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Everything posted by Sadpanda

  1. So the past few mths have been fairly normal, no obs or nerve symptoms to report, until last wk. A couple of days after having sex I started tingling and feeling the papercut feelings again. However, there are no sores this time. I've been on 500 mg of valtrex since diagnosis in Feb. had symptoms for a few mths after, but no real ob since before I started the meds. So my question is, do you still get obs on suppressive therapy? How do I know for sure it's an ob and not something else? Taking a break from relations until I'm normal again, but how long will that take? Really hoping I didn't trigger the months on end of symptoms again like I had before..
  2. This site was a huge help to me when I was first dx'd with H2. My best friend has been one of my biggest supporters, even though she's always been std free and didn't really know what I was going through physically. For the past 2 wks she has had insane itching and a blistered rash on her waist, forearms and thighs. She was dx'd with scabies today and was told to wash her entire house down, clothes, etc and got a script for a cream that makes her sick. She's pretty miserable and although I've been googling, I still don't know enough about it to be of help. Has anyone here experienced this before? Or have any advice? Thanks...
  3. So, awhile back I had mentioned that since diagnosis in Feb, I've only told my current bf, my giver, and an ex of mine who keeps reappearing in my life. I had told this ex as sort of "practice", and also I'm really happy with my bf now and don't want anything or anyone to F it up. I had replied to a mssg from this ex with a big long lecture about how I got H, and that he should be careful too because you CAN get it with condoms, statistics, etc. Didn't hear back from him of course. UNTIL LAST NIGHT. He mssgs me saying he wished I was there. I said, you DID get my mssg that I have herpes now, right?? He said yeah I know. I guess in my mind I thought it would scare him away. I guess not. This ex also has a beautiful gf. He did the same thing to me when I dated him too. I'm so glad to be with someone who DOESNT cheat for a change. I thought herpes would be my wingman so to speak and weed out the riffraff ex, but apparently he doesn't care. Just thought I would share for those of you worried about disclosure. This is a guy 10 yrs younger than me, very cute, but is a player and a perpetual cheater. Even HE still wants me. Shocked but a small part of me is relieved I guess. Not going there of course, since I'm happy with a GOOD guy now. So my "practice" disclosure (as I call it since I didn't really care about the outcome) was a success!
  4. Valtrex has worked wonders for me, I just had to give it a few months. Now taking it daily as suppression and it has worked wonders. Lemon balm has dried up and healed my boyfriends blisters in a day or so, without rupturing. I usually get the papercut ulcers, and they hang around for awhile regardless of what I try. (Epsom salt baths, tea tree oil, lemon balm). I would like to think they all help, but I think it's the Valtrex more than anything else. But I haven't had an actual ob with lesions since February when I was diagnosed. Was having lots of prodrome syndromes for a couple of mths after, and constant irritation, but that has all gone away. Hope you can get some relief soon too.
  5. I was diagnosed with h2 in February of this year and only have started to feel normal again for maybe the past month. I tried everything possible in the meantime- antivirals, lemon balm, Epsom salt baths, vitamins, tea tree oil, refraining from sex/arginine foods/alcohol/stress. I was having constant symptoms even when there were no obs present. But then I started to have a normal day here and there, and now thankfully, my normal days are the norm now. I'm taking generic Valtrex 500 mg a day and quit all the supplements besides a probiotic. I'm doing much better and I didn't think I ever would again. Just hang in there and keep trying new things until you find what works for you. Many of us here have/had the post viral issues that aren't typical to the virus. You can find a lot of helpful threads on this forum. Hope you can find some relief soon too.
  6. Does anyone else feel like their quality of care with their doctor has declined since diagnosis? My obgyn used to be awesome and personable, now since diagnosing, she is short and avoidant with me. She was supposed to call in my script yesterday to the pharmacy (I had called her office first thing when it opened so she had all day), get to the pharmacy and the pharmacist shakes her head and said sorry, no script was called in. Of course my drs office was closed, so I called the emergency page line. That's right. And I got my script filled. They chided me for doing that, for a "non emergency", but had my dr done her job I wouldn't have had to. And now I'm worried that when my last refill is up in a mth, she won't refill me since she claims valtrex is only for "short term" use. How can I avoid this? I feel like I'm finally getting my body under control with the virus, and don't want to go back to the way it was before.
  7. Thanks dancer. Wasn't sure. It makes me wonder what is it in valtrex that makes hair thin out? And nails brittle? I've finally reached a good place after having chronic symptoms since February. So I don't necessarily want to stop taking it unless there are harmful side effects from taking it long term.
  8. Gah I thought my nails were peeling/breaking because of these nail stickers I used a few mths ago. But that's an awful long time to still have it happening. Does the monat help with nails too? Can't tell if I have hair loss yet or not.
  9. @shocked80, yay! Glad you're feeling better! I'm feeling better too but I'm staying on the Valtrex for now (half dose), because whenever I tried to stop I kept getting more symptoms. But I'm glad you're doing better. Hope it continues and keep us updated!
  10. Just watched that vid and laughed till I cried! Thanks for sharing! :D
  11. Have you tried switching meds? Acyclovir did nothing for me besides make me feel crappy all over. I would still get papercut obs after sex while taking it. Am now on my 3rd bottle of valacyclovir, and have finally reached a normal feeling place again. It's great and I'll never take it for granted again. I've also been having some vigorous romps appx twice a wk, still no obs knock on wood. So hang in there, it gets better. I would recommend switching meds if you can. Also, maybe I'm nuts but I think sex is actually better now. Somehow H has made things a lot more sensitive so it feels better than before. At first I thought maybe it was in my mind, but my bf is positive too and he says the same thing. So don't despair, just keep trying new things till you find what works for you.
