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Posts posted by StillMeButWiser

  1. Has anyone experienced a difference in their hair texture since taking valtrex? I been taking valtrex since April And noticed my natural curly hair is going straight. Is this possible? Couple people believe it's more of a "change" thing because I turned 47 in June. i still menstruate and don't believe it.

  2. Im gonna play devil's advocate here as I was in a shitty marriage and didnt trust him. (He abuser)If this was me, no I wouldn't tell my husband about herpes. Whats the point, he already has it. Doing so would cause more bad vibes. I got herpes after I was divorced, figures. But during my marriage I was being treated for depression. Never told him because he had the tendacy to through stuff back in my face and I just wanted peace. He too confussed to affairs years later. His reason for confession, "oh I couldnt live with myself any longer". His confession really hurt. I temporarily moved out. I wish he had kept them to himself and suffer with his own consciousness instead of taking me down so he could feel like a better person. With that being said, deep down you know what to do. Either end the affair if the herpes dont do it, work on the mariage or file for divorce. Certainly tell current sex partner bout herpes. If you ever get divorce encourage husband to get std tested. So he finds out bout herpes.

  3. Sounds like it is unrelated to herpes. Dont freak out. Yes it is scary seeing blood in your stool. Usually hemmroids or inflamed colon. Such as ulcerative colitis, crohens, etc. Go to a gastrologist. Are you bloated or does your lower abdomen look big? Usually other signs. I have ulcerative colitis for 8 years now. It is chronic and flares are controlled with medicine. Like herpes. Stress is a trigger for colitus. Take a deep breath and relax. Just go get it checked out instead of torturing yourself and before things get worse. Best wishes

  4. Most say to take 500mg twice daily. So your body has a steady dose of antivirals. I believe being prescribed 1000 mg is good. Cost effective when cut in half. Won't run short if doubled up when outbreak or a trigger. Your surgery might trigger an on, so might want to double up. Im horrible at taking the dose 12 hours apart. Either forget, too far apart or too close. You will know what's best for your body.

  5. There are several components being lumped together here. I was and still struggle w suicidal thoughts occasionally. I too was in an abusive relationship and still have to deal with him because of our kids. Is your therapist trained in domestic volience? Many are not. Call your state or local battered women's services. Seek counseling, usually it is all ladies group. I took thier services for two years. It was wonderful, learned so much. Still see your therapist. Please know you are not to blame yourself. Abusers are manipulators. All part of controlling us. Once this blame is released so is the unknowing lingering control he has over you.


    Now the suicide part. The fact you are here, seeking out help, questioning your actions says the part of you which sees this as an option does not want to deal tramatic stress. Perhaps any longer and sees death as the only option to make it end. Craving peace. Do you have thoughts on how you actually would want to expire? Do you have any fear of death? Do you have any reasons to live? (Questions to ask yourself) We all can sit here and tell you why you shouldn't and don't do it. But the real tools very specific questions as to what is triggering the thoughts. This would be done between and your therapist. Finding triggers, specific solutions, distractions, coarse of action to keep you safe. If it was to drive your car into on coming traffic and you were driving down the road and bad thoughts overcame you. The coarse of action would be to pull over, and pull out one of the tools discussed with your therapist. Calling someone, imagining a stop sign, self talk, etc. once the other components are addressed the suicidal piece gradually fades.


    On to Harry herp. Maybe get tested so you know for sure what type. Will ease the mind and can research. Possibly take antivirals if doing so will give you peace regarding less transmitting.


    Once you stop being so hard on yourself and start loving yourself, your confidence will return and Harry herp will move to the back seat. No rule says you have to have or rush into sex. Slowly meet people allowing yourself to have some fun. (Great conversation, dance, bowling, any activity) After I was diagnosed, I realized I was shutting everything out of my life. Hated men, didn't trust, wouldn't allow myself to have fun, didn't go out anymore, stopped enjoying a cold beer once in awhile. All because I was afraid of possibly letting my Dirty Harry herp secret out. Harry totally changed me. One day a wise lady said to me there is a difference between carefree and careless. More I thought about it, the more hit me; Laughing, smiling, platonically interacting with people (possibly carefree manor or not) are positively contagious. Executing no harm. So why deprive myself of all the things which made me feel alive. Slowly I started to feel alive, even allowing myself to show interest in men. Had my first disclosure to an intimate partner. Guess what? He didn't reject me.


    Break each component down, work on them simultaneously or chronologically which ever is best for you. Go ahead and lean on friends. They want to help even if it's just listening. This site was the best place to start. Journal, writing your thoughts will clean the mind. Positive thinking and distraction. Expect good and bad days. Before you know it there will be more good than bad.


    Please forgive my bluntness.

  6. Mine is pretty similar to you danaaaaaasaur. Main and hopefully only spot to appear so far is the very beginning of the labia, clit area. I often wonder about transmission too since condoms don't cover. Also wonder the opposite, is this why I got it because it wasn't covered. Female condoms would cover it but personally haven't tried them. My clit is sensitive, can be irritated easily, I.e., rough sex or friction. But I am glad, knock on wood, it stays there or not my vaginia. If I know I'm gonna have sex or after sex I double up on antivirals.

