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Posts posted by StillMeButWiser

  1. For me, being a female, the flu like symptoms has only been with my first outbreak. Body aches such as neck ache, bad headache. I believe these came came few days into the outbreak. Also had bad pain in my butt going to feet in the back of my my legs. My crotch felt like electric shocks from inside out so freaking painful. No OTC pain medicine worked. Peeing was extremely painful. No running nose, fever or sore throat. I have had the flu long time ago and these pains were much more painful. With the flu symptoms came all at once. I felt with the outbreak symptoms came in stages. Started with, next day came this pain, following day this. I didn't start taking the valtrex till 4th day within 24 hours I felt significantly better. I also had hard time releasing urine so many days into the outbreak. My outbreak was about 4 bumps on my clit only. When I compared my symptoms to what I read online, online seem to be a good guide/time line. But everyone is different.


    Sometimes our minds get the best of us try to relax and only think positive hopeful thoughts.

    Best wishes

  2. @smilesfordani Good luck on disclosing. My concern is if he stopped communication with the first girl why is he meeting with the summer time (2nd) girl? Beware what he claims to be 100% honesty is actually manipulating you. One thinking he is being honest, two he is a wanted man, making you want him more. From my experience men who are insecure place this game and possibly players. So my advise would be let him earn the trust of your disclosure first.


    I'm not trying to burst your bubble but a true gentleman might tell about cutting ties with a girl but not mtg another or a girl.

  3. Probably nothing more than a clogged duct. Few years back after sex with a condom a bump appeared. It would go away then reappear, come to a head which I would squeeze and bump go away. Finally I went to Gyno, who confirmed the duct got damaged and became clogged. He cut it opened, squeezed all the stuff out and it never appeared again. He suggested I wash once a week with anti bacterial soap below once a week.

  4. Easy because people are ignorant of herpes plus lack of self care of going to doctor to see what is causing the returning rash.


    There are some countries were close to 90% of the population has it. Since that the case is it still an epidemic or just a way of life like cold sores seem to be in the U.S? The cdc doesn't not see it as life threatening. So in my opinion "epidemic" seems very harsh.


    It is very hard for people to admit any kind of problems down below never mind having hsv. Genitial area has always been known as the sacred area. Performing has defined masculinity. sex may be more open and casual these days but the old fashion values surrounding it dictates all.

  5. Ok I'm gonna put myself out here and stir the pot. Since I was diagnosed there has been times were I haven't disclosed. For mentioned reasons and others. Some might not agree but I did what was best for me at the time while not lessening precautions.


    Amazes me how I am suppose to trust enough to disclose to the guy on the first, second, third, etc date who is eagerly trying to get down my pants and not once do they take the minute to ask about stds or even come prepared with a condom or even care if they use a condom when they don't even know their status having never been checked. Just going off, no symptoms I'm clean philosophy. And since I know my status I'm suppose to solely take on the full responsibility? I am already taking on part of the responsibility by taking valtrex and providing condoms.


    Yesterday I was on a date and my date says, I have no stds, don't want any, I am a germ fobia. In my mind I'm thinking well good bye to you. Hours later thinking of the it I thought, well I said the same thing too pre herpes. No one never wants an std. We don't set out to contract nor do we deserve it. It's all a matter of bad luck. I used condoms and still contracted it.


    One guy I dated didn't want to use condoms and said he was clean. Thought I was wrong for wanting to use. Boy I couldn't slap that condom fast enough. But yet if he got something I am to blame.


    people are so quick to blame others for their misfortunate. We get the flu and blame the nearest coworker for sneezing on us. We get herpes and blame the last physical contact because we didn't stop in the moment to take precaution to protect our selves the way we want to be protected. So why blame other Person? It's our health and body therefore our responsibility.


    I don't care if people don't agree with my past decisions. its all personal preference. One thing herpes has taught me was not to trust when someone says they are clean. When someone says it now to me my response always is, they all say that. Dicks are dirty. Lol.


    When two consenting adults have sex, protective or not things will happen. If you don't want to accept any of the responsibilities don't play adult games. Takes two to tango.