  12. So sorry to hear you're having a hard time. But the what if scenarios don't really help since you can't change the past. I divorced my abusive husband last year (and acquired hsv 2 shortly thereafter from an ex of mine). I kept saying to myself if I had just stuck it out, I wouldn't have herpes now. But I can't tell you how happy and relieved I am with my life now. Even WITH herpes. It's like an elephant was standing on my chest for 8 yrs and finally he left. No more anxiety coming home from work, no more living in fear, no more worrying about saying or doing the wrong thing to set him off. (Or doing nothing at all, which also set him off). Do you have some place safe you and your babies can go? The last thing I would worry about if finding someone else right now and work on getting away and into a safe place. I was with someone for 8 yrs who was abusive, and it got progressively worse. It started out verbal/emotional, then eventually became physical. He shook me violently when I was 3 mths pregnant with his child, but the last straw was when he choked me in front of my own kids and my son called the police. I'm saying all this because I kept hoping things would get better but they DONT. Not with an abuser unless they seek help. I'm with a wonderful man now (also hsv2 +), but we're both on meds and herpes doesn't really affect our relationship. He treats me so well it's like living in a dream or a lifetime movie. Lol. I would GLADLY take herpes and the repercussions of it several times over if it means I could have the life I have now vs the hell i went through for 8 yrs. Give it time, you will find someone else, but first you have to heal from mr wrong. You and your babies deserve better. Hugs.
  13. Have either of you tried lemon balm? My bf uses it on his sores and they are usually gone or nearly gone in a day. He uses the extract form like in health food stores.
  14. Just thought everyone should know. Lol. :) Seriously though, I didn't think this day would ever come since being diagnosed in Feb. I've been feeling normal (like, pre-h normal), for a few days now. So hang in there everyone who is struggling with obs or nerve pain right now. It does get better. And thank God for Valtrex. And also for this lovely forum and all the support and info I've received. :)
  15. Oh wow girl. RUN. You deserve better. He has not changed from your original post. You can do bad all by yourself, you don't need someone making you feel that way. He wouldn't even touch you? Clearly he doesn't have his facts straight at all. And what kind of a sex life is that? If he cares about your feelings he wouldn't make you feel like a leper. I know it sucks but I would run and not look back.
  16. @StillMeButWiser, possibly. That's what my bf thinks. But not doing anything has the same effect also. So it's hard to say. I'm also wondering if possibly the antiviral might cause symptoms while suppressing the virus. The reason I think this is because before I was diagnosed, I went for 7 mths without ever knowing I had it. I was symptom free most days except for the wk of my period, in which i would usually get a small paper cut that I thought was from sex. Was misdiagnosed several times before a swab confirmed h2 in February. Have been on meds ever since and have had these symptoms almost the entire time. That's why I'm wondering if it might be that. I'm scared to go off of them though, for fear of another ob..
  17. @StillMeButWiser, wow that's awful! Yeah for some reason the Drs are stingy with the Valtrex. I don't get it. After asking for mths, my boyfriends dr finally consented to putting him on suppressive therapy after his 3rd ob in 3 mths. And I'm on suppressive now with Valtrex but I notice there are only 3 refills. I will try upping my dosage and see if that helps. Still no lesions or blisters right now, just the burning ring of irritation. Last night I took another long espsom bath with tea tree oil and lavender oil. Then I swabbed with tea tree and lemon balm. When that calmed down, I swabbed with pure aloe Vera. Went to bed commando and feeling somewhat better. Then I woke up to the same irritated feeling. Think I'll start adding more Valtrex today and see if that helps. Thanks so much for the info. Hope you can find some long term relief also.
  18. @New_Moon, Thanks but no relief yet. I got better for a bit after the Diflucan but all wk this wk it's back to fiery ring of hell again. May look into the lichen thing. Thanks for the info. :)
  19. Thanks @girlnamedhope. Yes he is and I know that I am lucky. This virus has been taxing on our relationship, but we're still together and still in love. At this point he is having more obs than I am, so once he's on meds daily I'm hoping that will help. This virus also tends to affect the mind, we both go thru periods of depression so when that happens we try to build each other up. And when we're both depressed we come here. :)
  20. Thank you. This was a quick healing ob. Had a very raw painful ulcer 2 days ago now it's gone. Took baths in Epsom and tea tree oil and also swabbed at night with tea tree oil and lemon balm. It sent me into orbit but totally worth it since I know it helped heal me. Bf is going to start suppressive therapy too I think, so hopefully that helps.
  21. Thanks, I hope so @whitedaisies. Hugs
  22. Aaaand now I have an open ulcer papercut style right where I always have them. Yay.
  23. Someone please tell me that I will eventually not have an ob every time I have sex. I am doing everything possible to avoid outbreaks. Avoiding certain foods, alcohol, stress, you name it. Also on valtrex and tons of supplements. Even altered HOW I have sex to avoid too much friction. Yet here I am, 3 days later with all the ob symptoms except for a blister. Although I do have a large itchy "zit" on my back that showed up today. I never have zits anymore, esp not on my back so it is weird. Anyway, someone tell me this won't be my life from now on. I'm depressed all over again. And my poor bf (also has h2 like me), is experiencing the same thing. I thought seroconcordant couples were supposed to be ok as far as transmission goes? So far, we have triggered obs in each other every time we have sex. I just want to be normal again.
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