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  1. Oh good. Talking to someone will defiantly make you feel better. :*
  2. So first thing I noticed was your on birth control pills? When I got off of birth control or wasn't consistent... I was an emotional wreck! I would cry for no reason. I stopped taking the pills and in 3 months all my crazy emotions went away. And second your dealing with your new diagnosis...no wonder you feel so emotional. You should talk to a doctor about how your feeling. Maybe consider continuing your birth control until you've emotionally accepted everything and then talk to someone about getting off of it or onto a new one. I had a friend who had extreme depression after getting off her BC and that shit is real. Of course she is fine but it was scary.
  3. I'm sorry to hear this. I agree with @Damnhim, great name btw lol. The best revenge is finding happiness. My ex knew he had hpv but denies the herpes to this day! His response to me was and I quote, "so your not perfect for once"....nice right? My revenge then was to be happy in spite of him, get married in spite of him, have a family in spite of him. And it's not that I'm vengeful, it just helps keep me going cuz I deserve those things. There are so many shitty people out there that have attitudes like this and take no pride in doing what's right by others. But then you look at how many people are on this siteand you have to wonder, how many good responsible people do exist with this virus and want to keep their partners safe. It totally sucks and it totally makes dating more challenging but it has to be worth it or the lifetime movie on legs you dated gets the best of you. And you owe the best of you to somebody, we all do :)
  4. When I was diagnosed I cried for 4 days and drank like a fish as well. How your feeling is normal. But after about a week you start to see that little light in the tunnel. Your life is not over and your dating life is not over. So many people are going through the same feelings you are and they are valid feelings. I hope this helps.
  5. I have very mild OB that don't hurt. They just feel like moderate razor burn. I'm only on my second OB and started my valtrex a little later than I should of but its working. I'm frusterated that I didn't recognize any symptoms coming on. No tingling, no pain, no itching. I feel like the only thing I have control of is my diet and eating as clean as possible. I'm afraid I'll never get in tune with my body which I know is a bit irrational. Has anyone else experienced this? My OBs aren't like anything I've heard or read about. Any twitch or itch sends me over the edge, do I take the pills or am I so paranoid that I'll be wasting them? I feel like a crazy germaphobe. I even wash my hands in the shower with no systems cuz I'm afraid of spreading it on my body. Is this normal or have I gone to the dark side?
  6. He disclosed the HPV when he was basically cornered. Then February was when the herpes came into play. I got a swab but no blood test. My only concern is that the doctors office said, oh its in the genitals so it's HSV 2. I'm not sure if that's a legit test or a guess on their end. The doctor wasn't very informative. I know that either can be down there so I'm going to find a STD specialist and get blood tests if needed or other treatment and info through them. Thanks!
  7. I just found out I had hsv 2 about two weeks ago. My emotions go from sad to blood boiling to calming myself down. I believe stress cause wrinkles lol. I feeling like I'm going crazy! My ex lied to me and said he was clean so you can imagine my shock when the doctor told me I had hpv...to which my bf finally coughed it up that he had it. That was January, the beginning of February I had a horrible uti and yeast infection, which I've never had. I thought the antibiotics gave me a fever and body aches which was an actual side effect. After a month of Broke Down Palace I shaved and had what looked like bad razor burn. Cleared up by the time I saw the doctor so she said I was fine. Broke up with my bf in the mean time. Few weeks ago I had my first real outbreak after shaving again. I cried uncontrollably for a total of 4 days. I told my ex to stop contacting me for now because I'm so emotional and my anger gets directed at him. I have no proof it was him but looking back on our sex life he would deny me for a good two weeks every once in a while. I asked him why he insisted on no condoms if he at least knew he had hpv...and he said, because I wanted you and it's not a big deal. I had a good four letter word for him. I couldn't imagine doing that to someone. My choice was stolen and I don't know how to get over it without wanting to slap the shit out of him.
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