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Posts posted by seeker

  1. @ wevegotthis blood tests test for the antibodies, so unless its been too soon since exposure you will have them. there is a scale for a positive. its the swab one that can be tricky from what I understand. IF you get to the doctor while the blister is still there and there is active virus in it. sometimes you get a false negative if the sore is "old". ive never done the swab as my blisters ( the few ive had) form and pop in about a day. I literally find them when they pop usually drying after a shower. well I am more vigilant now.


    toniann, you will be ok. ive read that some women will pee in a tub with water or while using the showerhead. drink lots of water to dilute your urine and Epsom salt baths are good too.


    herpes lives in our nerves, it is not blood borne. you can be a doctor. better yet be a herpes researcher!!! dancer has kids and has had this most of her life.


    I wont deny its a pain in the tuckus but its a pain you can LIVE with. your body will adjust and the OBs should get easier. you can use antivirals either episodic or as suppressive.

  2. first thing is everyone on here went thru what you are now. I was diagnosed about a month ago. it feels like a punch to the stomach. you will get by this, life isn't over by any stretch.


    I cant nor will I justify what he did as I am not in his shoes, many people don't know they have this. his cagey actions say he did and was trying to hide it. and im sorry, 15 months of dating w/o sex or 15 months till no condoms? remember how that felt so you wont do the same later. cause guess what at, someone is gonna want to be with you again.


    don't hate yourself young lady, you did nothing wrong. you will live thru this, have kids, shlep them around in a mini van, get laid off, get a better job, hike the Appalachian trail, smoke pot on the supreme court steps and or any number of things in your life.


  3. lol. im reading this post and thinking of all the Viagra and Cialis commercials no one has an issue with. while I don't hold out any hope of a cure in whats left of my lifetime, I did read an article while booting around the net where a CEO of some Australian pharmaceutical company stated that an at least therapeutic vaccine is a 6 Billion market. so the only thing to count on is their greed.

  4. id say yes as ive not heard of anyone having a straight up yes or no. my tests had the numbers I tested at and the ranges on it for both types.


    re the Valtrex, there are different ideas about it. one is, let your body learn to deal with the virus. I should get it under control eventually. I only use the val episodically because im not in a relationship. plus being new to this im trying to figure out what is an OB and what is my screwed up paranoid mind . taking them daily is known as suppressive and unless in a relationship a lot of people don't take them that way, unless of course they have really bad OBs or constant ones.


    I would be giving some serious thought to a retest and not at an urgent care, either an oby/gyn, planned parenthood, or a lab yourself. and ask what kind of test they offer. blood test will tell you what but not where, swabs tell you both but can be tricky on the timing.

  5. first off young lady, breathe. it will be ok. there are other people on here who are in college or in your age bracket. secondly our forum mom will be here with her links for you. being a guy my OBs are a bit different and ive only had a few bumps always inside my bathing suit area, which covers ( fortunately for every one else) far more than yours does. why not wear one of those suits that have the little flap thing? remember im an older male so fashion terms are like greek to me.


    please do not take this too harshly but, your self worth is not linked to sleeping with some sweaty dumbass with his hat on sideways. sex is a great thing but it should be waited for, especially at your age. nothing wrong with being in a relationship first and for a bit before getting intimate. sex with someone you care for, in a monogamous relationship is exponentially better than casual sex ;)


    now then, im not sure if you would want a hug from an old dude but, big dad like bear hug, this does not define you, you are valuable and deserve better than this jerk guy. deal with this virus first, get yourself in a better frame of mind. worry about your education. someone WILL love you and want to be with you! this could be a defining moment, herpes can help you weed out the bad ones much easier.

  6. first off. as dancer said, breathe. second forget all the sex stuff. you have something going on you need to figure out. sex is the last thing that you should be worried about. if you had a major flu would you be worried about sex? im doubting it. first things first. GPs and urgent care docs are woefully undereducated about herpes. if that's even what you have. you need to take care of yourself and get healthy first and foremost.


