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Everything posted by beBravebeBOLD

  1. Your 500 capsules will work and yes since they are lower doses you’ll be taking a lot of them. I switch over to Vitamin C crystals which is pharma grade and one teaspoon= about 2500mg! So that’ll save you from have to take tons of pills. I add a teaspoons to my water 5x a day (taste like lemon water). I try and boost my C level every 2-3 hours. And this is important as well for the topical Vit C method because you’ll have high levels of C in your blood and topically to saturate the lesion. Im a fan of the tea tree and coconut oil. It does soothe but I get paranoid to leave it over night because I want the skin to be dry as possible not moisturized by coconut oil. I’ve tried a few topicals. I’m into my zinc, vitc, lysine compounds not because they are straight to it. I use different combinations as well to see what’s best
  2. Okay. So it’s time to put your big girl panties on and just see how the cards fall. You and your partner are two aware adults who have decided to have sex in a more risky fashion so you rolled the dice and the odds will be what they are. The most noted thing about transmission rates is that it’s ALWAYS a chance. If it was so hard to give away this forum wouldn’t exist. With that being said though, it doesn’t seem like he’s exhibiting anything but nausea? That’s not a definitive herpes symptom. Now had you sad he had a fever, swollen lymph’s, sharp pains in the groin area or even itchy ness I’d say be hyper alert. But nausea he can take some pepto. Only time will tell if you transimitted or not and since you guys decided on the care free path just stick to it. Don’t worry yourself sick about something you already KNEW. If it appears you guys will deal with it together if it doesn’t you guys will continue to take the risk to make it possible so why all the anguish (unless now you guys are going to start using protection). Just wait it out and continue your antivirals as you’ve been doing. It will all be okay
  3. Ohh that’s good no actual skin breakage! That’s hopeful. Do you know if you have hsv1 or hsv2? If it’s hsv-1 your to expect way milder symptoms. And also your transmission to a male partners genetials are very lowas long as you take precaution. Oh but his mouth is more susceptible to hsv-1 so keep oral to a limit if you feel itchy. Otherbhan that I too hope your bug stays dormant.
  4. That feeling that it’s getting better then it’s not is a real mind f***! I can relate with that feeling so much. I’ve literally told my doctor I feel like my virus is healing then not in a 24hourbcycle. Anyways just keep trying and I’m sending good energy your way for the vitamin C and lysine to help. Another thing I do is topical applications. My naturopath doctor swears by this because he says you have to hit it at both ends. This is what I do(this is not for the weak) crush up l-lysine pill, vitamin C, and zinc. Add couple of drops to turn into a paste and use that as a topical. Now this is no fun task but it’s been working for me. To cut some of the sting down add baking soda (this causes it to fizz)
  5. Hey. Well from my experience the first one was horrific!! It came with the with the swollen lymnodes ulcer like lesion and I couldnt walk for 3 days. After that though it was amazing I healed and never had another full on outbreak again for 10 years. Within the 10 years I could recall maybe occasional itchiness but nothing major at all.. I do have hsv-1 genitally so it’s behavior is less mild than that of Hsv2. My friends who had more troublesome bugs. Would usually say period time they’d have itchness to lesions everyone varies on degree of symptoms. I also know ppl who get rashes but never actual lesions. My virus has changed since then and I’m managing. But you just give your body time to naturally fight for you and you’ll know how you’ll need to proceed. Mare you responsive to antivirals?
  6. Hey lady! im sorry to hear that your in so much pain. Pleas know you are not alone and the first one really is the worst. And that’s from my experience after 16 years. This virus is different for everyone but hopefully after your body does start to fight and gain control you’ll be able to keep it at bay. Hang in there though. You will get through this. For me the best natural remedies are high doses of vitamin C. And 1000-2000mg of lysine. Take the vitamin C in as high a dose you can manage. take as much before you lose your bowels (upset stomach is normal with vitamin C. My doctor says that’s the point that your body can handle) I usually do 10,000 mgs a day. 3-4 times a day.. your body flushes vitamin C so in order to keep it elevated in your system you have to take it more than once (just like you’d use a presicidbed medication). The lysine I take is by pure encapsulations (pharma grade) But you can find it at any vitamin shop. Also, an ice pack helps down there. It cools the area and makes the environment not fun for H. Okay I hope this helps. Hang in there!!
  7. Thanks for your response. And I hope yours goes back to the nice version as well. I remember when my virus was nice and I spent so much time still worrying and hating myself and had I only known how good I had it then I’d shut up and count my blessings. This last year have you tried anything other than valtrex? I’ve had the most of my healing success with high doses of vitamin C, lysine, coconut oil (pill version) and olive leaf extract. If you could try some vitamin C that could help and any vitamin C works even the Walmart brand. I use vitamin C crystals (pharma grade from sprouts) because I’m tired of pills. Also, The medical community is such crap in this fight against the virus smh... my naturopathic doctor has at least been exploring every option we can find. I’m happy we have this. I have felt so alone for the last 5 years. Not being able to say these things you know to anyone and having all this to myself and thinking how this freak situation happened only to me. I’m going to start up another round of my ozone treatments and hope to get ahead of this again.
