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Posts posted by seeker

  1. no it makes no difference. your test should be type specific. not sure if they even have a non type specific one anymore. its just that from what the article said as I understand, a lower end positive has potential to be a false positive, that's all. mine was way up there. so much that a friend who is a nurse suggested ive had it far longer than I think, something im not willing to contemplate because 1 no symptoms till about 1 year ago and 2 that's not a conversation I want to have with my ex from 6 years ago, no good comes from that. plus she has had myriad number of health issues with that region so im assuming it would have been found by now. funny thing, we did the "full" std test before going bareback and this was in the day of the q-tip in the penis for gonorrhea for us men ( straight out of the inquisition that one) all clear.

  2. thanks. its been a month and ive settled down considerably. whitedaisies and dancer have helped a lot, thanks you super beautiful one of a kid gals, hugs and kisses. plus a friend who I disclosed to and helped put it in perspective ( 2x cancer survivor, what that crap? its a skin rash). its not news that's fun to read 1/2 hour before going to bed. didn't sleep much that night to say the least. funny thing is, I only open emails from my ex in the morning cause if she emails me its probably going to cause me grief and I don't want that before bed, should have taken that path with the results. I ended up not working that day, moped around, went to clinic for HIV test cause learning the 4x as likely thing freaked me out. funny what a difference a month makes.

  3. problem is our options are a source of ongoing income for big pharma. I did read an article from an Australian company ( and one can always count on the greed of corporations) that its a potential 6 billion dollar market to develop a vaccine. tho as preventative or therapeutic the article didn't say. the company was working on one for viral loads that would make it non transmittable. though I am seeing a multi shot treatment with boosters. if it makes it thru trial AND its safe ( given that its Australian I feel better than our utterly corrupt FDA dealing with it) it will be years and very expensive at least at first. when some other company steals the info and makes a similar one or the 17 year paten runs out then it becomes more cost realistic.

  4. good luck, I hope he is the love of your life. it stinks what match did but its probably somewhere in all the end user agreement. I think a game I play gets my son upon maturity. I have match.coms freeby account, need to delete cause its not worth it. wouldn't join cause ive heard they will keep billing after you quit. I admire your honesty and openness. ive only opened up to one friend about this, im sure most wouldn't care as they have bigger fish to fry as it were, its my family. ive thought of talking to my cousin, she came out as a lesbian a few years ago and if she can do that at 21 she has courage, though with my side of her family we are the "who cares we love you no matter what type" ( some on her other parents {only some} side tho I want to punch in the mouth for what they said to her, how do you love someone all their life and then disown them over who they love??????). sorry her baby pics look like my sons ( plus I love the girl) so I take it a bit personal that someone treated her badly over this and its not the point of your post. :) good luck and much happiness.

  5. in an act of TMI I think it may have been from er, mastering my own universe a bit much recently as the bump completely disappeared that evening. so who's to say???


    damn we talk about some personal stuff here, lol.


    you know how it is, every bump on the body is questionable at first, then every bump in the general area as we learn about this. add to that im in florida, home of sweaty itchy privates AND I work outdoors........... my pants waistband causes a rash sometimes, ive had it in the past but now "its got to be the herpes!!!!" is the first thought till the rational man in my noggin smacks me and says " no you dumbass you had this before, every guy you work with is complaining about it, whack, now go get me a beer!"

  6. thanks, I thought the false positives went away with the type specific because it was the other herpes viruses that caused it. my "score" was 6.4 and ive had some other things happen also. hmm, just looked and the link to my results expired so I cant check if it said on the results which kind. probably express because my results were back in @ 36 hours. I wonder if WB is the one the Doctor at planned parenthood said was cost prohibitive for them to do. my first OB mimic mono to a tee or I guess I could have had mono and it triggered my first OB, I dunno.

  7. question, how did you get discharges cultured if you never had an OB?


    And on the herpesselect, what other antibodies do they think were at fault for a false positive? ive been led to understand that the type specific is only for H1 or H2 antibodies.

    none of the other viruses in the herpes family create the same antibodies. im pretty sure mine was a herpesselect and if it could tell the difference between 1 and 2 it should differentiate between chickenpox, mono, shingle, etc.