  6. @littlebitlost I had the same issue before my primary herpes ob. If you are sleeping with someone have them treated as they can be giving it back to you. Remember all dicks are dirty. For a year and half I had constant bv infections, we broke up and the infections stopped. Imagine that! So have him wear condom. Replenish makes a great probotic plus their insert to balance ph. Sometimes doing too mu h can throw things off as well. Dont allow a finger touch you below with out washing first and no back door to front door play.

  7. @wcdancer. Your comment regarding needing to be educated. Some of these men. (I say men because of my experience only being w men) really believe their education is right and we are the misinformed ones. What they always heard is set in stone and can not be changed. What happened to me. Guess it just means they are pig-headed. As a wise lady told me (meaning you) rather be right than happy. Since you have told me this, I said it to a few men and they didnt understand what that meant. Lol. Guess they have to be right to be happy then? Lol

  8. The fact you are on here reaching out and addressing your suicidal concerns pretty much says you are not going to act. The part of you when having an outbreak doesnt want to deal with the outbreaks and sees no other way. As if you exhausted all other options and it has beat you.


    I never understood how people could commit suicide untill I was in your shoes for herpes and other reasons. Always afraid of death, I found my fear faded as I felt the world against me, surrounded by all the grief I was enduring at the time. What is the purpose in having a desire to live or will anyone actually miss me, I thought. I saw no out and when I hit my lowest I knew I needed help, either by driving myself to hospital or make calls for counceling in the morning. The next day I made calls. Shortly later I got on medicine which was a life saver. Wasnt always up hill but I stuck with it. It brings me back to the first paragraph for you.


    Empower. What empowers you when it comes to yourself and health? For most it is taking charge and how do we do this? Educating ourselves, doing activities which will give us a postive outcome. Exercise, eating right, sleeping, church, therapy, setting S.M.A.R.T goals and basically be kind to others and ourselves. Like yourself and before you know it the love of life will shine.


    Let me ask you this, do you think if your outbreaks were to stop would you feel the same? Anything else going on for which makes you unhappy?



  9. Oh I can relate to the pee problem. Not just the pain but not being able to go. I had to massage my bladder to release the pee. Last for couple days. Then when I would pee it came out in small slow flowing stream for many days later. Didn't hurt though. Try ibrophen for the swelling or apply cold pack. Which will help tremendously. First ob is the worse. Personally I thought my first ob was worse than childbirth and I had 3 kids vaginally. Unless I was on good drugs.


    We want to trust doctors but they just don't have all the answers.


    Wishing you a speedy recovery.

  10. How far prior to your blood test did you have relations with her? Her reaction could be of couple things, either she already knows or she doesn't want to know. My guy was same way. He freaked when I told him but never got tested. When I was tested 30days after first outbreak my blood work came back positive hsv2 value of 5. So I had it for awhile. When I mentioned to doctors, neurologist, therapist, etc they all had the same comment, he knew he had it. I was with the guy for shy of 4 years, however I did sleep with couple other people as we weren't committed. So who know where it came from. All you and I can do is not worry about them. They own the problem, getting testing and knowing for sure.


    I would think shingles has different antibodies than hsv2 or say hsv1. After all those 2 are different. At this point, put your mind to rest and start acçepting and adjusting to having hsv2.


    Welcome to class, take a seat, as we ride the journey together.

  11. Love Adrial's comment.


    What we see in ourselves and what others see is so different. We are our worse critics. Herpes doesnt define us, only if we allow it to it will. Sexiness comes from within and radiates through our personality, smile, laugh, way one carry themselves and how others are treated. A man is not sexy until he is a gentlman and a woman is not sexy untill she acts like a lady. Herpes is minutiae to all this.


    Walk like you own it, smiling, and you will be amazed what comes your way! Give it a try.

  12. During my primary outbreak, my left leg would slow twitch or spasm from butt all way down to ankle as I laid on the couch at night. Eleven months later and only experienced one other time, tonight I'm sitting here and it is doing it again. I believe this is herpes related. So my question is, does this mean I am shedding? I am on daily med. not always consistent on the time of day I take it. Has this happened to anyone else?

  13. The burning and sore nipples were several years prior to herpes. After mammogram and breast ultersound didnt show anything the dr said vitamin E in large dose. Which I did. It eventally calmed down. Hormones were to blame. If I remember right my ex sister in law had the same issue when she was the same age.