  8. Hey all. So I’ve been on this site for a few and I’ve responded never posted but today I’m really down and need a friend. To start I’ve have H for 16 years now so this is not a new thing but the dynamic of my virus changed and ever since I’ve been desperate for an actual course of treatment that can help me and provide any kind of real relief. For the first 10 years with my virus it was picture perfect. Had my initial out break and then never so much as a rash. Then at year 11 (during this time there was a noted major life event where my hormones/stress/life were out of control) I’ve had constant outbreaks for 5 years. 1-2 years I went to dr after dr with no help because dr are clueless to the virus and can only provide rudimentary information that I can regurgitate in my sleep at this point. I took up to 3g of valtrex a day during this period with no relief and I was so beyond done with doctors and them not knowing anything other than what I could webMD MYSELF. Year 3 I was fed up and thought I could just not over think it and meditate and eat super healthy and workout and nope still constant outbreaks. At Year 4 I started all natural remedies with a fury so I tried it all, vitC, St. John wart, olive leaf, vit d, vitB complexes, flavonoids, lysine, coconut oil, matcha teas, garlic, apple cider vinegar, bht and the list goes on. Year four brought me better results then anything but still no resolution. This years I’ve sought out a np(natural practitioner) and we’ve been doing ozone therapy. These therapies gave me hope and after 4 months of weekly treatments I got up to 90% of healed. I was estatic and thought I was going to be able to possibly have a love life again or Really at this point just not be in pain when I urinate. The ozone treatments are 175 a visit so this has Drained me and requires a lot of money. Insurance considers ozone experimental so they won’t help with any of the expense. So Last Sunday , everything changed. I woke up and I felt a sharp pain on my left labail crease. I took a extra dose of everything that day and tried not to overthink or get upset. The next day there was a cut and now full out outbreak like the first one I ever had!!!!!. I’m so sad and distraught 😩.. I’m fed up with this virus and I’m so sad that my life has to be so lonely. I try and fight this thing and have hope but I’m scared to death that I’m never going to be lesion free. I’ve found several reports of people with long term H Turing into this unstoppable thing but these cases aren’t being reported correctly by physicians hence the need for more research and help for this very vicious virus isn’t being devoleopled. Many people suffer from constant outbreaks and there’s just no help.
  9. Hey Ella! I’m sorry you had this for so long and haven’t had anyone to talk to. I certainly know the feeling of loneliness and isolation because of this and this website has helped. The stigma the virus comes with far exceeds the issues it present. But maybe spend time here gathering strength and knowledge and a sense of community so you can heal with people who understand and in time you’ll be able to address your partner with facts and knowledge if and when he wants it. Other than that I must say even though your partner isn’t a good communicator he’s still there and isn’t making you feel like a freak for having this. I mean I can understand wanting to speak about it and have an open dialogue but in a sense be happy that you have a man that’s not making you feel like a walking disease because I’ve had that scenario
  10. Hey Gina! I just want to chime in with some thoughts and maybe we can both explore how to let go of frustration from this situation. I’ll start by saying I know exactly who gave me H (the person I lost my virginity to!!) and even though I knew who gave it to me the feelings of frustration, sadness and hurt were still there. Knowing where it came from seems like it’d provided some sort of understanding or feeling of comfort but I think it’s really just a mind game to want to have some sort of control over the virus? Or maybe feel like you could put a face to the virus. but knowing my guy doesn’t make having it any better nor does it provide any answer to outbreaks or anything beneficial to me at this point. The deed is done and that can’t be changed so I just feel like knowing isn’t going to make it better
  11. Hey I’m happy my words helped and your approach and just talking helped me a lot. It’s sooo many people with this diagnosis but it always seems like such a lonely isolated punishment so this exchange helped me to know I’m not alone...
  12. Right I for sure didn’t sign up for it! And I got it from the person I lost my virginity too :(. And please let him know HIS virus is HSV-1 and it’s causes cold sores on the mouth and can be passed to the genitials. I have HSV-1 on my vagina so yes sir it sis EXACTLY the same and I’ll send you my result to prove it. Also, you told very soon. Where did you get the courage for that? I usually wait a while longer to make sure I even like the guy before I’d dare give any that info. But I actually admire your approach. Mine perhaps is out of fear but you have the right idea! Tell soon and you’ll save yourself a lot of grief. I also think this guy is cool for being up for discussion but maybe after two dates he hasn’t gotten the full view of you anyways. What if you tell him you two should just continue dating as true and honest friends to see if there is something there anyways. You may not end up wanting to be with this guy or he may warm up to the idea and understanding that 3% is a risk YOUR ARE WORTH. But also keep your worth and value in check because if he never warms to it HE isn’t the ONE for you anyways! This is a part of us now so it’s love ALL of me or... I’ll meet the person that will!!
  13. Also, you should be concerned with him having HSV1 because that can also be transmitted to you vaginally and you’d have hsv1 down there as well. Ppl think oral hsv is innocent, but it is not (I have hsv 1 genitally because of that) So in a sense tell him you’d be getting tested the next day as well. He’s the pot calling the kettle black
  14. Hello, I’m really new at responding to people on here but your message resonates with me like no other. I always have a fear of giving my gift away so I’d rather pull away or push someone away. When ppl make statements like “I don’t want it” or “I’ll be getting tested” it makes me not even want to ever have to put them through that or me for that matter because I’d dread their results. With that being said maybe letting the guy know that you understand his stance but NO ONE SIGNED up for this so if this isn’t a forever thing and full acceptance thing where the risk is outweighed by the love and great life you want to build with us (H carriers) then leave. If a person is saying I don’t want it to happen and IF it happens those are words that mean I would never be comfortable engaging in sex because I’d be thinking what if.. if I date an H negative person I’d need that person to have 0 reservations and tell me that they are all in because WE are in this together and a skin condition won’t keep him away..
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