  8. actually my first HSV2 OB I only had 3-4 bumps, and had mono like symptoms, or mono and my first ob. that doctor thought the bumps were a bacterial infection and guess what? the antibiotics worked cause in a few days the bumps were gone ( the worked part was sarcasm fyi). so yes it could have been an Ob, the flu like symptoms add to it. I know herpes takes on many forms but I thought it always had clear liquid not like a zits creamy white center?

  9. Hiv tests vary in latency. my local clinic has 2, a test that takes time to get results, about a week. its part of a panel. its lat is 2 months. they also have a rapid test, 15 minutes of anxiety and its lat is 3 months. I am currently awaiting my 3 months even tho I could go earlier from last contact but I want to be absolutely sure. just did the math on yours 5 months should be more than enough unless they are using a testing method from 1995.


    on urine pain, sorry to throw this out there but maybe a kidney stone? ive had several and 1 of the symptoms is the need to frequently urinate but only a few drops come out ( because there is a rock in the way, yay ). ive felt as though I was going to pee myself and 3 drops come out. it can be random, stones only hurt when moving and walking helps them move. a double edged sword in that you need to move it to get it out and moving it freakin hurts. ive actually ( warning mental image you wont forget) sat on the toilet with a gallon of water and a book because I got tired running to the bathroom every 15 minutes. there is usually back pain ( which herpes can give too another yay) and the feeling like you have been tapped in the testicles. you know that nut hit that radiates up into your kidney? its like that but constant. I used to warn my coworkers when I was in an early stone phase and could manage to work, that I was going to be one grumpy SOB from the pain.


    currently trying to figure out if I have a prodome or stone. been a while so I doubt its chlamydia as its incubation is less than 2 weeks I think.


    UTIs can be helped from cranberry juice also.

  10. thanks, im feeling somewhat better. went to the store, am doing laundry and the apartment is clean so ive accomplished something today and am about to leave to go to a friends house till way after midnight, then church in the morning. maybe a pub in the afternoon. my team plays the late game and im expecting a call from someone important to me later that night. it just hit me hard, was so unexpected. never had a bump there before. this virus has already jacked with me pretty bad back when I think it first hit, so I was hoping it would be a bit more kind now.


    music always helps me, it gets me through stuff and lets me know where im at. this song helped today.


  11. ive been trying to adjust to this new reality. I think ive been doing ok. all the bumps ive seen have been either around my testicles or on them. I thought ive had this for about a year so auto inoculation was unlikely. this morning I found a small bump on the shaft of my penis, I don't know if it is or isn't herpes, I had no itching, no tingling. im hoping its just some weird male yeast type infection, maybe from my using peroxide too much or such. heck I even did an Epsom bathe last night just for the heck of it. ive never had any bumps actually on my penis and I considered that a victory. I always used condoms so it would have to be self spread im guessing. seeing that bump was like a punch to the gut. im back in that place I was when I first got diagnosed. I was getting ready to clean the house and go to a friends tonight and now I just want to crawl under the covers and hide. welcome back depression.

  12. what a piece of work! especially being in a medically related field. and no Valtrex isn't only for herpes. I was given it for bells palsy. people are given it for viral meningitis, etc. She was/is an uneducated, unsympathetic, judgmental rube. I feel sorry for her husband ( provided she has one) with that attitude she probably thinks sex is dirty and only for procreation. and her kids, did she run every time one had a runny nose?


    Lol I just had a slight laugh at her fear of " hand herpes" I may be wrong but I think I read somewhere that the palms and bottom of the foot are 2 places herpes will never take. Jesus, if it were contagious from touching a surface, the whole planet would have it. literally.


    I personally think of it as transmittable not contagious, as the second sounds more like it can be casually given and the first is sounds like more is involved, and it is. hope that makes sense, first cup of coffee isn't even in me yet and was up late randomly touching surfaces around town.

  13. hey generic. I went to a place called anylabtestnow. they have offices all over the US. my test was either 49 or 59$. they did a blood test, type specific where they look for the ntigen so its very reliable ( unfortunately that means give up hope of a false positive :) ). they did it thru my email also. I gave them a password which I wrote on my paperwork and my results were there the next evening. I still have that email saved. I needed to printout the results for planned parenthood. no doctor for results but at least 80% of them ive met were rather lacking in the bedside manner area anyway. thoughr reading those results at 9pm alone on a Tuesday really stunk.