  7. If they are that mean it could be considered bullying or harassment. These days schools do get involved when it is on social media. So will the authorities. Which at this point may not be a bad idea. Sometimes when an authority figure with power intimidates/ tells the child to "knock it off" more than likely they will. School officials and authorities will not release children's names to the other party's. Privacy act. So it might be worth looking into. Think of it as putting out the fire. Even bashing a child in school, the school officials will get involved. They see it has bullying/harassing.

  8. As moms we always worry no matter how big or small the situation. I suggest possibly joint counseling at least. Maybe she will feel more comfortable. In the state I live there is a hotline for teen counseling. The organization is called perform care. They come to your house. It's not a DYFS type thing at all. Tell her to take one day at a time. I recently disclosed to a gentleman. My first disclosure with guy, potential boyfriend. He was totally cool with it and was impressed I told him. He stated he could see I did the research and trusted me. He actually wants a relationship with me. So in your daughter case, they are all young. As maturity comes so will acceptance with partners. It's not the end of the world. Soon herpes will take a back seat.

  9. @luna1088 Perhaps you can call speak to the nurse or dr to get the results instead of waiting till september. They really shouldn't expect you to wait that long. The stress of waiting, worrying is really affecting you. Hair loss is definite sign. Tell the doctors office what the stress of waiting is doing to you. Demand it girl. In my gyno experiences the only doctor who wanted me to come in for the results wanted to bill the insurance for the visit. Especially if they are a one man operation.


    Another option, if you know what lab they or you used, you can go onto that lab's website to get your results. Lab Corp is a perfect example. The doctor who kept having me come back in wouldn't release my paps test results because I called him out on his doings. So I had to call lab corp to have them fax the results to my new gyno. They faxed because it takes 3 days after the results are in to be posted on the site.


    Far as distraction from anxiety, you need to occupy your mind. I suffer from panic/anxiety attacks which have lasted for several hours. I found that food shopping (mind stimulating activity) helped tremendiously because I had to concentrate on what I was doing. One would think the gym or something similiar. As a gym goer, I found it didn't distracted my mind. While on the treadmill I would still cry even doing weights no matter how intense. Funny writing this is is distracting my mind from the anxiety attack I was having from a decision forced upon me yesterday. So thank you for helping me.


    Good luck. Every problem has a solution.

  10. To me hearing the word, warts seem harsh. A cauliflower ugly looking thing flashes through my mind. Just saying. Personally I would use the word HPV as warts do come from HPV and just about everyone has HPV. Unless there are symptoms there is no test for men. I never had a guy tell me he had HPV never mind any issues down there. I had HPV several years ago and didn't disclose it. It did go away. In April I found out I have it again. (After the herpes diagnosis). I don't plan on disclosing as herpes is big enough to cover both. But this is me and some might not agree. The guy is more than likely already a carrier. No way of knowing since no test. Do you plan on disclosing both at the same time or just one then the other later?

  11. If they are a germ fobia type person, more than likely wont be accepting. Listen carefully to what they say and read in between the lines. Could also ask about their dating experience. My ex told me of a girl he dated and when it got time to be intimate, she told him. He rejected her. He did the samething to me 4 years later when I had my first ob. Casually talk about protection and refer to articles or people who you know as examples. See their reactions.

  12. When I had the urine retemtion problem, I would massage my bladder pushing in kinda strong and tried to relax as much as possible. Keep drinking water, dont go more than 5 hrs without trying. Mine subsided in couple days. However the week or days following my urine stream was slow/weak. This to subsided. Far as the tail bone pain. If it doesnt lesson check into a steriod shot. I had terrible tail bone pain after giving birth. The orthopedic did a cortisone shot. Worked both times. Sitting on a donut or one of the airplane neck pillows backwards help tremendously.

  13. Bravo to you mom for having open communication. As a mom of 17 yo daughter I can see where you are coming from. The best way to conquer the talks and bullying is to own up to it. "Yea, I have herpes, nothing more than a skin condition and this too can happen to you". "When Johnny kisses you with that cold sore this can happen." Type stuff. Peers will start to see her "weakness" isn't taking her down but making her grow stronger. Perhaps she can speak during health/sex Ed class. Personally, I know kids don't want to see a therapist but I would push her to see one. One she feels comfortable with and gives her tools. A good therapist acknowledges reason for counseling, sets goals and put a plan in play. Casual talk sessions does nothing. Best wishes...

  14. I agree with you ladies. A strong part of me feels my giver knew and will never admit it.


    In an ideal world, we all want disease free in our partners and in us. Unfortunately things can't be perfect. Not like we asked for this, nor do we deserve it. Just like we don't deserve to be critize and out cast by anyone. Takes courage to disclose. Showing respect to the reciepent.

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