    I went to an urgent care on my first OB, they thought it was mono and the bumps some bacterial infection. so take it for whats its worth. funny thing, mono is a type of herpes so I guess he wasn't completely off. you need to know what your test says, what type it was and how long after potential exposure.


    as far as spreading, don't have sex for now. take your time. figure out what it is. if it is herpes, then worry about it. your sicker than a dog and your worried about sex??? damn every woman ive married that was the last thing on their minds.

  7. well good luck dancer. remember absence makes the heart grow fonder. as for the whole what the body wants, im a guy. try walking around with a second brain that can take a fair amount of the blood from the first.


    My now ex got front row center tickets to see BB King. I could put my feet up on stage were I so inclined. then we did a meet and greet after. was an anniversary/birthday present. ive go the signed poster still but she lost the pics. got to see ray Charles also. could have seen elvis, yep but I was a kid and wanted to hang with my friends, unfortunately he died the next year. ive had a copy of live from Hawaii since I was 10.


    chrissyny, fav music: blues, the kinks, indigo girls and marillion with the original singer.I like pretty much all music except rap/hip hop and opera. I can appreciate the talent to make them but don't especially like them. tho I do like micheal frontes stuff ( not sure how to spell it)he was with the disposable heroes of hipoprisy. I dig the Dali museum here in the area. been multiple times

  8. @ megan sounds like my initial OB. I thought I had mono, so did the doctor. 103.5 fever for 3 days, I broke it @ a dozen times only to have it back a few hours later. the aches were horrible, especially any joint I injured in my life. sore throat from hell, even ice cream hurt! yes ice cream. you just know God is pissed at you when ice cream causes pain. I did get past it, took about 2 weeks and then ( not to scare you) I developed bells palsy but it cleared up quickly. best part? they gave me antivirals for the bells palsy but not for the virus I had that brought it on, guess that's why they call it "practicing" medicine. like mono ( which I guess I could have had also) it may take a month or so to feel normal again. I had fatigue for about 6 weeks. I lost 20 pounds in a week because I couldn't eat, which not eating will affect waste disposal. on a happy note, since my original OB tried to kill me its been relatively easy on me since ( other than the recent kidney stone, and yes im blaming herpes for that, no reason just piling on).

  9. @ mom good. just remember with the blood test you need @ 4 month for the antibodies to show. PP is good for followup but they will want a copy of the results. they offered the antivirals very inexpensively. 17 for episodic, 24 for suppressive, no new RX or apt just a call within a year. which is good because even with an apt im still in there 2 1/2 hours after said appt. and being a guy ive got 1 of 2 reasons for being in there, STDs or vasectomy.

  10. @ generic. we guys have it somewhat better in all this as our stuff is more visible. however, we still get funky crap going on down there. wait till you get older and get hardened cysts, penile papules, foliicitus ( you spell it), molluscum, um,er friction sores, heat rash, prickly heat, skin tags. sigh. I had (and posted) about a small bump on my shaft, damned thing appeared on Saturday morning ( at least that's when I saw it) and freaked me out. only to be gone by Saturday night. your doctor should have cultured your sore, unless he knew it was too far gone to have active virus. it seems some doctors prefer the swab others the blood test.

  11. @ dancer, then your taken if he is in your sites. I don't step into other peoples stuff, no good comes from that.


    @ myfierce, its the NSA not cia. had to look up Christina Hendricks, damn! I have a thing for the gingers :)


    @ chrissyny, I like long walks on the beach, pina coladas, getting caught in the rain, the feel of the ocean and the taste of champagne. (ok actually blue moon beer).


    lines from some of my favorite movies, " where's the fetus going to gestate, in a box?"


    "always remember, there something more cleverer than yourself" " get your paws off me you damned dirty ape!"


    and I love the blues, got to meet BB king once.

  12. @ chrissyny, yea fun age. we fish, archery, swim, do goofy stuff. im a 49 Y/o ,am I get to play with legos!!! and they are far better than when I was a kid.


    @ my fierce , he gets a bit put off, " dad stop it!" but I think its funny. I tell him its a medical term for a body part but I think his hangup is they get into trouble at school for saying stuff like that, not because the word is bad but the ensuing chaos of a 6 ( last year) grade class.

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