  14. hey never, somewhere on here someone posted about the chances of catching herpes from someone who knows they have it and behaves accordingly. now it was geared toward us guys but it went something like, you have a better chance of dying in a space shuttle flight than catching herpes from a careful person who knows they have it, would you pass up the chance to fly on the shuttle?


    hell no, I wouldn't.


    also remember, she is processing this too, the fact she didn't run screaming is good.and as notperfect says, she could get it from her next boyfriend who doesn't know or doesn't care.

  15. okay so im about a month into knowing ive got H2. ive gotten over the depression, the paranoia and obsessively thinking about it. whats getting under my skin now is figuring out what is and isn't prodome and the onset of an outbreak. being an "older" male ( still got it though ladies, grin) and the normal aging process, working in construction, Florida heat, old injuries, seasonal allergies that can be mild to WTF??? im getting tired. I had a doctor tell me I had hardened cysts on my inner thigh. little bumps that form and don't go away unless removed ( yay aging) well I don't know if one that been there for 2 months probably ( I don't document these things) suddenly was enlarged and red today. just the heat? some ill fitting boxers? or a blister forming in the same spot? oh and is that pain in my glute from the new shoes I got, climbing ladders or a warning of an OB? arrrg curse you henry the herpes virus!!!


    so other than the normal of tingling, itchiness and such, what are some of your odder prodome symptoms? hypochondriacs need not read.

  16. I understand your anguish Lady, ive had those thought also on occasion. however the main thing ive told myself is this. I can LIVE with herpes, there are a lot of things that a person can get where that choice is taken. I have a son who is my world, I dread the day he gets old enough to stop wanting to come over because of his own life yet I could never do that to him. I want to see him grow up. I want to see the little hottie he marries and gives me grandkids with. I want to mooch a room from him when I get old. and I couldn't bear the thought that my action made him more likely to do it himself. yes that for me was the clincher. children of suicides have a hugely greater chance of doing it themselves.


    there is no hell I would not willingly walk thru for my son and herpes is not hell.

  17. never, you have found a gem, don't lose her. if you dump her I will personally come to your house and fart in your general direction!!!. you told her and she still wants to try!!! that in itself speaks volumes about her as a person and the relationship you have built. don't lose it over a rash. fyi until the 70s and the first "anti viral" no one gave a rats patootie about herpes, hell they still don't care about the oral version.


    its understandable given the stigma that you are down and thinking in extremes, trust me I was there a month ago when I got my diagnosis now the only time I even think about herpes is when im trying to figure out what my prodomes are. and in an aging male body who works in construction in the florida heat that in itself would make a lengthy dissertation. it will get better and you have a sweet young lady to help!! lucky bastard :)


    and yes the sexual repulsion passes, I think mine lasted 24 hours but im a bit of a horn dog to begin with so for me that's a long time.


    talk with her, don't give up on her. dammit man she sounds like a keeper!!


    she is making a choice, if it so happens that she does get it, she went into this with open eyes ( which was more than I had as did a lot of others). you are not responsible If you do everything you are supposed to do, suppressive, protection ( or not as willow mentioned). good luck, keep your chin up and breathe .

  18. yes and no. even if they are in phase 2 trials it may be years before anything comes to market and in the first run it will be very expensive. im not holding my breath. I found some of the comment interesting though. Its not wise to wait for a cure, but to just go on with life. there was a promising vaccine in 2012 that eventually tanked. im thinking a true cure would stand a better chance from accidental discovery than direct research.

  19. ill take a cool afghan for my couch. I understand your worry. I have a son. but no as others said it dies pretty fast outside the body. the worst ive heard, under absolute perfection was 8 hours but knitting doesn't create that perfection and it was a troll on another site so I consider the source. Do yourself a favor, stop looking at google search results or at least only look at info from actual medical centers and universities, if all that other stuff was true id be cured have the worlds longest penis and a fat wallet from my Nigerian friends.

  20. @ peggy, that's odd because ive had this sensation like a bug flew in my mouth and was in my throat during the day. im wondering if that was part of an OB. oh damn and I have H2 orally. ive determined the back pain is related and may be a good indicator. some bumps started but went away quickly, I had started antivirals and nuked em with peroxide. all the itchiness I had stopped with the antivirals also.

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