my head neck, actually made me flinch and didn't respond to advil. so im dealing with newbie issues here and the catch 22 of you need OBs to figure out what an OB is but no one wants to deal with OBs cause they suck. arggg. plus if im going to have to take episodic so often why not just go suppressive?

  12. @ dancer, really? damn I mustve been raised right then. I still hold the door for a woman open the car, get out and pump her gas, etc. southern mom for the win.


    I will say this, with no outward signs most people, esp men are not going to go to the doctor. however every relationship I ever entered we always did an std test before going all out ( a test I now know doesn't include H1 nor H2).

  13. yea yea yea. I know. its the early part of all this. still haven't sleuthed it out. and due to my job, age and geographical location skin issues, muscle issues and allergies are very common. like my lower back has been tight since yesterday. too much sitting? sleep in a funky position? OB on the way? I keep waving my bottle of antivirals at my privates saying to the herpes "come say hello to my little friend" id prefer it if the pills went bad before I ever need them. plus im just a curious person, I like to know about stuff.

  14. im going to chime in on this question about number of past lovers. I have personal experience in this and it isn't good. my now ex-wife and I had that little chat during our courtship. it didn't seem all that big a deal as we were "older" I was in my early 30s she her late 20s. well i told her and I was quite a Lothario in my day, she wouldn't tell me, just said that I was still in the single digits. I assumed that made me #9 because of her hesitancy. it never bothered me, never even thought about it. all I cared about was that id be her last and it be good with us. she on the other hand held on to not just my number but also the thought that her number somehow meant something to me yet I never once brought it up during our marriage. so, be careful what you ask for, you may get it. sometimes letting stuff go can be for the better. discretion is the better part of valor. when I meet a woman that I want to have a relationship with, I could care less. if she is loyal to me is all that matters as im loyal to a fault. ( I do look tho, I am a guy)

  15. find other things to occupy your mind for one. going for a walk, watching a good movie, playing video games. there will come a time when you realize, hey I haven't thought about H for x amount of time. and then it just gets more and more infrequent. I went from obsessing to barely thinking about it ( other than trying to figure out specific bodily occurrences) in 3 weeks. I disclosed to one good friend and got some meds for my next OB, hopefully they will expire before it, lol. life isn't over. you can still date, marry, have kids, grow old, climb Everest, hunt poachers in Africa, help your country win the gold in hockey, write the great American novel, run with the bulls, get drunk in key west, go to a nude beach in Europe, drive in a nascar race or even help others cope with getting a rash on their naughty bits. a rash by the way that tends to lessen in severity the longer you have it and become easier to predict also. if a slightly overweight 49 y/o construction worker with 2 divorces can keep hope then a young and pretty 20 year old can.





  16. ok the doc I saw was a rather fast talker. she thought I wanted suppressive but when I told her id go episodic she told me she would have to rewrite the script. this was at planned parenthood and they give you the meds right there. so my bottle has 2 labels on it, one overlapping the other. the bottom one says 1 pill 3 x a day with (I cant read) the new one, for episodic says 1 pill a day x 5 days with symptoms. its 400 mg acyclovir. that's sounds reversed to me. shouldn't a suppressive be a smaller amount continuously to help your body and a episodic be a bigger does to get you thru it? I cant call and ask till tomorrow because its a holiday. I am wondering if im starting an OB because some odd back/side discomfort. id rather not take anything till I know better if its an OB or just paranoia and what im suppose to do rx wise.oh she also said it would be 2 episodes per bottle and there are 30 pills, 3 pills a day x 5 days = 30 pills or 1 pill a day x 30 days = 30 pills. she also said suppressive was 1 pill a day. PP is very busy down here, only one in a fairly populated county. thank god we are still a somewhat blue state and have them.

  17. the simplest answer is often the right one. if this happened and keeps happening around putting Dexs flea meds on then that sounds about it. those meds are made to last for a month so they may get in your system also. I use to put the stuff on my dogs head/neck and rub it in then immediately scrub my hands. sometimes a cigar is only a cigar.

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