    Dont stop running. Perhaps try treadmill since it provides a cushion. Do intervals so your body has breaks. Run walk run walk. Always ways to modify workout routines.

  14. Good points. I too was paranoid of STDs prior to herpes. Thought the condom would protect me. But we know how that goes. Never had anyone disclose any type of problem below. Now ten months post DX, I'm a little more open to casual sex. (Not that I was ms pris) Maybe my thinking is well I already have it, condom protect against other stds. Even though I attended life style parties before (no intercourse) im finding myself gravitating towards the lifestyle now. People get tested every few months. Where as people who arent in it, rarely do. No symptoms, im clean thinking. My swing partner knows and we talk about herpes. He is H-. For me, even though the option is there, its not about multiple but more of the connection (friendship) for continous play (which doesn't have to be inter coarse) w same person. Also like how no one judges, being able express desire, being open, being sexy and lots of laughs. Maybe its a phase im going through. Lol of coarse having intimacy and great love making with a significant other is more intense, has meaning and leaving no comparison.


    Basically comes down to comfort zone, inner values and honesty if casual sex is right for someone.

  15. Oh the human body is a magucal mystery machine. Amazing what drops, changes and sprouts. Lol when I was in my late thirties my nipples were on fire for longest time, suffered acne and suddlenly developed sensitivity to certain foods. like citrus acid, soy protein and almonds. Hormones were to blame. In your case you body is still adjusting from giving birth simultaneously. Peri menapause can expand over ten years.


    Lifestyle can control symptoms. Exercising daily with weights and doing cardio, eating healthy (lots of greens and salmon) cut back on carbs and dont consume extra soy. People jumped on the soy bandwagon not realizing it mimics estrogen. When consumed in abundance your body will stop producing estrogen i.e. Early menapause. Also causing mid waist tire. Spot where body stores the estrogen. For men, they will start to develop man boobs. No lie. Vitamins, zinc, calcium, vitamin c. You will discover what works best for you. Check thyroid is always good too.


    For me the hormones seem to settle down around 44_45. I turned 47 in June and starting to notice small changes. Curly hair going straight. (Not a happy camper about it). Hormonal lil pimples around mouth. But still menstruating monthly which keeps me young. Lol.


    Far as herpes, oil of oregano taken daily suppose to help. Basically keeping your body in check. Stress is huge. Im sure w a toddler you are going crazy. Lower expectations. Super mom is not mandatory only a happy mom is.


    Sometimes herpes can make the clit area very sensitive. Leaving it red, etc.






  16. Think of it as any other medicine needed, anti depressant, blood pressure, birth control, etc. Sometimes our bodies need a little help. Just like when we have strep throat, antibiotic is needed. If we all were super human no one would have any illnesses little alone herpes.


    Hopefully valtrex will help you. There are other anti virals if valtrex doesnt agree. But give it sometime. During my first outbreak my crotch wasnt the only thing in pain, literely my hole body was for many days. Soon as I started valtrex (wasnt till 5_6 days into ob) I felt some relief and continued to improve everyday.


    Think positive. Baby steps win the race.

  17. Dont suffer any more, take the valtrex. Not only will help with the outbreaks but you mentally and as we all know herpes thrive when we are stressed. Being in a better place mentally your stress and worries will decrease. Diet, hormones, some say birth control pills are also triggers.


    Talk to your doctor on the dosage amount either 1000 or 500mg. Usually 500 is for daily suppressant and for outbreaks 1000 is advised.


    This is only temporary and will pass soon. I know you are frustrated, so why not try the valtrex. At this point and can only help.


    When things are tough it is easy to beat yourself up. Believe your doings had nothing to do with contracting herpes. It's all comes down to dealt a bad hand. Be kind to yourself. Things will start looking more positive.

  18. Yes. Not uncommon for herpes to lay dorment then under the right condition make its debut. It happened to me. Took me falling straight back, whacking head in tile floor, plus stress if loosing my mom. Bam.


    Did you have your first outbreak 8 months ago then no ob till now? Or you were diagnosed thru blood test w no outbreak?


    Stress is a trigger, illness, surgery, some say diet.

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